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Butts Helps Boob Kill Boob


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Police say Kermit Butts is tied to Samuel Boob murderNBC -- A Madisonburg, Pennsylvania man has been arrested after confessing to his involvement in the murder of Samuel Boob last year.

According to a criminal complaint, 26-year-old Kermit Butts was taken into custody after he admitted to assisting Ronald Heichel with his plans to kill his lover's husband.

Authorities arrested Mirinda Boob and Ronald Heichel last August after Samuel Boob was discovered fatally shot on the driveway of his Tusseyville Road home.

Court documents show that Heichel offered Butts $5,000 in exchange for his help to dispose of the body.

Butt's arrest was reportedly sparked by two concession stand workers at the Grange Fair who told authorities that they spotted Heichel and Butts in a pickup truck last August and that Butts was acting strangely.

Investigators charged Butts with felony aggravated assault and hindering apprehension or prosecution.

A trial for Mirinda Boob and Heichel was set for October, but is expected to be delayed.
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
great, now they are gonna sit in jail and suckle the taxpayer teet...