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But, I thought they only did the jobs Americans weren't willing to do

Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
Just proves a good recession is a GREAT motivator to get people off their asses and go work a job that they felt was "BENEATH" them before. I'll give it 6 months, after they have worked long enough to collect unemployment benefits, a majority will quit and you'll have a new surge of Mexicans.





Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Just proves a good recession is a GREAT motivator to get people off their asses and go work a job that they felt was "BENEATH" them before. I'll give it 6 months, after they have worked long enough to collect unemployment benefits, a majority will quit and you'll have a new surge of Mexicans.



Another good motivator is hunger.

Take away welfare and unemployment for able bodied persons when there are unfilled jobs in the local market.
Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
Just proves a good recession is a GREAT motivator to get people off their asses and go work a job that they felt was "BENEATH" them before. I'll give it 6 months, after they have worked long enough to collect unemployment benefits, a majority will quit and you'll have a new surge of Mexicans.



Another good motivator is hunger.

Take away welfare and unemployment for able bodied persons when there are unfilled jobs in the local market.
True dat playa.

Hell, I've seen that on a personal level just here in town. Several people I know but will not name of course, but we'll call them welfare gypsy leeches... play out the system well.

My wife's ex boyfriend from back in the 90's is like that as one example..

****ers REALLY know how to work the system too. Work for a few months till eligible for unemployment benefits, quit or purposely get fired for being useless, collect the free check till benefits expire, then either get another temp job or collect welfare benefits till welfare makes you get a ****ing job or lose benefits, then you either squeeze out another kid to raise your ADC check, or move to another state to collect benefits from them just long enough to be eligible for benefits in another state.

All the while, borrow money from friends and relatives while having a higher amount of disposable free food stamp benefits that amount to almost double of my own personal food budget for a family of 4.

Actually, the only problem I see right now with our current welfare system, isn't the people who leech off it, but the very alarming number of NEW people now using it thanks to all the job losses.

That's the more critical focus now then cracking down on the welfare queens.


Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
All welfare enables the abuse of the system when it is operated by the Government. The people giving out the "free money" have no personal connection to the money and don't care if there is abuse or not, they are there to do their 8 hours and go home.

If we eliminate all welfare by the Government and give back all that wasted tax money to those who earned the money in the first place, you will see more families and communities that can afford to help those who really need help and the bums are forced to go out and work. If a person's own family, church, neighbor, co-workers won't help them, they most likely don't deserve any help.