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Race card/crying wolf

Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
As the Progressives get more and more desperate and feel cornered they can never turn to their record so more often than not, when a progressive gets cornered they turn to avoiding the questions and attacking those who ask the questions or represent their difficulty in being forced do defend their actions.

Case in point, Bill Maher appeared on the O?Reilly "factor" show last night and tried to claim that the only reason the President's approval ratings are low is because Americans are racists.... When O?Reilly asked him how much of the unfavorable view of Obama was due to race, Maher said "almost all of it".

This is interesting to me because even our own resident Progressive (Phreakwars) has also said the same thing, that any opposition to Obama is mostly due to his race, and not his policies. But I also remember that Phreakwars said that some of the more radical Progressives are turning away from Obama because he is not pushing enough socialist agendas like failing to get the single payer healthcare plan passed.

So are they racists too?

At this point the Progressives have overused the race card to the point voters see 'the little boy who cried wolf'. There is no race element in the opposition to government takeover of healthcare, there is no racist element to the opposition to cap-and-tax, there is no race element to the opposition to out of control spending in Washington for things like the "stimulus". When the Progressives intentionally lie and say the only reason people are against these policies is they are racists, the people know the Progressives are full of sh!t and tune them out.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
When you have been President for nearly two years, have added two trillion to the national debt and still have unemployment at near 10% your approval rating will be very low regardless of your race.


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
C-span shows no bias.
Are you sure?

CSPAN is airing the leftist ?One Nation? rally today in Washington DC.

Unfortunately, they didn?t have a good crowd shot of the turnout? So they used a photo from a Glenn Beck tea party rally.



Once caught, they changed the photo on the website.
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Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
Photoshopped lie. Where is that story at on C-span's site?

Were they so ashamed of it that they removed it?

Also, Glenn Beck requested people NOT bring signs, remember?

Gateway Pundit (Jim Hoft, teabagger & Fox News contributer) is a site that has been known to repeatedly lie and use deceptive photos.

Figures your a fan. :unsure:


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Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
Obama's ratings are still higher than Clinton's 1994 lows, Things were better in 94 than they are now. Seems like people are giving Obama a break.


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Photoshopped lie. Where is that story at on C-span's site?

Were they so ashamed of it that they removed it?

Also, Glenn Beck requested people NOT bring signs, remember?

Gateway Pundit (Jim Hoft, teabagger & Fox News contributer) is a site that has been known to repeatedly lie and use deceptive photos.

Figures your a fan. :unsure:


First off. I saw the pic on CSPAN before it was changed.

Secondly. There aren't signs like you see at 10-2. Just some Gadsden Flags.
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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
When you have been President for nearly two years, have added two trillion to the national debt and still have unemployment at near 10% your approval rating will be very low regardless of your race.
Add to that the last two years of Bush's Presidency was with Progressives controlling the purse strings and creating the legislation that was placed in front of Bush to sign, and yet the Progressives refuse to accept any responsibility for what they have done.

You know hugo, many times those of use who consider ourselces conservative may also dissagree on things but we have all agreed on a few things Bush and the Republicans did wrong in the past, we can admit to these things because we are capable of thinking on our own.

I have noticed Progressives don't have that ability, no matter what Obama does here is Phreakwars making excuses and trying to change the subject away from the things he knows the Progressives have done wrong but his loyalties are to the Progressive agenda, not to America.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
Liberals Confuse Me

Christine O'Donnell, U.S. Senate candidate from Delaware, has faced considerable criticism and news media attention about her youthful association with witchcraft. Have we seen similar news media attention given to other politicians who have made bizarre remarks that border on gross stupidity -- possibly lunacy?

During a congressional Armed Services hearing in March, Rep. Hank Johnson, D-Ga., expressed concern that stationing 8,000 Marines and their equipment on Guam, our Pacific territory, could cause the island "to become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize." Such a remark is grossly stupid but the liberal press didn't give it anywhere near the amount of attention and derision that they gave Christine O'Donnell.

On the campaign trail in March 2008, then-presidential candidate Obama told his Beaverton, Ore., audience, "Over the last 15 months, we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in 57 states? I think one left to go." Whether Obama misspoke or not, that's a grossly stupid remark, but white liberals among the intellectual elite and the liberal news media all but ignored it. Of course, when former Vice President Dan Quayle misspelled "potatoe," they pounced upon it and had a field day.

So what might explain the liberals giving Hank Johnson and Obama a pass whilst playing up the perceived shortcomings of Christine O'Donnell and Dan Quayle? The answer might be as simple as just looking at the colors involved. O'Donnell and Quayle are white and Johnson and Obama are black. That means the white liberal vision comes into play where to openly oppose, criticize and ridicule blacks is racist. The key term is openly. I bet that when alone, in trusted company, white liberals crack up over the things that some black people say and do. The white liberal vision holds one set of standards to which white people are obliged and another that's lower for blacks. I don't believe that white liberals are racists in the sense that Klansmen and neo-Nazis are; however, their paternalistic and demeaning attitudes toward blacks are far more debilitating.

There needs to be a bit of elaboration of the statement that to openly oppose, criticize and ridicule a black is racist. If the black in question is a conservative, possibly Republican, then any sort of criticism and treatment is acceptable. This was seen in the criticism and ridicule of Clarence Thomas, Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell. Garry Trudeau's "Doonesbury" cartoon featured President Bush referring to Secretary Rice as "brown sugar." Pat Oliphant showed her as a parrot with big lips and Ted Rall's cartoon had Miss Rice proclaiming herself Bush's "House nigga." Don Wright's cartoon depicted Justice Thomas as Justice Scalia's lawn jockey. These cartoons were carried in major newspapers nationwide. Ask yourself what would happen to a nationally syndicated cartoonist, and the newspaper that carried it, depicting President Obama as a wide-eyed, fat-lipped monkey.

Racial double standards are nothing new. It has been the currency on jobs and college campuses where there is an acceptance of behavior by blacks that would be condemned if done by whites. Often misguided white liberal professors, in the name of making up for injustices of the past, give black students grades they didn't earn. Being 74 years old, I have frequently told people that I'm glad that I received just about all of my education before it became fashionable for white people to like black people. That means I was obliged to live up to higher standards.

More blacks need to be bold and challenge the demeaning attitudes of white liberals. During the early years of the Reagan administration, I had a number of press conferences in response to a book or article that I had written. At several of them, I invited the reporters to treat me like a white person -- just ask hard questions.

Walter Williams
Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
Bush's Presidency was with Progressives controlling the purse strings and creating the legislation that was placed in front of Bush to sign, and yet the Progressives refuse to accept any responsibility for what they have done.
Which legislation would that be?.

Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Bush's Presidency was with Progressives controlling the purse strings and creating the legislation that was placed in front of Bush to sign, and yet the Progressives refuse to accept any responsibility for what they have done.
Which legislation would that be?.

Everything that was placed on Bush's desk in the last two years of his Presidency was created by a progressive controlled Congress.