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Houston, We Have a Problem

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sharon B
  • Start date Start date

Sharon B

....the problem is that I'm not engineeringly reclined, but the symptom


We're doing a Halloween scene and for one part I need a rilly big

spider (about 2' across and squishy in the middle) to drop on command

in a specific location (diner table, next to a plate holding a beating

heart), every 3-5 minutes for about 5 hours.....this is complicated by

the event taking place on a trail out in the middle of the woods (at


I'm thinking if I use a couple big storage totes as the table, I can

run a wide head screw up under the lid of the top tote where I want

the middle of the spider to land, run a guide wire thru the tote and

wrap in around the screw head....run the other end of the wire thru

the middle of the spider, then loop the end of the wire several times

around a low overhanging branch directly above the "table". I /think/

this will make it drop exactly where I want it to.

To make it drop on command, I'm thinking to run some 20# test thru the

spider's back, run that line over the same tree branch then across the

trail to where I'm sitting next to the cauldron - maybe securing the

fishing line to some thicker clothesline next to me as that's easier

to handle, then winching the spider up to the underside of the limb by

looping my end of the rope and holding it -- then, when the beating

heart is plopped on the plate, I just unloop my end of the rope and

let gravity run the spider down the guidewire onto the table....and

winch it back up between group arrivals.

Will this work, and is there an easier way? Will the fishing line

stand for being see-sawed back and forth over the branch or should I

tie a pulley to the branch and run the fishing line thru it? The

spider weighs about 5#.

dave hillstrom

On Mon, 08 Oct 2007 13:50:20 -0400, Sharon B wrote:

>...the problem is that I'm not engineeringly reclined, but the symptom



>We're doing a Halloween scene and for one part I need a rilly big

>spider (about 2' across and squishy in the middle) to drop on command

>in a specific location (diner table, next to a plate holding a beating

>heart), every 3-5 minutes for about 5 hours.....this is complicated by

>the event taking place on a trail out in the middle of the woods (at


if its manually controlled, an old spinning reel would work great.

run the line (20-30lb test, up over a tree limb, and when you want the

thing to fall, open the bail. real it back up when desired.

if it must be automated, youll need a small motor and a clutch and

sensors and sh*t.

>I'm thinking if I use a couple big storage totes as the table, I can

>run a wide head screw up under the lid of the top tote where I want

>the middle of the spider to land, run a guide wire thru the tote and

>wrap in around the screw head....run the other end of the wire thru

>the middle of the spider, then loop the end of the wire several times

>around a low overhanging branch directly above the "table". I /think/

>this will make it drop exactly where I want it to.


>To make it drop on command, I'm thinking to run some 20# test thru the

>spider's back, run that line over the same tree branch then across the

>trail to where I'm sitting next to the cauldron - maybe securing the

>fishing line to some thicker clothesline next to me as that's easier

>to handle, then winching the spider up to the underside of the limb by

>looping my end of the rope and holding it -- then, when the beating

>heart is plopped on the plate, I just unloop my end of the rope and

>let gravity run the spider down the guidewire onto the table....and

>winch it back up between group arrivals.


>Will this work, and is there an easier way? Will the fishing line

>stand for being see-sawed back and forth over the branch or should I

>tie a pulley to the branch and run the fishing line thru it? The

>spider weighs about 5#.

use 30lb test and it should be fine for a night.


dave hillstrom mhm15x4 zrbj

this signature might or might not be for mimus.

but it is for hatchetmama and shirley and smee.

and LaBlueGirl and Dr. Flonkenstein.

farewell for the time being, frankb. may you learn

more mysteries on the other side than one can count

on this plane.

mixed nuts

dave hillstrom wrote:

> On Mon, 08 Oct 2007 13:50:20 -0400, Sharon B wrote:


>>...the problem is that I'm not engineeringly reclined, but the symptom


>>We're doing a Halloween scene and for one part I need a rilly big

>>spider (about 2' across and squishy in the middle) to drop on command

>>in a specific location (diner table, next to a plate holding a beating

>>heart), every 3-5 minutes for about 5 hours.....this is complicated by

>>the event taking place on a trail out in the middle of the woods (at



> if its manually controlled, an old spinning reel would work great.

