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Dodgers-Mets NLCS Game 1 draws huge audience for FOX Sports


Fox News

The first game of the National League Championship Series between the Los Angeles Dodgers and New York Mets drew incredible numbers, FOX Sports announced Tuesday.

Game 1 on Sunday saw Dodgers starting pitcher Jack Flaherty put on a masterful performance, holding the Mets to just two hits over seven innings while Mookie Betts drove in three runs and Max Muncy drove in two. The Dodgers won, 9-0.


FOX Sports said it was the most-watched Game 1 of a league championship series on any network since 2009, when the New York Yankees took on the Los Angeles Angels.

Across FOX, FOX Deportes and FOX Sports streaming services, 8.5 million viewers watched the game.

The network said about 8,264,000 viewers tuned in on FOX, with the peak hitting 10,082,000 viewers between 8:15 and 8:30 p.m. ET. While Los Angeles and New York were the top markets to watch the game, San Diego, Hartford, Connecticut, and Philadelphia rounded out the top five.


Additionally, FOX Sports said it was the most-streamed National League Championship Game 1 in the network’s history.

FOX Sports’ coverage of the National League Championship Series will roll on into Flushing, New York, on Wednesday as the Mets take on the Dodgers in Game 3.

The series is tied 1-1 after the Mets defeated the Dodgers in Game 2.

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