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Important Announcement

Long Time Gone
Mar 13, 2010
Due to the incompatibly and bugs in the current styles I have removed them all and replaced them with one style that will work with this version of IP.Board.

All issues that everyone had with the styles should be gone with this new style. I will continue to work on the others to see if I can work out all the issues so they might be back at a later time.

Also I am testing an arcade system on my test site. If all goes well the arcade should be back by the first of the year.

As always if you find an bugs with this skin start a thread in the bugs forum.
Superior Member
Oct 18, 2007
Due to the incompatibly and bugs in the current styles I have removed them all and replaced them with one style that will work with this version of IP.Board.

All issues that everyone had with the styles should be gone with this new style. I will continue to work on the others to see if I can work out all the issues so they might be back at a later time.

Also I am testing an arcade system on my test site. If all goes well the arcade should be back by the first of the year.

As always if you find an bugs with this skin start a thread in the bugs forum.
I've noticed the whiteness makes my computer screen brighter, which attracts more bugs. Is that a "bug"?


Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
Did someone say "arcade"?

w00t! :thumbsup:
Long Time Gone
Mar 13, 2010
Yes I said arcade. Should have one installed shortly after the first of the year.

I installed a dark version of the skin. You can change to it using the sytle chooser at the bottom left of the page.
Long Time Gone
Mar 13, 2010
I can do that for you.

If you're on mobile do you get the mobile skin by default?

If you do should I add that link to the mobile skin header?
Oct 21, 2007
I can do that for you.

If you're on mobile do you get the mobile skin by default?

If you do should I add that link to the mobile skin header?
It looks much the same as on my laptop, Bob. Anywhere closer to the top of the page would be fine. Thanks, Buddy.