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About ManicMonday

  • Birthday November 8

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ManicMonday's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Joshman, can you believe he's two? Share please. http://justbs.us/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=%257BfileStore.core_Attachment%257D/3/9/2_thumb.attach&key=d75415443978b8ae18e6265add82a283da1959fdadbd4e6a982119d4c465250c
  2. I don't really like pizza. It is ok, but it isn't the first thing I want when I'm hungry.
  3. Re: Schools giving out the "pill"? I'll admit to not reading all the replies. Sorry. However? Abstinence should be taught. So should birth control methods. And if giving them out prevents unwanted pregnancies and abortions? Great. Covering your ears and saying "I can't hear you, that doesn't change the fact that crap happens.
  4. My favorite song right now. [ame= [/ame]
  5. I never got it. Thanks for the welcome, I was hoping I wasn't "a bad apple" being weeded out.
  6. ManicMonday here, snafu asked me to come on over. Don't know if I will have a lot of time to chat, or post....but good to see some of you again.
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