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OMG Obamacare is working !!!!

Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
More Small Businesses Offering Health Care To Employees Thanks To Obamacare


The first statistics are coming in and, to the surprise of a great many, Obamacare might just be working to bring health care to working Americans precisely as promised.

The major health insurance companies around the country are reporting a significant increase in small businesses offering health care benefits to their employees.


Because the tax cut created in the new health care reform law providing small businesses with an incentive to give health benefits to employees is working.



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Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
Basic economics; if you subsidize a good more people will buy it. Yes, if you make a product cheaper for small businesses they will buy more of it. The question is ?Who pays?? Given our current huge deficits the answer is our children and grandchildren.

You might want to read this:


People confuse healthcare and medical care. Our nation ranks much better in medical care than health care. A nation of fat slobs will not rank high in healthcare but may do quite well in medical care.

The primary reason for our nations high MEDICAL CARE costs are 1) too much food and not enough exercise and 2) our nation subsidizes demand for medical care while restricting supply of medical practitioners, drug availability and other medical care services and 3) an aging population.

Until we address medical care costs we are simply arguing about how to spread the costs. We need to start looking at how to cut costs. I would start with eliminating the Kefauver Amendment which has greatly increased the costs of bringing a drug to market and I would gfollow that up with lessening the licensing requirements for the practice of medicine.

It is arguable if Obamacare is deficit friendly in the 1st decade, it definitely is not in the second.

I forgot #4

Third party payments which is the crux of the issue here:

Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
More Small Businesses Offering Health Care To Employees Thanks To Obamacare


The first statistics are coming in and, to the surprise of a great many, Obamacare might just be working to bring health care to working Americans precisely as promised.

The major health insurance companies around the country are reporting a significant increase in small businesses offering health care benefits to their employees.


Because the tax cut created in the new health care reform law providing small businesses with an incentive to give health benefits to employees is working.


Thanks for the link. Me and Rick are actually engaging in debate free of name calling.

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