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Feckless Wench

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Feckless Wench last won the day on July 17 2008

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About Feckless Wench

  • Birthday 08/18/1964

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  1. I teach special needs kids on a daily basis, but I certainly wouldn't bother to join a forum that doesn't allow you to look around and see if you like it first. A shame really, we could have shared information and tips.
  2. *hangs head and looks sheepish*
  3. Thanks for the prayers Timesjoke, much appreciated. I did speak to my son last night. I didn't get angry or emotional, just told him how I felt in a calm and reasonable manner. I said that I could quite understand how it could be thought of as acceptable to use the morning after pill IF you suspect that 'something' might have happened. After all, how many pregnancies fail in the first few days and we never know about it? If the pregnancy never attaches to the lining of the womb then it could never be thought of as a viable life. I also told him that to leave it until almost 3 months into the pregnancy was, as far as I was concerned, on a par with putting a gun to someone's head and pulling the trigger. I let him know that I found the whole thing deeply upsetting and that should they choose to continue with the pregnancy they would not be alone. I made it VERY clear to him that on NO account should she be made to feel that she HAD to abort to please those around her.........He got my point.
  4. Yes, but not MY deceit. She is an adult. IF she chooses not to have a relationship with her mother then it is not my place to force the issue. I can only advise her as to what to do, not force her. I have already mentioned the fact that IF she chooses not to share this with her mother then it is a thing that she will have to bear alone for the rest of her life...along with mentioning just how much it is likely to mess with her head at a later date.
  5. Snafu, I wouldn't know her mother if I passed her in the street. However, IF this continues into next week I'll march her to her house myself and MAKE her tell her. I fail to see how I am being deceitful though, it's not my story to tell.
  6. I wish it was EastEnders......I would be picking up the remote DAMN quick!
  7. Eddo, it's finding the line between guidance and swaying their decision. You know me well enough by now to know my views on human life and how repulsed I am feeling at the thought they may well choose to throw this little life away. How DARE they think they have the right to CHOOSE whether another PERSON lives or dies?? THEY made this person with full knowledge of the possible outcome of their 'moment of passion'....Had they had ANY doubts then the morning after pill is freely available. To wait until 11 weeks is inexcusable, I felt my first child moving at 12 weeks! I cannot see HOW I can advise without letting my own opinions get in the way. Half of me wants to say to them for goodness sake HAVE the child and I will bring it up! But that would mean that the life Ad & I have built will change irrevocably.....which is selfishness on my part. I just want to grab the pair of them and slap them silly. I can't sleep, I can't eat and it's breaking my heart to see what they are doing. It's made 100 times worse knowing that my best friend at work is desperate for a child but is so far unlucky. You are right though (as per bloody usual :P )....time for a 'Mom chat'.
  8. He's saying very little, only that he would prefer her not to have the child. I just feel utterly ashamed that MY child could ever value human life so little. I clearly failed in teaching him that lesson.
  9. I AM a school teacher...yet I CHOOSE to go out dressed as I am in the pic in my previous reply. Does that make me less able to do my job? Should I be fired for doing what I do in private (and NEVER in my home town)? At work I am good at my job, good to the point that I get given all the 'problem' kids. I fail to see how what I do in my life OUT of work can affect how I perform AT work. In my opinion, anyone who is fired for their personal choices outside of work has a good reason to sue.
  10. Me? I wear my halo loud and proud.....LMAO! http://justbs.us/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=%257BfileStore.core_Attachment%257D/3/1_thumb.attach&key=037ee29c9a11d1fcf32f06161b9e48ed5477fcf2a67fcd86dafb00b687238f81
  11. Agreed! Time to move forwards.
  12. Eating a Big Mac gives most people the ability to clog toilets without having to be threatening about it..... :D
  13. But considring the fact that we are headed for the season when we all like to dash in our front doors, crank the heating up high and sit in comfortable warmth...we're probably all headed to help it infect as many of us as possible. How likely is it though that the averagely healthy person will contract this disease? I'd be interested to see some projections on that figure.
  14. Should your personal life affect what day job you are 'allowed' to do? In the news today is the story of Julie Windsor, a middle aged retirement home manager. By night, Julie offers BDSM services and has a website advertising her wares. Lately, this has been discovered by the residents of the retirement home, some of whom are disgusted and claiming they cannot trust her. Click here to read the whole story (it's short) Right or wrong? Why should what a person does OUT of work hours have any relevance to what they do IN work hours? Does being a person who enjoys this kind of thing make you any less able to be professional in your day job? Discuss........
  15. ****roach....just testing the filter...LOL! Wienerroach Willyroach Knobroach I'm bored.......can you tell? Aha! So male chickens are filtered? Isn't that sex discrimination? LOL!
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