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Is Obama Abbott or Costello?


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Arizona colleges accused of immigrant discrimination

Before this year, Phoenix-area community colleges asked legal immigrants to show a green card before hiring them. The Justice Department calls the policy 'document abuse' and seeks damages.

By David G. Savage, Tribune Washington Bureau

September 4, 2010

Reporting from Washington

Employers who hire illegal immigrants can be fined, but the Obama administration warned this week that they also can be fined for asking legal immigrants to show their green cards before hiring them.

The Justice Department's civil rights division sued the Maricopa County Community Colleges in Arizona, seeking damages from schools for having "intentionally committed document abuse discrimination."

Prior to this year, the local colleges in the Phoenix area asked job applicants who were not U.S. citizens to show a driver's license, a Social Security card and their permanent resident card, commonly called a green card.

A Phoenix, Arizona Community College is being sued for asking prospective employees for their green cards before hiring, as per law. The DOJ said that they ?intentionally committed document abuse discrimination.?

The college, if they didn?t verify an employees legal status, would be subjected to severe fines for hiring an illegal.

Superior Member
Oct 18, 2007
Only in the government, man. I tell ya.
Easy fix... Just don't hire any more Hispanics. Oh, wait. That's job discrimination.
They need to come up with an Affirmative Action table, to show what amount of one race = another.

Like 2 Chinese = 1 Viet = 1 black = 4 hispanics. That way, they don't have to worry about it. Or just keep hiring black people :D
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Totally crazy, and exactly what defines this President as someone who does everything in his power to not enforce our immigration laws.


Why would any President do this?

Even the more radical liberals on this forum have agreed that going after the employers is the way to go and yet how do we go after employers if at the same time Obama is going to sue those employers for asking?

Catch 22?