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About TOW

  • Birthday 07/28/1966

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  1. TOW

    Ring that bell

  2. No matter how much you shake it, or how much you dance, the last 3 drops go in your pants.
  3. That would be a bad deal, even more so with the 3 year old. But it's not your fault, i'm sure you did what you could to avoid the accident. My grandfather drove truck his whole life. Going through a town in Cananda a girl was on a bike to big for her, and could'nt stop at the curb. He watched her go under his trailer, and felt the trailer roll up on her, he kept moving knowing stopping on top of her would be bad, when he felt the back axle clear her he stopped and yelled for help (before cell phones). It broke a lot of her bones, but she did survive. He always said that was something that crossed his mind almost everyday.
  4. TOW

    Ring that bell

    Humm it worked when i put it up....i'll look into this.
  5. Then yesterday there was one where a stripper was passing TB. Boy would that suck hanging out just spending a buck or two, and boom be in the hospital with TB. All a guys trying to do is see some bare titties (MM hates that word) and then your on your death bed.:mad:
  6. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21427910/?gt1=10450 The dead thought something was up, so why would he be drawn off into a secluded area?
  7. The strongest survive! And he who laughs last, did'nt get the joke.
  8. http://by115w.bay115.mail.live.com/mail/ReadMessageLight.aspx?Action=ScanAttachment&AllowUnsafeContentOverride=False&AttachmentIndex=0&AttachmentDepth=0&FolderID=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001&InboxSortAscending=False&InboxSortBy=Date&IsMessageSafe=True&MessageCodePage=1252&ReadMessageId=a2bab523-4426-4a6d-a8b3-b36eafed7e44&n=1581378642 This makes me laugh no matter how much i watch. :o
  9. At least Phreakwars claims he sent you a invite, i heard about it through the grape vine. :o
  10. Well hello MM!!! Glad you could grace us with your presents :D
  11. http://www.ketv.com/news/14296345/detail.html Like this guy should he be working in a convenience store, or maybe a school janitor?? After all he does this after work at home, not during work. NOTE* Thanks to Phreakwars for providing this link on another site.
  12. Depends on what job you do. Lets say your at a construction job if your co worker by night is a pimp, S&M or plays with little boys it doesn't matter. But if your a teacher i do feel it's it makes a difference. I guess IMO it's what you do for a living that would decide if your outside life is a issue.
  13. I know if my daughter was prego my wife would be very upset if the fathers mom was helping instead of her. That's sad if this girl is afraid to tell her mom.
  14. Protein salad! Mix of cucumbers, black olives and canned chicken....then add lemon juice and salt to taste.
  15. The pictures and video should be posted so we can judge if there's warrant for a war. We would put it up to a vote. ;)
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