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Can an Objective Person Explain This?


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
I am in no way, a big time "birther" or anything, but given all the evidence at hand, this is odd...

Obama Congratulates Kenya for Passing Constitution He Bankrolled, Implements Sharia in Non-Muslim Country, Liberalizes AbortionBy James Tillman

WASHINGTON, DC, August 6, 2010 (LifeSiteNews.com) - On Thursday, President Obama praised Kenya for approving a controversial new constitution that liberalizes abortion laws and that partially implements Muslim Sharia law within Kenya's borders.

"This was a significant step forward for Kenya's democracy," President Obama stated, "and the peaceful nature of the election was a testament to the character of the Kenyan people."

The new constitution was approved by about 70% of voters. It permits abortion for the sake of the "health" of the mother - a term that opponents of unborn rights admit can be "broadly interpreted when need be" to help bring about abortion on demand.

It also carves out legal space for Muslim khadi courts, which handle family issues in accord with Sharia law. Only about 12% of Kenya is Muslim.

President Obama stated that his administration had been "pleased to support Kenya's democratic development and the Kenyan people, including through the visit of Vice President Biden earlier this year."

During Vice President Biden's trip he promised that the approval of the new Kenyan constitution would "allow money to flow" to Kenya from foreign aid treasuries.

The Obama administration has spent about $23 million supporting the new constitution, a move that some congressmen have contested violates the Siljander amendment, a statute that prohibits the federal government from lobbying for or against abortion with foreign aid funds.

Marie Smith of the Parliamentary Network for Critical Issues (PNCI) has said that other countries have "really [tried] to impose an ideology and an agenda on" Kenya.

President Obama, however, asserted that the large margin by which the constitution was approved reflected Kenyans' desires for "improved governance, greater stability, and increased prosperity."

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also congratulated Kenya for the outcome of the referendum.

Human Life International (HLI) spokesman Joseph Meany told OneNewsNow that, as advocates of the constitution said that it would not liberalize abortion laws, pro-life groups have the right to demand that such promises are kept.

"Pro-lifers will be proposing pro-life amendments to say, 'Look - this constitution makes it look like abortion is going to be legalized, so we need to amend that, and everybody here has agreed that there shouldn't be abortion, so let's do it,?? he said.

A majority of Kenyans are pro-life.

Ending his statement, President Obama said that Kenyans "will be able to take advantage of this historic opportunity to move their country forward."

He concluded: "As Kenya?s close friend and partner, the United States will work with the international community to support the implementation process, and to stand with the Kenyan people as they reach for a better future."
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Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
Well, look at the chart they reference (gotta flip it counter clockwise in your pdf reader)


You'll notice a column that says NGO (NON-GOVERNMENT OPERATED), GOVERNMENT, Local Government, & Faith based.

Which would be the WHO GAVE column

Then you also have a WHO GOT column. Does this match up with the claims of the government contributing to the groups they say?

Look for yourself and decide. I see the groups, sure, like Kenyan Federation of Women Lawyers for instance, but the contributions came from... AS CLEAR AS DAY.. "NON-US NGO" Or NON-US NOT GOVERNMENT OPERATED.

The one for Committee of Experts on Constitutional Review shows the money WAS government, but was used to make and distribute 1,250,000 copies of the harmonized draft.

And so on, and so forth with the other "alleged" contributions.

Then there is this:

3 Congress members accuse US of funding Kenya voteBy TOM ODULA and JASON STRAZIUSO

The Associated Press

Friday, July 16, 2010; 11:11 AM

NAIROBI, Kenya -- Three Republican members of the U.S. Congress <---figures are accusing the Obama administration of using money meant for civic education in Kenya to back a draft constitution that they fear would increase access to abortion in the African country.

The U.S. Embassy on Friday said it has provided about $11 million in support of constitutional reform in Kenya, but that an investigation into the funds found that nine of more than 200 subgrantees supported the "yes" campaign. A spokeswoman said the embassy has since suspended or concluded those nine grants.

Kenyans will vote on the draft constitution on Aug. 4, a vote that is part of wide-ranging efforts to avoid a repeat of political violence that saw more than 1,000 people killed after the country's December 2007 presidential elections.

The fight over the U.S. funding centers around one of the draft constitution's most contentious clauses - language that says abortion will not be permitted unless the life or health of the mother is in danger according to the opinion of a trained health professional.
So in my objective opinion, I'd say yes, contributions were made to all kinds of groups, but I wouldn't say anything specific has anything even remotely to do with Obama personally.

