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Major Wind Alert

  • Thread starter Thread starter mimus
  • Start date Start date


On Mon, 31 Dec 2007 23:46:54 -0500, mimus wrote:

> Where'd that come from?

Ah, rainy and blustery tonight (gusts to 40 mph), snow-showery and

blustery tomorrow (gusts to 40).




smeeter 11 or maybe 12

mp 10

mhm 29x13

Everyone hates us.

< _Kontroll_

dave hillstrom

On Mon, 31 Dec 2007 23:55:09 -0500, mimus


>On Mon, 31 Dec 2007 23:46:54 -0500, mimus wrote:


>> Where'd that come from?


>Ah, rainy and blustery tonight (gusts to 40 mph), snow-showery and

>blustery tomorrow (gusts to 40).



sorry. i had beens for breakfast.


dave hillstrom mhm15x4 zrbj

Tim Weaver

mimus wrote:

> Where'd that come from?

The pizza?


Tim Weaver

I know you believe you understand what you think I said,

but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not

what I meant.

Sharon B

On Mon, 31 Dec 2007 23:46:54 -0500, mimus

wrote in :

>Where'd that come from?

Done been spanked.

I'm staying inside.