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An interestiing poll

Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
The website TOPIX is mainly a right wing love fest of ignorant people spewing garbage, but something that I found interesting recently, was the results of this poll:


Considering the radioactive high number of right winger extremist who make up TOPIX, It's interesting where the deeper pink colors in the poll are coming from, and the number of pro .vs against comments.



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Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Looks like it's just you and me in Columbus, so far. Assuming you were for not opposed.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
I an guessing some gay group somewhere is asking people to cast their vote or that gays are more likely to click on that topic. I have always looked at Topix as having an even mix of liberals and conservatives.
Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
I just looked at the poll again.

Today the score was 14,000+ FOR and just over 10,000 against, now all of a sudden almost 4,000 FOR votes are missing.

Hmm, I bet ya one of the right wingers in control of the boards is behind this. TOPIX voters tend to lean right, yet in this poll they didn't... now all of a sudden, votes are missing.


Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
I?m wavering on my opinion on the subject. Although I still believe marriage is intended for a man and a women I find myself accepting it more. I do however think they should put something into the bill giving the rights to church to not perform this marriage. I don?t understand why it can?t be just a union between two people and why they must infringe on the sanctity of marriage.

PS: I wouldn't have bothered to vote if it weren't for this thread. Good poing hugo.
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Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
I just looked at the poll again.

Today the score was 14,000+ FOR and just over 10,000 against, now all of a sudden almost 4,000 FOR votes are missing.

Hmm, I bet ya one of the right wingers in control of the boards is behind this. TOPIX voters tend to lean right, yet in this poll they didn't... now all of a sudden, votes are missing.


Hm, today the FOR number is even lower at 10,215 while the AGAINST keeps growing. Weird...or is it?
Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
I just looked at the poll again.

Today the score was 14,000+ FOR and just over 10,000 against, now all of a sudden almost 4,000 FOR votes are missing.

Hmm, I bet ya one of the right wingers in control of the boards is behind this. TOPIX voters tend to lean right, yet in this poll they didn't... now all of a sudden, votes are missing.


Hm, today the FOR number is even lower at 10,215 while the AGAINST keeps growing. Weird...or is it?
Nope, we witnessed poll tampering. We all saw the initial poll results when I started the topic. It was well over 13,000+ FOR and just under 10,000 against. Someone didn't like those results, perhaps because it tells a tale that might be a more accurate assessment of how American's feel about gay marriage, so they changed the poll number results.

I wonder if others on the Internet who read Topix, have noticed this as well.




Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
I just looked at the poll again.

Today the score was 14,000+ FOR and just over 10,000 against, now all of a sudden almost 4,000 FOR votes are missing.

Hmm, I bet ya one of the right wingers in control of the boards is behind this. TOPIX voters tend to lean right, yet in this poll they didn't... now all of a sudden, votes are missing.


Hm, today the FOR number is even lower at 10,215 while the AGAINST keeps growing. Weird...or is it?
Nope, we witnessed poll tampering. We all saw the initial poll results when I started the topic. It was well over 13,000+ FOR and just under 10,000 against. Someone didn't like those results, perhaps because it tells a tale that might be a more accurate assessment of how American's feel about gay marriage, so they changed the poll number results.

I wonder if others on the Internet who read Topix, have noticed this as well.


I agree there was tampering here, but this is far from a scientific poll and isn't likely to show accurately anything, let alone how American's feel on gay marriage.
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
I agree there was tampering here, but this is far from a scientific poll and isn't likely to show accurately anything, let alone how American's feel on gay marriage.
It is so scientific!! That poll represents every single American in the country! Just like those Obama approval polls (which I've never been asked about or voted on.) They are 100% legitimate, unbiased and FACT! If it's on the internet, it must be true.
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Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
This is why the only polls I trust, are the election booths. But even those are iffy at times.


Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
Professional pollsters are highly accurate, particularly when you average three or four of them. Obama's approval rating is low but not near as low as Congress ratings. It is a bad time to be a politician. I still think Obama will be tough to beat in 2012.
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Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
Professional pollsters are highly accurate, particularly when you average three or four of them. Obama's approval rating is low but not near as low as Congress ratings. It is a bad time to be a politician. I still think Obama will be tough to beat in 2012.
I think it's gonna be a landslide.
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
Professional pollsters are highly accurate, particularly when you average three or four of them. Obama's approval rating is low but not near as low as Congress ratings. It is a bad time to be a politician. I still think Obama will be tough to beat in 2012.
I think it's gonna be a landslide.
In Obama's favor;)