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Feckless Wench

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Everything posted by Feckless Wench

  1. LMAO!!!! OMG I needed a laugh and that just made me howl!
  2. As I stated earlier Doug, if you want to join, message me here and I'll be only too happy to make you an account.
  3. Yes it's interesting BUT does it apply to all smells that a person dislikes? Perfume for instance; some women pile it on like they're trying to cover up the smell of a thousand sewage plants, I perosnally hate to be choked by that amount of 'scent'. Is it right for me to tell her to move away? Passive farting, or perfume inhaling for that matter ain't gonna kill you (unless you have an allergy)....passive smoking is. But then so will 'passively' walking down any street with vehicles. It's a stupid law, it needs changing to allow people to have indoor places to smoke. All it is doing is forcing people to stay home and smoke all over their kids rather than go out. It's killing the smaller entertainment facilities (2 pubs already have shut down where I live) and it's irritating people. Why go out for a beer and a ciggy when you can no longer have the ciggy and beer's cheaper in the supermarket? We need areas in any entertainment facility where we can smoke in comfort, just the same as people need areas where they can 'not smoke' in comfort.
  4. Hello Doug, first of all, good to see a fellow Brit here. Have you noticed how all of the company 'non-smoking' vehicles, who were initially forced to display 'smoke free' stickers in their windows are ALREADY totally ignoring them? My hubby drives a company car. No one else ever goes in it (apart from me and thats MY choice) and yet it is still classed as his workplace and therefore under the ban. The argument here is that 'a mechanic might have to get in it at some point'. What a load of ****e. I'll give the 'ban' one more month before the cold weather sets in and we really start to see it all fall down.
  5. I guess it'll be the wedding day (heaven forbid it should ever arrive)...the best man's speech....complete with some amusing video of when the bride and groom were younger...LMAO!!
  6. Oh I'm just waiting for the eruption when the girlfriend finds out. Jeez, if any guy had pics of me like that and didn't guard them with his life....he'd be dead meat! As for what sort of girl he should be dating, heck, he's 20, he has a job, it's his decision to make. She's actually a nice enough kid to be around, I don't mind her at all. I guess kids will be kids and experiment with stuff like that. I don't think the younger one will let on that he's seen them...she can be a tad dramatic at the best of times....LOL!
  7. Oh Gawd, we have all out WAR in our house right now. I have 2 kids, the eldest is 20 and the youngest is 14. The eldest has a long standing girlfriend, who he happens to enjoy photographing in various 'poses'. Obviously, my two kids fight...a fair bit. They fight about who touched what of whose, who's been into whose room WITHOUT ASKING and STOLEN a DVD and blah blah blah...yawn yawn. Yesterday, I walked in the door to WW3! My eldest had been foolish enough to leave his phone lying around...with video footage of his girlfriend on it. The youngest had seized his chance, grabbed it and bluetoothed the videos across to his own phone.....which he then left lying on his bed. Obviously my eldest saw it lying there, picked it up for a snoop through....and found more than he wanted to! LMAO! Neither kid can see that they are both guilty of equal levels of stupidity and they are pissed that I am refusing to intervene but insisting they sort it out themselves: The older kid was stupid to let his phone out of his sight knowing that he had that stuff on it...especially as he already has an established bluetooth link with the younger one's phone. If you're going to film someone in 'those' positions, you have a responsibility to keep it safe! The younger one was an idiot to leave his phone with 'stolen goods' lying around (jeez, if you're gonna be sneaky at least do it WELL!) The older one is as bad as the younger one for picking up a phone that was not his property and snooping through it. The younger one should never have touched the older one's phone....but then that works both ways! Anyone want 2 kids?
  8. Was she scared of the guy, was abuse proved? What form did the abuse take...physical? Mental? Has she ever been violent towards anyone else? I think it all has to be taken into consideration. Fear can make people act completely out of character.
  9. 10 joints a day would surely floor an elephant! Stupid woman!
  10. Yup, been there, even saw my house....LOL!
  11. Tori....avoid Stonehenge like the plague. I used to live right by it. You can't get near the stones these days, in fact the best view is to be had driving up to it. Don't waste your money paying to walk in a huge circle around it.....just drive past it, you'll see more that way!
  12. Glastonbury Tor is my favourite place in the whole world. The peace that emanates from that hill has to be felt to be believed. It's a bitch of a climb to get up there, but SO worth the effort. I go there a couple of times a year (at least)....just to relax and recharge.
  13. I only ever saw it as a rune........
  14. Nah, you only stayed around long enough to piss people off.....LMAO!
  15. Hmmm....is that payment still live? I guess I'd better cancel it, unless of course Bob wants to make this site paid?
  16. I already have a few so it wouldn't be a thing I'd want, it's a good idea though.
  17. Well play by the rules, quit rattling cages and I'd be happy to have you back m'dear.
  18. Surely he should be banned from practicing further! What an butt hole.
  19. I've passed around the addy to those that are members at TJ.
  20. I'm lactose intolerant...which is a pain in the ass seeing as most 'comfort food' is full of damn dairy...LOL! I'll give it a go withy the soya cream when I get home to the UK.
  21. Hummus and veg sticks.....that's what I'm craving right now!
  22. I was doing good until I got to the 'cream' and 'cheese' part dammit. I wonder if it would work with soya cream?
  23. The UK hs recently imposed a ban on smoking in all 'enclosed' public places (those having more than 3 walls)...this includes pubs and clubs, places where children are not allowed anyway. Whilst it's still summer, it's not too much of a problem...I somehow can't see it lasting over the winter though. Am I willing to stand on the street and smoke whilst dressed up in my fetishwear...not bloody likely! I agree with not smoking around kids, I disagree with banning it from adult only areas.
  24. I know..... :P
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