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Halloween Costume Ideas PLEASE!!

Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
I have a couple of Halloween Costume Parties to go to next weekend, but no ideas what to dress up as and not much money to be able to spend, any ideas? Keep in mind, I am about 8 mos. pregnant (pic attached for inspiration-lol.) A couples costume idea would be even better for the hubby and I=)

Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
I have a couple of Halloween Costume Parties to go to next weekend, but no ideas what to dress up as and not much money to be able to spend, any ideas? Keep in mind, I am about 8 mos. pregnant (pic attached for inspiration-lol.) A couples costume idea would be even better for the hubby and I=)

You are a lovely mom Chi ;)

Costumes are tough sometimes but the easy and cheap costume idea for a couple is to each dress up as the other sex. It can be very impressive if the guy will go all out and even find some heels and do good makeup.

Era costumes are pretty cheap most of the time too, you can find clothes at goodwill type stores pretty cheap.

Going as the 'walking dead' can be pretty cheap, not my cup of tea but some like to do it.
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
naked pregnant lady.

Hugo asks that you post pics too.

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Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
Thanks, TJ:) And you have some pretty good ideas. The dressing up as the opposite sex is pretty creative and would be HI-LA-RIOUS! I could use my belly as a beer gut, put on a wife beater (hide my boobs somehow-lol), wear some ratty jeans, fake mullet, beard and mustache and carry around a beer can and PRESTO! My costume would be complete and not very expensive at all. Now to convince my husband to dress up as a woman....

The other ideas are good, too. The zombie one would be good & easy, but I would like to think up of a good dead couple theme in order to do that one.
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
Alright Eddo, I'll send you and Hugo some naked pics of my husband dressed (or undressed) as a naked pregnant lady if you insist...
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
I was talking to my gf and she reminded me of a party we went to one time when a couple had dressed up as candy bars, he was an almond joy, she was a mounds. He had on him, "I have nuts" and she had "I don't", lol. And yes it was an all adult party. I was a pirate and even had a very good looking parrot on my shoulder and she was a "serving wench" we had a great time.

I like your idea for using your belly as a beer gut and such, do you think you can get the hubby to do the girl costume? I even did it before so if I can do it anyone can, lol.
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
I was talking to my gf and she reminded me of a party we went to one time when a couple had dressed up as candy bars, he was an almond joy, she was a mounds. He had on him, "I have nuts" and she had "I don't", lol. And yes it was an all adult party. I was a pirate and even had a very good looking parrot on my shoulder and she was a "serving wench" we had a great time.

I like your idea for using your belly as a beer gut and such, do you think you can get the hubby to do the girl costume? I even did it before so if I can do it anyone can, lol.
I am talking him into it. So far I am winning, hopefully he won't change his mind-lol

Maybe the female candy bar should've had "And I am just nuts" since you men always say we are crazy.
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
Might be too late, but a pregnant nun always goes over well.
You're the 5th person to suggest that to me. Even though I really dislike the Catholic religion, I would still feel a little funny dressing up like that. Weird.