> run the line (20-30lb test, up over a tree limb, and when you want the

> thing to fall, open the bail. real it back up when desired.

Or just use a 'spider pole' - it's the same as a 'fish pole' but it has

a spider on the end of the line instead of a fish.


> if it must be automated, youll need a small motor and a clutch and

> sensors and sh*t.


>>I'm thinking if I use a couple big storage totes as the table, I can

>>run a wide head screw up under the lid of the top tote where I want

>>the middle of the spider to land, run a guide wire thru the tote and

>>wrap in around the screw head....run the other end of the wire thru

>>the middle of the spider, then loop the end of the wire several times

>>around a low overhanging branch directly above the "table". I /think/

>>this will make it drop exactly where I want it to.


>>To make it drop on command, I'm thinking to run some 20# test thru the

>>spider's back, run that line over the same tree branch then across the

>>trail to where I'm sitting next to the cauldron - maybe securing the

>>fishing line to some thicker clothesline next to me as that's easier

>>to handle, then winching the spider up to the underside of the limb by

>>looping my end of the rope and holding it -- then, when the beating

>>heart is plopped on the plate, I just unloop my end of the rope and

>>let gravity run the spider down the guidewire onto the table....and

>>winch it back up between group arrivals.


>>Will this work, and is there an easier way? Will the fishing line

>>stand for being see-sawed back and forth over the branch or should I

>>tie a pulley to the branch and run the fishing line thru it? The

>>spider weighs about 5#.


> use 30lb test and it should be fine for a night.


I'd be tempted to try that spider rig on bluefish or striper.



wavy g's number won fan

hillstrom, we have a problem

dave hillstrom is no match for wavy g:

>On Mon, 08 Oct 2007 13:50:20 -0400, Sharon B wrote:


>>...the problem is that I'm not engineeringly reclined, but the symptom



>>We're doing a Halloween scene and for one part I need a rilly big

>>spider (about 2' across and squishy in the middle) to drop on command

>>in a specific location (diner table, next to a plate holding a beating

>>heart), every 3-5 minutes for about 5 hours.....this is complicated by

>>the event taking place on a trail out in the middle of the woods (at




>if its manually controlled, an old spinning reel would work great.

>run the line (20-30lb test, up over a tree limb, and when you want the

>thing to fall, open the bail. real it back up when desired.


>if it must be automated, youll need a small motor and a clutch and

>sensors and sh*t.


>>I'm thinking if I use a couple big storage totes as the table, I can

>>run a wide head screw up under the lid of the top tote where I want

>>the middle of the spider to land, run a guide wire thru the tote and

>>wrap in around the screw head....run the other end of the wire thru

>>the middle of the spider, then loop the end of the wire several times

>>around a low overhanging branch directly above the "table". I /think/

>>this will make it drop exactly where I want it to.


>>To make it drop on command, I'm thinking to run some 20# test thru the

>>spider's back, run that line over the same tree branch then across the

>>trail to where I'm sitting next to the cauldron - maybe securing the

>>fishing line to some thicker clothesline next to me as that's easier

>>to handle, then winching the spider up to the underside of the limb by

>>looping my end of the rope and holding it -- then, when the beating

>>heart is plopped on the plate, I just unloop my end of the rope and

>>let gravity run the spider down the guidewire onto the table....and

>>winch it back up between group arrivals.


>>Will this work, and is there an easier way? Will the fishing line

>>stand for being see-sawed back and forth over the branch or should I

>>tie a pulley to the branch and run the fishing line thru it? The

>>spider weighs about 5#.


