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It's not political?

Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Here is a story you will not find in the mainstream news:


Viacom networks MTV, BET and CMT are giving an hour of free air time to President Obama less than three weeks before the midterm elections.

The so-called ?A Conversation with President Obama? will be live and commercial-free on six Viacom networks at 4 p.m. on Thursday. The networks will not give equal time to a Republican before the election, according to a spokeswoman.

MTV denies that the Obama hour of TV is political, despite the timing, weeks before the midterm elections.

?We?re not giving an hour of free time to the president to freely express his views. We?re hosting a town hall with 250 young people to ask questions of the president,"Viacom spokeswoman Kelly McAndrew said to HUMAN EVENTS.

"This is not a campaign appearance. This is a town hall discussion.?

The White House conceived of the concept and asked for the commercial-free TV time, according to Viacom.

?MTV and BET had ?asks? into the White House to do something with the president,? explained McAndrew. She said that the White House ?came back to both networks and said, ?Hey we could do something. Would you consider doing something together???

?We said, ?Great! Let?s see if we can get some more networks who would like to join in.? And not only did BET, we have CENTRIC, Tr3s, mtvU, that will all be airing this particular town hall live,? said McAndrew.

Viacom is adamant that the across-the-board network airing of the Obama hour is not political, and therefore does not demand equal time for a Republican.

?We are not giving a full hour of free air time. We are hosting a town hall for 250 individuals to ask questions of the president of the United States,? the spokeswoman said repeatedly.

MTV asserts that the show will be balanced by the questions that may be asked by the audience of young people who ?provide some very different perspectives.?

?We think that our audience is interested in a lot of different topics and hold varying viewpoints on all of these different topics. And this is the forum to provide an opportunity for young people to express those thoughts,? said McAndrew.

Asked if the audience questions are submitted in advance, McAndrew said ?absolutely not.?

However, when asked if the audience is being pre-screened, McAndrew said yes, but to achieve their version of diversity.?We?re talking to the individuals to be sure that we have an extremely diverse audience because we don?t want a single view audience,? explained McAndrew of the vetting process.

Does Viacom and its networks have any intention of holding a town hall for a Republican?

?There?s nothing on our current schedule,? McAndrew responded. She added that, ?we?ve hosted plenty of town halls and debates in the past.?

When questioned for specifics, she said, ?I know we hosted the one with John McCain on the most recent presidential election. That was in 2007. That?s what I know right off the top of my head.?

Asked if MTV or other Viacom networks had given an hour to any Republicans in the past three years, McAndrew responded, ?You know, sittin? here right now, I?d have to go back and look at the history. We have been doing this a very long time across many of our network. Comedy Central has a very well-known program that they host around lots of elections.?

So, what?s the name of the ?well known program? on Comedy Central around the elections?

?The? uh?ohh ?what is it called? ? I?ll have to get you the name," stuttered Viacom?s spokeswoman. "We have 'Choose or Lose'... gosh... I don?t know the year that started. We?ve had a lot of different things. I mean gosh, just Google that and figure that out.?


I love the part where the women could not name their "well known program".....funny as hell.

Anyway, does anyone else believe this is not a political spot designed to help Democrats just beofre an election?

And if so, should the networks have to provide an equal amount of free time to Republicans?
Superior Member
Oct 18, 2007
*shrug* It has the power to hurt them as much as it could help them. If the questions aren't pre-screeened, then they could make Obama look like a f*cking moron. It just depends.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
*shrug* It has the power to hurt them as much as it could help them. If the questions aren't pre-screeened, then they could make Obama look like a f*cking moron. It just depends.
I watched part of it and yes the kids were prescreened to a certain extent but this was purely political because Obama controlled the discussion and even the not so easy questions were easily deflected by a experienced Politician against kids Joker.

This was a free political event, while Obama and company are making false claims of illegal funds helping campaigns, at the same time he is conducting these kinds of dirty tricks to try and help his own party stay in power any way he can.

I remember a few people complaining about Bush and his vacations and while Obama has not taken as many actual vacations, he has spent more time in campaign mode and if we total up his time running around the Nation pushing his agendas with fake town hall meetings and such I bet he is taking twice as much time away from working as the President than any other President in history. Remember his media blitz and campaigns during the healthcare mess?

But even with all this he will lose big and he will no longer have his big majority in Congress.