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Chinese gadgets

Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007


Flashlight Ear Cleaner Earwax Remover Earpick Curette

Hmm... I'm supposed to stick this in my ear canal?

the three types of transparent accessories with different functions are available for replacement.instructions:

1.switch on before use,the spoon part illuminates to tacilitate inspecting the inside of an ear.

2.two types of earpicks,i.e.thick and thin,are available for different ear hole sizes of adults and children.

3.the tweezers is equipped to catch big earwax.

4.after dismounting the transparent spoon part tweezers or other accessories,it can be used as a touch.

5.if the accessories are not used for a long period ,store them in the tube at the end of the earpick,which should be covered with a lid.

6.light on the earpick should be turned off after using.if it is not used for a long period ,take out the battery in case battery leakage damaging the product.

7.this product uses AA battery,please open lid when replacing battery.
Uh, OK, that sounds pretty safe, right? :blink:

Hell, it's only $1.34


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Oct 21, 2007
Well, they are Chinese, and they think putting powdered plastic into baby formula to increase the "protien" count is just fine and dandy.
Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
Here's another one:


Car Key Style Lighter

Perfect for would be terrorists to sneak into local/federal courtrooms to light their explosives with.

Ya take your keys out of your pocket, toss em in the basket, go through the metal detector, get your keys back, boink your 72 virgins soon after.

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