>use 30lb test and it should be fine for a night.

would'nt that be overkill? she just needed five lubs. write back.



Sharon B

On Mon, 08 Oct 2007 14:56:30 -0400, dave hillstrom

wrote in :

>On Mon, 08 Oct 2007 13:50:20 -0400, Sharon B wrote:


>>...the problem is that I'm not engineeringly reclined, but the symptom



>>We're doing a Halloween scene and for one part I need a rilly big

>>spider (about 2' across and squishy in the middle) to drop on command

>>in a specific location (diner table, next to a plate holding a beating

>>heart), every 3-5 minutes for about 5 hours.....this is complicated by

>>the event taking place on a trail out in the middle of the woods (at




>if its manually controlled, an old spinning reel would work great.

>run the line (20-30lb test, up over a tree limb, and when you want the

>thing to fall, open the bail. real it back up when desired.

D'oh. I R Retard. Yes, using my fishing pole is sooo much easier than

running the line, fastening it to an easier-to-handle clothesline and

cinching it to a post. D'oh.

Thank you.

[toddles into garage to finish converting my giant cauldron into a

giant, lit, fog-chilling cauldron - ]

Sharon B

On Mon, 08 Oct 2007 15:24:49 -0400, mixed nuts

wrote in :

>dave hillstrom wrote:

>> On Mon, 08 Oct 2007 13:50:20 -0400, Sharon B wrote:


>>>...the problem is that I'm not engineeringly reclined, but the symptom


>>>We're doing a Halloween scene and for one part I need a rilly big

>>>spider (about 2' across and squishy in the middle) to drop on command

>>>in a specific location (diner table, next to a plate holding a beating

>>>heart), every 3-5 minutes for about 5 hours.....this is complicated by

>>>the event taking place on a trail out in the middle of the woods (at



>> if its manually controlled, an old spinning reel would work great.

>> run the line (20-30lb test, up over a tree limb, and when you want the

>> thing to fall, open the bail. real it back up when desired.


>Or just use a 'spider pole' - it's the same as a 'fish pole' but it has

>a spider on the end of the line instead of a fish.


>> if it must be automated, youll need a small motor and a clutch and

>> sensors and sh*t.


>>>I'm thinking if I use a couple big storage totes as the table, I can

>>>run a wide head screw up under the lid of the top tote where I want

>>>the middle of the spider to land, run a guide wire thru the tote and

>>>wrap in around the screw head....run the other end of the wire thru

>>>the middle of the spider, then loop the end of the wire several times

>>>around a low overhanging branch directly above the "table". I /think/

>>>this will make it drop exactly where I want it to.


>>>To make it drop on command, I'm thinking to run some 20# test thru the

>>>spider's back, run that line over the same tree branch then across the

>>>trail to where I'm sitting next to the cauldron - maybe securing the

>>>fishing line to some thicker clothesline next to me as that's easier

>>>to handle, then winching the spider up to the underside of the limb by

>>>looping my end of the rope and holding it -- then, when the beating

>>>heart is plopped on the plate, I just unloop my end of the rope and

>>>let gravity run the spider down the guidewire onto the table....and

>>>winch it back up between group arrivals.


>>>Will this work, and is there an easier way? Will the fishing line

>>>stand for being see-sawed back and forth over the branch or should I

>>>tie a pulley to the branch and run the fishing line thru it? The

>>>spider weighs about 5#.


>> use 30lb test and it should be fine for a night.


>I'd be tempted to try that spider rig on bluefish or striper.

Well, there /are/ some stocked trout in the on-site lake but:

1. It's been 90+ all week, so I don't think it'll be cool enough to

suit them come event night.

