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Everyone Knows There Is More To This


The Man
Aug 27, 2007
Umm.. he didn't say anything in march... So he's not adding to the "i don't have anything to say about that" comment?
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Even one of the shows on CNN last night was saying this looks very bad and that everyone needed to come clean and say who said what and when. This is not going away, more and more people are starting to ask what happened, this may just be the turning point that forces the mainstream networks to finally start reporting the many problems this President seems to be having.

One report shows that Obama has been intentionally avoiding the press because he does not want to face certain questions. Compared to Bush and Clinton, Obama has been almost a hermit to the press and will not allow open questions the way Bush did. Interesting considering how Obama promised to be more accessable and transparent than Bush, I guess that is just one more example of how some liberal politicians will say anything to get elected and after that, they just brush off those promises as insignificant.