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Feckless Wench

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Everything posted by Feckless Wench

  1. Bastids!!! :eek: *cries* LMAO!!
  2. Go for it....one way to find out for sure...LOL!
  3. Well that'll encourage them to befome registered surely?
  4. Hey, it's my site, I might as well advertise it: http://www.2thejungle.com If you want to join, and the New User button isn't on..message me here.
  5. Wot? no Viagra or Cialis? Or that long named slimming pill Phenterwotsitthingy? How am I gonna get a bigger erection...oh wait, actually I don't have the equipment for that. OK then, bigger boobies, where will I find the offers???? LMAO!!
  6. There is no deterrent any more....*sighs* The thing is, has our society gone so far into the 'I've got rights' way of thinking that it's too late to turn it around? Sure we can punish kids by sending them to their rooms etc, but their rooms usually contain all of the comforts they could need anyway....and it's often where they spend most of their time by choice. I think we need to bring back the parents RIGHT to bring their kids back into line. I disagree with beating kids, but an occasional whack when misbehaving doesn't do anyone any harm. As for the crap about 'It's teaching them to be violent'...it's not. I am completely non-violent, yet received more than one slap for misbehaving as a kid. What about the little ones that are too young to understand reason? 'No darling, that electrical socket will bite your fingers' is nothing compared to the sudden shock of a slap on the ass. They remember that because it hurt.....but not as much as being electrocuted would have smarted!
  7. As some of you may know, I'm in India at present. One thing I have noticed is that the kids do NOT step out of line! It's perfectly acceptable for any adult here to give any wayward child a sharp slap on the back of the head. Parents do it, policemen do it as do shopkeepers etc. My hubby is on a CISCO course out here while we're on holiday. It's taught by Indians. One of the Indian guys on the course fell asleep one afternoon....the instructor walked up to him and just whacked him around the head...hard enough to be heard across the room. Yet no one (except the foreigners) was at all surprised! Out shopping the other night there was a young Indian boy arranging the stalls outside the store. A passing policeman decided that the stalls were too far onto the sidewalk and just walked up to him and walloped him hard. His father didn't bat an eyelid! If a kid in our culture was hit that hard on the head, we'd be rushing the poor little darling to the ER! The same at the Sikh Temple we went to...a kid was paddling in the 'Holy Lake'...and got slapped around the head by a Sikh 'minister'. Did anyone object? No...even the kid accepted it without complaint. Now maybe in our culture we think this is assault / child abuse etc. But which culture has the problem with disrespectful kids who are only interested in themselves. It's not the Indians! Their kids are respectful, helpful and study hard in school. They also expect to work in the family business (without pay) as soon as they are old enough. I think we got it wrong again Clyde! (Oh to be able to try this on my pupils in school............)
  8. Good to be here, if this place turns out as you want it to, I think I'm gonna like it here. Thanks for setting up a new forum.
  9. Ahh...an avatar, that's better, feels much more comfy...LOL!
  10. Only a typo as far as I can see: 'Discus' should read 'discuss' - in the title line of the forum. Aparr from that, site looks great. Now how about enabling animated gifs in the signature line.....pleeeeeease?
  11. Just a typo as far as I can see. Discus....a thing you chuck across a field Discuss....to interact verbally (or by typing) Apart from that, the site looks great. Now how about enabling animated gifs to be used in the signature line.....pleeeeeeeeease? :)
  12. I tend to use the same name everywhere...old age is setting in and I don't wanna confuse myself...LOL!
  13. I'm just me, haggard old bat from the UK. You all know me.
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