2. I don't think they'd bite on a 30# test.

3. I don't have a Trout Stamp.

4. Like American Express, the Game Wardens here are "everywhere you

wanna go".

dave hillstrom

Re: hillstrom, we have a problem

On Tue, 09 Oct 2007 03:42:41 -0400, wavy g's number won fan


>dave hillstrom is no match for wavy g:


>>On Mon, 08 Oct 2007 13:50:20 -0400, Sharon B wrote:


>>>...the problem is that I'm not engineeringly reclined, but the symptom



>>>We're doing a Halloween scene and for one part I need a rilly big

>>>spider (about 2' across and squishy in the middle) to drop on command

>>>in a specific location (diner table, next to a plate holding a beating

>>>heart), every 3-5 minutes for about 5 hours.....this is complicated by

>>>the event taking place on a trail out in the middle of the woods (at




>>if its manually controlled, an old spinning reel would work great.

>>run the line (20-30lb test, up over a tree limb, and when you want the

>>thing to fall, open the bail. real it back up when desired.


>>if it must be automated, youll need a small motor and a clutch and

>>sensors and sh*t.


>>>I'm thinking if I use a couple big storage totes as the table, I can

>>>run a wide head screw up under the lid of the top tote where I want

>>>the middle of the spider to land, run a guide wire thru the tote and

>>>wrap in around the screw head....run the other end of the wire thru

>>>the middle of the spider, then loop the end of the wire several times

>>>around a low overhanging branch directly above the "table". I /think/

>>>this will make it drop exactly where I want it to.


>>>To make it drop on command, I'm thinking to run some 20# test thru the

>>>spider's back, run that line over the same tree branch then across the

>>>trail to where I'm sitting next to the cauldron - maybe securing the

>>>fishing line to some thicker clothesline next to me as that's easier

>>>to handle, then winching the spider up to the underside of the limb by

>>>looping my end of the rope and holding it -- then, when the beating

>>>heart is plopped on the plate, I just unloop my end of the rope and

>>>let gravity run the spider down the guidewire onto the table....and

>>>winch it back up between group arrivals.


>>>Will this work, and is there an easier way? Will the fishing line

>>>stand for being see-sawed back and forth over the branch or should I

>>>tie a pulley to the branch and run the fishing line thru it? The

>>>spider weighs about 5#.


>>use 30lb test and it should be fine for a night.


>would'nt that be overkill? she just needed five lubs. write back.

overkill is rarely bad in engineering and special effects. nyah.

anything lighter and you run into line stretching problems, increasing

the likelyhood that the damned thing will break in the middle of the

event. so there.


dave hillstrom mhm15x4 zrbj

this signature might or might not be for mimus.

but it is for hatchetmama and shirley and smee.

and LaBlueGirl and Dr. Flonkenstein.

farewell for the time being, frankb. may you learn

more mysteries on the other side than one can count

on this plane.

wavy g's number won fan

Re: hillstrom, we have a problem

dave hillstrom is no match for wavy g:

>On Tue, 09 Oct 2007 03:42:41 -0400, wavy g's number won fan

> wrote:


>>dave hillstrom is no match for wavy g:


>>>On Mon, 08 Oct 2007 13:50:20 -0400, Sharon B wrote:


>>>>...the problem is that I'm not engineeringly reclined, but the symptom



>>>>We're doing a Halloween scene and for one part I need a rilly big

>>>>spider (about 2' across and squishy in the middle) to drop on command

>>>>in a specific location (diner table, next to a plate holding a beating

>>>>heart), every 3-5 minutes for about 5 hours.....this is complicated by

>>>>the event taking place on a trail out in the middle of the woods (at




>>>if its manually controlled, an old spinning reel would work great.

>>>run the line (20-30lb test, up over a tree limb, and when you want the

>>>thing to fall, open the bail. real it back up when desired.


>>>if it must be automated, youll need a small motor and a clutch and

>>>sensors and sh*t.


