Thanks for the prayers Timesjoke, much appreciated. I did speak to my son last night. I didn't get angry or emotional, just told him how I felt in a calm and reasonable manner.
I said that I could quite understand how it could be thought of as acceptable to use the morning after pill IF you suspect that 'something' might have happened. After all, how many pregnancies fail in the first few days and we never know about it? If the pregnancy never attaches to the lining of the womb then it could never be thought of as a viable life.
I also told him that to leave it until almost 3 months into the pregnancy was, as far as I was concerned, on a par with putting a gun to someone's head and pulling the trigger. I let him know that I found the whole thing deeply upsetting and that should they choose to continue with the pregnancy they would not be alone. I made it VERY clear to him that on NO account should she be made to feel that she HAD to abort to please those around her.........He got my point.