Just BS Code of Ethics
Just BS is a free community that anyone is welcome to join and participate in the discussions and debates. You can be yourself and express your views in any manner as long as you remain respectful of other members. We realize that due to the nature of the topics discussed on Just BS some threads can turn into heated debates. Before you reply to such a topic review what you're about to post. If you post a response that could open you to an attack by other member(s) be aware that Just BS staff will take your post as well as the response into consideration when deciding what course of action (warning, timeout or outright ban) should be taken. If you come upon any violations of our guidelines you can use the report post feature if you are logged in or use the contact form if you are a guest to report the violations.
Welcome new members:
We all know that joining a new community can be a bit daunting given the diverse personalities of each member. When a new member joins be respectful and welcome them to the community. Remember all of us were new when we joined.
Be respectful:
Don't attack other members. If you disagree with someone challenge them in a respectful and intelligent manner.
Use the ignore feature:
If you feel certain members continually post in threads you participate just to incite or attack you use the ignore feature to block the posts. Staff at Just BS might see something different than what you see and may not take any action after investigation. While you may see a problem, we may see it as a personalty conflict that can not be resolved without removing all members involved. We will only do this if the parties involved refuse to use the ignore feature.
The ignore feature is a not a perfect solution. If text from an ignored person is quoted by a person not on your ignore list it will be visible to you. Until I can fix this bug it is best if you use restraint and common sense when someone quotes a post by someone on your ignore list.
Inappropriate behavior:
Don't use obscene or vulgar remarks to get your point across. This makes you and Just BS look bad. Posts containing obscene or vulgar comments will be removed on sight. Racial slurs will also not be tolerated.
Contacting other members:
You can use the private message system and contact form to communicate with other members. Do not abuse this privilege. Using the PM system and contact form to spam members will result in an outright ban from Just BS.
If someone attacks, flames or threatens you via the PM system forward the PM to staff so we can review it and take appropriate actions. Do not post the contents of the PM in any forum.
Just BS has a zero tolerance policy when it comes to spam post. However, Just BS does provide one forum, Spam Zone, that can be used for such activities.
Competing sites:
Just BS has an open door policy. If you own a community in the same niche as Just BS you are more than welcome to join our community. You can link to your site in your signature and post a link to a similar topic on your forum as long as you don't abuse the privilege.
If you are member of another community or if you are banned or had a problem with members at other sites do not come to Just BS and bring your problems with you.
When you become a member of Just BS you have a clean slate so whatever you might have done at other sites does not matter. What does matter is that you conduct yourself in accordance with our policies.
Since many of us belong to multiple communities there is the possibility that someone you had problems with on other sites might also be a member here. If you feel there might be a problem interacting within threads that this person is also posting in then it is best that you read these guidelines, specifically, the section dealing with using the ignore feature.
If you feel you have been wrongly banned or mistreated by staff at another site do not come here and post a thread about it. The staff members at those sites or their friends might be members here and we don't want the disagreement to carry over to here. Any such threads or posts will be immediately closed and you will be warned.
If you do the same thing a second time you will be banned. Conversely, if you are a member at another site and you join Just BS just to rebut what was posted against you or your site you will be removed without warning. It does no good to have members join for this reason and then never be seen again.
In short don't bring your dirty laundry to Just BS.
The infraction system:
We have a system in place for staff to warn members that violate these guidelines. The infractions will be reviewed and updated on an as needed basis. If you receive a warning you can be sure it was done because you violated these guidelines and not because a member of staff has something against you.
If you feel a member of Just BS staff has unfairly given you a warning you can send a private message to any admin and we will investigate your complaint. We may or may not respond to you giving you the result of the investigation. If we don't respond assume we are not going to.
The staff of Just BS will review every reported post or email complaint on a case by case basis. We may or may not make our decision known as to what course of action we choose to take if any.
Be aware we will look at the flow of the whole thread and not just the reported post. There may be times in which we see the only way to resolve a problem is for the members to use the ignore feature. If this is the case we will advise all parties to use the ignore feature. In such a case if the parties involved refuse to use the ignore feature Just BS staff reserves the right to remove all involved.
These guideline will be updated from time to time. When they are revised we will post an announcement so you can review any changes. It is a good idea to review these every so often in case we fail to post an announcement.
Guidelines update 21 December 2024 1415 EST