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Pennsylvania family sickened after eating toxic mushrooms expected to recover


Fox News

A Pennsylvania family of 11 hospitalized after accidentally eating toxic mushrooms will make a full recovery, the fire department told Fox News Digital.

"One of the family members came across some wild mushrooms in the woods and took them back to the home for dinner," a representative from the Delta-Cardiff Volunteer Fire Co. told Fox News Digital.

The Delta-Cardiff Volunteer Fire Co. serves the communities of Delta, Pennsylvania, and Cardiff, Maryland.


"The whole family ate them and became sick. All 11 family members were transported to the hospital and were released within 12 hours," added the representative.

The family is Amish, the fire department said, and may not have had access to information on researching which mushrooms were safe to eat.

The specific type of mushroom the family consumed was not identified.

In an Oct. 11 post on its Facebook page, the Delta-Cardiff Volunteer Fire Co. called the situation a "mass casualty incident."

"Units were advised that 11 people had ingested toxic mushrooms and were all ill," the Facebook post said.

While everyone is on the road to recovery, a representative for the department told Fox News Digital that this is a reminder to be "really cautious and do the proper research" before consuming foraged mushrooms.

It's "fortunate that this incident didn't turn deadly, and the adults and children will make a full recovery," the representative said,

People should never eat a wild mushroom unless given the OK by a mushroom identification expert, according to the website for the National Capital Poison Center (NCPC).


"How can you tell the difference between an edible wild mushroom and a poisonous one? Unless you are very experienced in mushroom identification, you can't," the website said.

It also noted that "there are a lot of mushroom look-alikes" and toxic mushrooms may look like edible mushrooms.

Nearly all those who contact Poison Control for assistance after ingesting a poisonous mushroom thought they were eating a safe one, the NCPC said.

Wild mushrooms can cause different symptoms depending on the species consumed, according to the NCPC.


"Many wild mushrooms will cause vomiting and diarrhea; that could lead to dehydration and an emergency room visit. Others can interact with alcohol to cause severe stomach upset, headache and high blood pressure. Some can cause hallucinations and coma," the NCPC said.

Some mushrooms can damage the liver so severely that a liver transplant is required, the NCPC said.

"There are old mushroom hunters, and there are bold mushroom hunters. There are no old, bold mushroom hunters," the NCPC said.

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Anyone who thinks he or she might have eaten a poisonous mushroom should reach out to a medical professional immediately.
