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Cloaked last won the day on February 14 2011

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About Cloaked

  • Birthday March 30

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    Tampa, Fl.
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  1. Merged 2 threads into one. While I'm her I have to say she is on fugly ucker.
  2. Got to hand it to the Israelis. They have balls as big as boxcars.
  3. Maybe I'm cold, but, if it wasn't my fault, and what you stated means it wouldn't be my fault, I wouldn't think much about it. When I was in college I was driving home for the weekend. A guy on his motorcycle swerved into my lane. My choice was to put my van in the ditch at 60MPH and endanger my life or hit him. Choice was clear. I slammed on the brake and he hit me head on. I estimate I was doing 50 on impact. He didn't die right away, but, he was in pretty bad shape when I and the car behind him stopped and ran over to him. When the police arrived I gave a statement and filled out the accident report. The 2 witness did the same and in a couple hours I was on my way. I still remember what happened and still remember his name. Other than that life has been normal for me. As a wise man once told me, some things you can control, some things you can't. Stupidity or bad decisions that lead to death land in the things you can't control category.
  4. There ain't no other place like this place so this must be the place. Welcome.
  5. Welcome back MM.
  6. If they chose to, this case could be tried again. If a guilty verdict is overturned on appeal then the person can be tried for the same crime again. In this case they would waste time.
  7. Not to fear snaf I got a few old associates that still have good sites so I can send you enough links to keep you busy.
  8. Phreak and I don't have to get together. This site is our joint venture, but, WPYO was mine alone. I'm out town tommorrow morning for 4 days to close some loose ends. I'll give you a call when I get back.
  9. Give me a break. I offered to work with your server admin to upgrade the site and reload the db from the one used for the transfer. What happened? My login was deactivated. I uploaded the db to my server and gave you a link to downoad it. It was never downloaded. I'll say it again. You want WPYO up and running again? I'll work with Roy to make it happen. Don't come here making it look like I did nothing to help you. I didn't and you know it. All I could do is offer. Before you gutted the site. Which as far as I can tell happened sometime yesterday, my Paypal address was still in the subscription section so any new subscriptions would have still charge to me. I had 16 premium members and all those subscriptions have been canceled by me at PayPal. Explain to me why I got a new subscription a couple weeks after you locked me out of the site. Yes the 16 memberships before I sold the site will recur until I cancel them. But how did I get a new subscriber after you bought the site? I know why. You never removed my email like I asked both you and Roy. The ball is in your court. Want WPYO back up? Have Roy shoot me an email and we'll work out the details.
  10. I am tired of having my name dragged through the mud. This will be a long post so if you don't read I don't care. If you don't read it at least refrain from calling me a liar or thief, neither of which I am. Some of this can be collaborated by a couple members here. This will the first and last post I make on the subject. I sold WPYO to a member of the site. Most of you might have guessed who it was or know who it was by reading new threads at WPYO after the sale. I have never divulged who it was, even after all the bs that is going on now I still haven't and won't since my word is gold. The buyer requested I keep the info confidential and I have and will continue to do so. While I don't know exactly what happened to WPYO I do have a good idea about it. The terms of the agreement were that I turn the site over in the same state it was in on my servers. The buyers tech person and I transfered the data and site files. The site was in 100% working order verified by the buyers tech. For a few days life was normal at WPYO. I logged in everyday as I had while I owned it. One day I noticed that a number of threads were moved into the recycle bin. The forums looked bare to a regular user since the recycle bin was only visible to mods and admins. In the staff forum there was a discussion going on about who used a mods user name and pw to move the threads. One of the newer staff members, after discussion about reorganizing the forums, emptied the recycle bin and piss pot not knowing those 2 forums held all the posts. Poof goes the whole of WPYO. Next went the members. I am not sure what happened. My guess is a selective member prune went terribly wrong. After surveying the damage I read the thread in the staff lounge where the new owner and mods were trying to find out what happened. At that point the only people that had access to the site were me, the new owner and a couple mods. I read the thread. The new owner said the site was hacked. I offered to: A) Upload the last database from the day of the site transfer. At most 100 posts would be gone. I was given a link to a site to upload the db. I couldn't upload it because the site that I was linked to was slow as hell. Instead I uploaded to my server and gave he new owner access to grad it. B) Look through the vbulletin logs and cross reference IP with the IP from the db I uploaded for them. I did look through the admin logs and all deleting of members was done by one admin account. The new owners account. I posted what I found out and since the new owner was playing it off to be a hack I asked for server logs to do an investigation. I was told to email the server admin which I did. C) I also offered to work with the server admin to upgrade vbulletin to the newest version and restore the site as it was after the final transfer. After posting in the thread with the above offer I logged out. When I didn't get a reply from the server admin the next day I tried to log in to WPYO. My login and as far as I could tell account was gone and the message you see at WPYO was all that was there. I emailed the new owner and asked why my log in was deactivated. I was told that he didn't want to take up any of my time since it was decided that a major rebuild would be done. To summarize. A mistake was make by a mod which removed all the threads and posts. The new admin was overwhelmed by the vbulletin admincp and inadvertently deleted all the users except for mods and admins and tried to make it off as a hack to the remaining staff. I offered to investigate and fix the problems and my log in was deactivated. Now the Paypal and subscription problem. I told the new owner and the server admin to change the email address used for the subscriptions. I no longer had access to the site so I couldn't do it. Since my Paypal address is still associated with WPYO any subscription that comes up for renewal is paid to me. I have canceled each subscription and refunded the money as soon I receive email notification from Paypal. At this point I have all subscriptions cancelled and refunded. If I happened to miss you drop me a PM with the email address you used when you signed up for the subscription and I will refund you. If you get a renewal notice, which no one should, simply cancel the subscription at Paypal. I have not tried to defraud any one. It is a problem that the new owner refuses to correct for whatever reason. This will be the last thing I say about this.
  11. Got to love how stupid some people can be.
  12. Howdy Doug and imwithstupid. This will be what WPYO should have been if Phreak ad I have our way.
  13. I missed this. When you login make sure you tick remember me. Otherwise the login will deactivate after 15 minutes.
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