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Party games...

Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007

(CNN) -- The mother of a Georgia teen beaten at a house party referred to her son as a "silent hero" and called for justice after the four teens accused of his murder appeared in court Monday morning.

"My son did not die in vain," said Monique Revaida, the mother of 18-year-old Bobby Maurice Tillman. "Something will be done about these children attacking each other for nothing."

Horace Damon Coleman, 19, Emanuel Benjamin Boykins, 18, Quantez Devonta Mallory, 18, and Tracen Franklin, 19, were brought into the courtroom one by one to face one count of felony murder. Police say the boys beat Tillman to death outside a party in metro Atlanta that had gotten out of control Saturday night.

Sheriff Phil Miller told CNN the attack happened after girls got into a fight, and one of the girls hit a boy. One of the suspects, according to Miller, said he wasn't going to "hit a girl," but the next guy who came by was going to get "beat down."

Tillman was the unfortunate victim, and he was a "little guy, 18 years old, 5-foot-6, weighed 125 pounds," said Miller, who added that he didn't think the boys even knew each other.

The suspect went to Douglas County High School, while Tillman went to Chapel Hill, the sheriff said.

A judge ordered no bail for the suspects until they can speak with an attorney. All but Franklin asked for court-appointed counsel. His mother told the judge she had already hired an attorney for her son.

Police arrived on the scene early Sunday. They were called by the mother of the girl who had hosted the party after it had gotten out of control. Miller said there were 60 to 80 people at the party. Fifty-seven witnesses were taken in for questioning.

After the initial hearing, the sheriff responded to criticism from parents who complained about partygoers being bused in from the party to the police station, and held without their permission.

"This is not about the sheriff's office or the inconveniences about solving a murder case," Miller said. "And that's what we did, and that's what we're proud of."

The Douglas County district attorney stood next to the victim's mother, calling the attack "an absolutely unprovoked senseless killing" of a "completely innocent victim."

"I don't think we're ever gonna learn why it happened," D.A. David McCabe said.

Some family members praised officials for the way they have handled the case so far. They held up a large framed prom portrait of Tillman for reporters to see as his mother described him as a person who loved basketball.

"My son was an angel here on earth," Revaida said solemnly, "just a good person."

No drugs or alcohol were found at the scene, according to the sheriff, and he doesn't expect any more charges in the case.

A grand jury will convene in two weeks. The suspects are expected to be indicted at that time.


I have to say that if they really killed this kid just because he was the unlucky next guy to walk by, they should all go to prison for 25 years or more IMHO.
Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
Umm..beating anyone to death is never justified. Kids are nuts. A friends kid was just jumped by 9 guys outside of an athletic club. Not saying the kid didn't maybe deserve a smack for lipping off...but beaten by nine guys and a beer bottle to the face? The kid is 15 and had to get 54 stitches and was in a coma for 2 days. I don't understand the rage. Does no one have any self-control?