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FlonkNews: Wisconsin Policeman Shoots Self in Head Three Times

  • Thread starter Thread starter mimus
  • Start date Start date


The Wisconsin Attorney General announced yesterday that powder-burns

around the _three head gun-shot wounds_ killing a Wisconsin policeman the

day after he invaded a party last weekend and killed six high-schoolers

proves that the policeman's fatal head wounds were _self-inflicted_ . . . .

The burns just prove they were close shots.

And it's reely reely hard to shoot yourself in the head more than once.

And the police had been "negotiating" with him for hours, until a SWAT

team "stormed" his location, where it was "found" he'd shot himself.

In the head.

Three times.

Up close.



smeeter 11 or maybe 12

mp 10

mhm 29x13

There's no such thing as a trained snake, OK?

< _Strip Tease_


On Wed, 10 Oct 2007 08:13:17 -0400, mimus


>The Wisconsin Attorney General announced yesterday that powder-burns

>around the _three head gun-shot wounds_ killing a Wisconsin policeman the

>day after he invaded a party last weekend and killed six high-schoolers

>proves that the policeman's fatal head wounds were _self-inflicted_ . . . .


>The burns just prove they were close shots.


>And it's reely reely hard to shoot yourself in the head more than once.


>And the police had been "negotiating" with him for hours, until a SWAT

>team "stormed" his location, where it was "found" he'd shot himself.


>In the head.


>Three times.


>Up close.

How was there any head left to examine?


dave hillstrom

On Wed, 10 Oct 2007 08:34:26 -0400, Daedalus


>On Wed, 10 Oct 2007 08:13:17 -0400, mimus



>>The Wisconsin Attorney General announced yesterday that powder-burns

>>around the _three head gun-shot wounds_ killing a Wisconsin policeman the

>>day after he invaded a party last weekend and killed six high-schoolers

>>proves that the policeman's fatal head wounds were _self-inflicted_ . . . .


>>The burns just prove they were close shots.


>>And it's reely reely hard to shoot yourself in the head more than once.


>>And the police had been "negotiating" with him for hours, until a SWAT

>>team "stormed" his location, where it was "found" he'd shot himself.


>>In the head.


>>Three times.


>>Up close.


>How was there any head left to examine?

obviously no brain to start with. that or it took three shots to hit

it in his vacuous head.


dave hillstrom mhm15x4 zrbj

this signature might or might not be for mimus.

but it is for hatchetmama and shirley and smee.

and LaBlueGirl and Dr. Flonkenstein.

farewell for the time being, frankb. may you learn

more mysteries on the other side than one can count

on this plane.

mixed nuts

mimus wrote:

> The Wisconsin Attorney General announced yesterday that powder-burns

> around the _three head gun-shot wounds_ killing a Wisconsin policeman the

> day after he invaded a party last weekend and killed six high-schoolers

> proves that the policeman's fatal head wounds were _self-inflicted_ . . . .


> The burns just prove they were close shots.


> And it's reely reely hard to shoot yourself in the head more than once.


> And the police had been "negotiating" with him for hours, until a SWAT

> team "stormed" his location, where it was "found" he'd shot himself.


> In the head.


> Three times.


> Up close.


Maybe he twitched a lot. Bullets can make people twitch. Or too much

coffee maybe.