>>>>I'm thinking if I use a couple big storage totes as the table, I can

>>>>run a wide head screw up under the lid of the top tote where I want

>>>>the middle of the spider to land, run a guide wire thru the tote and

>>>>wrap in around the screw head....run the other end of the wire thru

>>>>the middle of the spider, then loop the end of the wire several times

>>>>around a low overhanging branch directly above the "table". I /think/

>>>>this will make it drop exactly where I want it to.


>>>>To make it drop on command, I'm thinking to run some 20# test thru the

>>>>spider's back, run that line over the same tree branch then across the

>>>>trail to where I'm sitting next to the cauldron - maybe securing the

>>>>fishing line to some thicker clothesline next to me as that's easier

>>>>to handle, then winching the spider up to the underside of the limb by

>>>>looping my end of the rope and holding it -- then, when the beating

>>>>heart is plopped on the plate, I just unloop my end of the rope and

>>>>let gravity run the spider down the guidewire onto the table....and

>>>>winch it back up between group arrivals.


>>>>Will this work, and is there an easier way? Will the fishing line

>>>>stand for being see-sawed back and forth over the branch or should I

>>>>tie a pulley to the branch and run the fishing line thru it? The

>>>>spider weighs about 5#.


>>>use 30lb test and it should be fine for a night.


>>would'nt that be overkill? she just needed five lubs. write back.


>overkill is rarely bad in engineering and special effects. nyah.


>anything lighter and you run into line stretching problems, increasing

>the likelyhood that the damned thing will break in the middle of the

>event. so there.

woah, calm down, missy. must be that "time of the monnth."' lol.

dave hillstrom

Re: hillstrom, we have a problem

On Tue, 09 Oct 2007 14:34:22 -0400, wavy g's number won fan


>dave hillstrom is no match for wavy g:


>>On Tue, 09 Oct 2007 03:42:41 -0400, wavy g's number won fan

>> wrote:


>>>dave hillstrom is no match for wavy g:


>>>>On Mon, 08 Oct 2007 13:50:20 -0400, Sharon B wrote:


>>>>>...the problem is that I'm not engineeringly reclined, but the symptom



>>>>>We're doing a Halloween scene and for one part I need a rilly big

>>>>>spider (about 2' across and squishy in the middle) to drop on command

>>>>>in a specific location (diner table, next to a plate holding a beating

>>>>>heart), every 3-5 minutes for about 5 hours.....this is complicated by

>>>>>the event taking place on a trail out in the middle of the woods (at




>>>>if its manually controlled, an old spinning reel would work great.

>>>>run the line (20-30lb test, up over a tree limb, and when you want the

>>>>thing to fall, open the bail. real it back up when desired.


>>>>if it must be automated, youll need a small motor and a clutch and

>>>>sensors and sh*t.


>>>>>I'm thinking if I use a couple big storage totes as the table, I can

>>>>>run a wide head screw up under the lid of the top tote where I want

>>>>>the middle of the spider to land, run a guide wire thru the tote and

>>>>>wrap in around the screw head....run the other end of the wire thru

>>>>>the middle of the spider, then loop the end of the wire several times

>>>>>around a low overhanging branch directly above the "table". I /think/

>>>>>this will make it drop exactly where I want it to.


>>>>>To make it drop on command, I'm thinking to run some 20# test thru the

>>>>>spider's back, run that line over the same tree branch then across the

>>>>>trail to where I'm sitting next to the cauldron - maybe securing the

>>>>>fishing line to some thicker clothesline next to me as that's easier

>>>>>to handle, then winching the spider up to the underside of the limb by

>>>>>looping my end of the rope and holding it -- then, when the beating

>>>>>heart is plopped on the plate, I just unloop my end of the rope and

>>>>>let gravity run the spider down the guidewire onto the table....and

>>>>>winch it back up between group arrivals.


>>>>>Will this work, and is there an easier way? Will the fishing line

>>>>>stand for being see-sawed back and forth over the branch or should I

>>>>>tie a pulley to the branch and run the fishing line thru it? The

>>>>>spider weighs about 5#.


