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Anonym a sexual sadist and a stalker Re: Holly has a nice cup of tea

  • Thread starter Thread starter Holly
  • Start date Start date


On Sep 21, 2:17 am, "anonym" wrote:

> http://www.popbitch.com/pictures/a_nice_cup_of_tea.jpg

This is not a picture of me. I don't even know Anonym ... or do I? I

began to wonder.

I did not invite this thread although it is addressed to me. I have

had no online "war" with him to provoke such a post. It would seem

that his sole purpose was to humiliate me. But why?

"The essential feature of sexual sadism is a feeling of sexual

excitement resulting from administering pain, suffering, or

humiliation to another person. The pain, suffering, or humiliation

inflicted on the other is real; it is not imagined and may be either

physical or psychological in nature."


Judge for yourselves. Am I wrong to assume that Anonym is a sexual

sadist? Does he also post under the name Michael Baldwin, Bruce who

waged an intense crude campaign against me many months back? Or are

they both sexual sadists, looking a lot a like?

It certainly was unwanted attention from me. Doesn't that make him/

them also a stalker(s)?


"Holly" wrote in message


> On Sep 21, 2:17 am, "anonym" wrote:

>> http://www.popbitch.com/pictures/a_nice_cup_of_tea.jpg


> This is not a picture of me. I don't even know Anonym ... or do I? I

> began to wonder.


> I did not invite this thread although it is addressed to me. I have

> had no online "war" with him to provoke such a post. It would seem

> that his sole purpose was to humiliate me. But why?



> "The essential feature of sexual sadism is a feeling of sexual

> excitement resulting from administering pain, suffering, or

> humiliation to another person. The pain, suffering, or humiliation

> inflicted on the other is real; it is not imagined and may be either

> physical or psychological in nature."


> http://www.minddisorders.com/Py-Z/Sexual-sadism.html


> Judge for yourselves. Am I wrong to assume that Anonym is a sexual

> sadist? Does he also post under the name Michael Baldwin, Bruce who

> waged an intense crude campaign against me many months back? Or are

> they both sexual sadists, looking a lot a like?


> It certainly was unwanted attention from me. Doesn't that make him/

> them also a stalker(s)?

Are you *really* the bloke off Baywatch? Why do you post a link to half a

dozen pics of David Hasselhof then go off on one about me? Wot have I ever

done to you, I ask?

Going by the above post of yours you have either gone besrek or are drunk

and incapable. If the latter, do make sure no one takes advantage of you,

Holly dear.


On Oct 8, 5:27 pm, "anonym" wrote:

> "Holly" wrote in message


> news:1191877251.714783.259330@k79g2000hse.googlegroups.com...






> > On Sep 21, 2:17 am, "anonym" wrote:

> >>http://www.popbitch.com/pictures/a_nice_cup_of_tea.jpg


> > This is not a picture of me. I don't even know Anonym ... or do I? I

> > began to wonder.


> > I did not invite this thread although it is addressed to me. I have

> > had no online "war" with him to provoke such a post. It would seem

> > that his sole purpose was to humiliate me. But why?


> > "The essential feature of sexual sadism is a feeling of sexual

> > excitement resulting from administering pain, suffering, or

> > humiliation to another person. The pain, suffering, or humiliation

> > inflicted on the other is real; it is not imagined and may be either

> > physical or psychological in nature."


> >http://www.minddisorders.com/Py-Z/Sexual-sadism.html


> > Judge for yourselves. Am I wrong to assume that Anonym is a sexual

> > sadist? Does he also post under the name Michael Baldwin, Bruce who

> > waged an intense crude campaign against me many months back? Or are

> > they both sexual sadists, looking a lot a like?


> > It certainly was unwanted attention from me. Doesn't that make him/

> > them also a stalker(s)?


> Are you *really* the bloke off Baywatch? Why do you post a link to half a

> dozen pics of David Hasselhof then go off on one about me? Wot have I ever

> done to you, I ask?


> Going by the above post of yours you have either gone besrek or are drunk

> and incapable. If the latter, do make sure no one takes advantage of you,

> Holly dear.- Hide quoted text -


> - Show quoted text -

I never posted anything about David Hasselhof. I've never ever

watched Baywatch. I wish I were drunk. You took advantage of me with

your hideous post.