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I Need Help

Dec 12, 2007
k I hope this is the right forum for it. I need very good debaters for Christianity as many as possible... so u can register on this forum Vladd44 forum and post on this thread : What Sacrifice? (Religious Thread) - The Cesspool and the rest of the threads here : Christian Threads in Cesspool Index - The Cesspool (just paste that on yr browser and it gets u to those site threads immediately.)

As u can read on those threads we (the few Christians there) r up against very hard core and tough to defeat non-Christians who r very good debaters.

Pls help us to argue against them and help spread God's Word in that forum pls... it has many unsaved members some 9960+ unsaved ppl whom we can all reach out to.

Pls help. Let me know if u need any help to register and post there.

To register is easy click on Forum Index on Vladd44 Forum and then click register and u can register in 4mins and start posting immediately.

ty all and God bless,



Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
One true follower of Christ should have no trouble speaking the truth no matter the mob numbers. Numbers don't make right. Speak the truth and people will hear it, even if they get mad and fight it. if they get mad, you're doing something right. If a "non-believer" is making you mad and frustrated, might wanna listen to what they have to say. Speak as an individual, not a "group of Christians".


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
For example, the first post in that sacrifice thread, they are correct in that many people, not just Jesus have made great sacrifice for other people. Martin Luther, Ghandi, and many more. Like Jesus, they told the truth to the best of thier ability and were killed for it. If that person can't see Jesus's sacrifice, maybe they can see it others like the ones I mentioned.

Putting another before yourself with nothing but good intentions is what sacrifice is all about. That's exactly what Jesus did.
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
Teardrop said:
k I hope this is the right forum for it. I need very good debaters for Christianity as many as possible... so u can register on this forum Vladd44 forum and post on this thread : What Sacrifice? (Religious Thread) - The Cesspool and the rest of the threads here : Christian Threads in Cesspool Index - The Cesspool (just paste that on yr browser and it gets u to those site threads immediately.)As u can read on those threads we (the few Christians there) r up against very hard core and tough to defeat non-Christians who r very good debaters.

Pls help us to argue against them and help spread God's Word in that forum pls... it has many unsaved members some 9960+ unsaved ppl whom we can all reach out to.

Pls help. Let me know if u need any help to register and post there.

To register is easy click on Forum Index on Vladd44 Forum and then click register and u can register in 4mins and start posting immediately.

ty all and God bless,

Maybe your message would get through better if you didn't type like a 11 year old...
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
Teardrop said:
k I hope this is the right forum for it. I need very good debaters for Christianity as many as possible... so u can register on this forum Vladd44 forum and post on this thread : What Sacrifice? (Religious Thread) - The Cesspool and the rest of the threads here : Christian Threads in Cesspool Index - The Cesspool (just paste that on yr browser and it gets u to those site threads immediately.)As u can read on those threads we (the few Christians there) r up against very hard core and tough to defeat non-Christians who r very good debaters.

Pls help us to argue against them and help spread God's Word in that forum pls... it has many unsaved members some 9960+ unsaved ppl whom we can all reach out to.

Pls help. Let me know if u need any help to register and post there.

To register is easy click on Forum Index on Vladd44 Forum and then click register and u can register in 4mins and start posting immediately.

ty all and God bless,

Sorry, I'm Goombhanian.
Big Time BS'er
Sep 4, 2007
Teardrop said:
As u can read on those threads we (the few Christians there) r up against very hard core and tough to defeat non-Christians who r very good debaters.Teardrop
Sounds like you have a good debate going on over there. Personally, I have no problem with religion if thats what you want to do with your lfe.

But I do have a problem with the Moonies, Jehova's Witnesses, and Scientologists. What I especially find repulsive, is the way the West sits back and lets Theists of all stripes indoctrinate and frighten children into joining these groups.

The only groups I am unconcerned about, are Atheists and Buddhists. Neither has anything to sell you. Neither wll pressure you to join. Neither group believes in a god. And neither group holds ancient hate filled tomes in high esteem.
Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
Hmm, religion debate and the non Christians are tough to beat you say?

Try: [ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=D1FdtpH8lSI]YouTube - Christianity is Pagan[/ame]

Hope this helps.




Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
Frankly, I wouldn't label myself Christian if someone held a gun to my head. I'm a wez. Lots of hypocritical Christians I'd rather not align myself with. All there is, is the truth. And Jesus would agree.

Why seperate yourself from anyone and try to convert 9000+ people into a label? If you can save yourself teardrop, you'll accomplish more than the vast majority who call themselves, "Christian".


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
I see you joined up TJ.. and quickly made an ass of yourself.. Hahahahahaha

I'm sure you're just the Christian they are looking for.. You can provide the muscle and think for 9000+ people. Hahahahahaha