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illegals should have the right to vote?

Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Well it is no surprise that Liberals want illegals to vote but it has usually been more along the lines of letting them vote under assumed names of real Americans and not have to show identification proving they are that person.

But why stop at that?


Non-citizen immigrants whose children are enrolled in San Francisco public schools would be able to vote in school board elections, under a proposed charter amendment for the fall ballot that Board of Supervisors President David Chiu will introduce Tuesday.

The proposal resurrects a ballot measure that city voters narrowly rejected six years ago, with 49 percent in favor and 51 percent opposed.

Chiu ran the 2004 campaign in favor of the limited extension of voting rights and said the idea deserves a second airing. He said an estimated 1 in 3 households with children in public schools are headed by parents who aren't citizens.

Allowing them to vote in Board of Education races would help boost their involvement in their children's education, Chiu said. ''And that helps improve the quality of the schools,'' Chiu said.
1 in 3 households are illegals with kids in schools? No wonder they are broke, all these people using services but not paying for them? And now not paing taxes or being legal these same people should be allowed to vote?

Liberals are crazy in my opinion, lol.


The Man
Aug 27, 2007
if illegals want to vote... let them vote in the elections where they are from... or go through the proper channels of becoming a citizen.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
if illegals want to vote... let them vote in the elections where they are from... or go through the proper channels of becoming a citizen.
Well I agree, as does most Americans, but the liberals need all the votes they can get, and a little thing like being illegal should not get in the way of them getting their votes.