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Banning of Pro-Islam books--Do you agree?

Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
They are not talking about banning books:

The Texas school board is set to vote on a resolution urging publishers to keep "pro-Islamic/anti-Christian" language out of textbooks in the state.
I don't think any "textbook" should show any favoritism to any one religion, not even the Christian religions that was the foundation of America. Any religious commentary in textbooks should be informational only and not trying to display one as good and another as bad.

Schools should not show any bias one way or the other.
Oct 21, 2007
Times : (15 September 2010 - 01:10 AM) I assume eddo that you um....gave a donation.... due to your saving yourself and all that.....lol

I'm okay with a hug, but Builder has to wash first, his coprophilia leaves a bad odor....

Because Builder would never waste a good dump when he can play with it instead, lol

You know Builder, even in Australia, there is treatments for your coprophilia

I bet you like it becuase you get really good turds to play with after eating it right Builder?

Has emkay joined you in that game?

Emaky seems like the coprophilia type too come to think of it.

Not a joke Builder, you have a serious problem that needs proper medical treatment

See how it has infected emkay?

Now even she is stuck on this infatuation.

You guys are messed up.

Why not try to be more normal?

coprophilia is nothign to joke about you two, why can't you take your problem seriously?

Joking it off will not make it go away.

So Builder, do you find playing with animal turds better than human waste?

How exactly does one advertise for partners of coprophilia while traveling?

Do you practice your coprophilia while you sleepwalk as well?

Is your gay lover into coprophilia or do you practice that outside your relationship?

Be careful with emkay, you won't be the first to get a gift that keeps on giving, lol.

Better to stay with your usual men and not be so desperate you need to be with someone like emkay.

So do you do the foot tapping think in bathrooms too Builder?

Or do you guys who love coprophilia have your own special signal?

Maybe a skid mark piece of paper tossed under the divider or something Builder?

Are there parts of your gay bars devoted to those who love coprophilia?

Times : (15 September 2010 - 01:32 AM) Well Builder, time for me to go make some money, have fun and remember, wash your hands before eating, feces is not considered an acceptable spice for food.