>>>>use 30lb test and it should be fine for a night.


>>>would'nt that be overkill? she just needed five lubs. write back.


>>overkill is rarely bad in engineering and special effects. nyah.


>>anything lighter and you run into line stretching problems, increasing

>>the likelyhood that the damned thing will break in the middle of the

>>event. so there.


>woah, calm down, missy. must be that "time of the monnth."' lol.

no. thats next week. im just an engineer and you arent.


dave hillstrom mhm15x4 zrbj

this signature might or might not be for mimus.

but it is for hatchetmama and shirley and smee.

and LaBlueGirl and Dr. Flonkenstein.

farewell for the time being, frankb. may you learn

more mysteries on the other side than one can count

on this plane.

mixed nuts

Sharon B wrote:

> On Mon, 08 Oct 2007 15:24:49 -0400, mixed nuts

> wrote in :


>>dave hillstrom wrote:


>>>On Mon, 08 Oct 2007 13:50:20 -0400, Sharon B wrote:


>>>>...the problem is that I'm not engineeringly reclined, but the symptom


>>>>We're doing a Halloween scene and for one part I need a rilly big

>>>>spider (about 2' across and squishy in the middle) to drop on command

>>>>in a specific location (diner table, next to a plate holding a beating

>>>>heart), every 3-5 minutes for about 5 hours.....this is complicated by

>>>>the event taking place on a trail out in the middle of the woods (at



>>>if its manually controlled, an old spinning reel would work great.

>>>run the line (20-30lb test, up over a tree limb, and when you want the

>>>thing to fall, open the bail. real it back up when desired.


>>Or just use a 'spider pole' - it's the same as a 'fish pole' but it has

>>a spider on the end of the line instead of a fish.


>>>if it must be automated, youll need a small motor and a clutch and

>>>sensors and sh*t.


>>>>I'm thinking if I use a couple big storage totes as the table, I can

>>>>run a wide head screw up under the lid of the top tote where I want

>>>>the middle of the spider to land, run a guide wire thru the tote and

>>>>wrap in around the screw head....run the other end of the wire thru

>>>>the middle of the spider, then loop the end of the wire several times

>>>>around a low overhanging branch directly above the "table". I /think/

>>>>this will make it drop exactly where I want it to.


>>>>To make it drop on command, I'm thinking to run some 20# test thru the

>>>>spider's back, run that line over the same tree branch then across the

>>>>trail to where I'm sitting next to the cauldron - maybe securing the

>>>>fishing line to some thicker clothesline next to me as that's easier

>>>>to handle, then winching the spider up to the underside of the limb by

>>>>looping my end of the rope and holding it -- then, when the beating

>>>>heart is plopped on the plate, I just unloop my end of the rope and

>>>>let gravity run the spider down the guidewire onto the table....and

>>>>winch it back up between group arrivals.


>>>>Will this work, and is there an easier way? Will the fishing line

>>>>stand for being see-sawed back and forth over the branch or should I

>>>>tie a pulley to the branch and run the fishing line thru it? The

>>>>spider weighs about 5#.


>>>use 30lb test and it should be fine for a night.


>>I'd be tempted to try that spider rig on bluefish or striper.


> Well, there /are/ some stocked trout in the on-site lake but:


> 1. It's been 90+ all week, so I don't think it'll be cool enough to

> suit them come event night.

There was a 50 ft wide squadron of blues patroling the Merrimac river

last night. 'Bout all you need is something that plops into the water

and keeps moving to get their attention.


> 2. I don't think they'd bite on a 30# test.

That's about right for big blues and average stripers.


> 3. I don't have a Trout Stamp.

Don't need no trout stamp. Just a fish pole and aome salty water.


> 4. Like American Express, the Game Wardens here are "everywhere you

> wanna go".

As long as you have less than 10 blues of any size and 2 stripers over

24 inches they're cool with it.

