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Lindsay Lohan shows off her hot body in the bandage dress

Active Member
May 10, 2010
Designed by Herve Leger, Lohan pulled off the famously unforgiving bandage dress admirably.

Teamed with sexy fishnets and lace-up stilettos, the actress proved that she's got all the necessary style credentials for her cameo on the hit US show which is styled by Sex and the City fashion legend Patricia Field.


Young Hollywood loves the bandage look, and chic OC starlet Rachel Bilson made a cream halterneck version seem far more elegant than something so short and clingy should strictly be.

Fellow teen drama star Blake Lively was in turn spotted on the New York set of Gossip Girl in a herve Leger bandage dress.


Christina Aguilera has been flaunting her post-baby figure in Herve Leger, not unlike Naomi Watts, who wore Leger in a photo shoot following the birth of her first child.

Heroes' Hayden Panettiere flaunted the body that only a 19-year-old could have in a strapless version, while equally youthful songstress Joss Stone has been seen sporting a rainbow striped version.

Knocked Up star Katharine Heigel recently appeared on the cover of US Cosmopolitan magazine in a baby pink version, and Mariah Carey also opted for pink when she wore a bandage dress on Good Morning America earlier this year.

Read more:http://gossipy-in.blogspot.com/2010/05/lindsay-lohan-shows-off-her-hot-body-in.html
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