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Rally in Washington D.C. on 10/2


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
So, how did that turn out for ya'?

With over 400 far left organizations promoting this, and forced union attendance and payed busing of members to the "event" (if you can count it as an event), seriously they were only able to get a fraction of the first tea party rally last year, and it was ignored as inconsequential.




Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Oh, and once again the supposed, environmentally conscious left, had a rally leaving behind a garbage and litter...


While unlike the conservative movements who clean up after themselves, I have to admit this one wasn't as bad as most left wing rallies.
Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
Yeah, how dare they leave all that biodegradable garbage lying around. They should have left chemical instead. Now THAT'S a rally.

So, BTW, is that all you got? Parroted right wing talking points about trash being left behind?

If I wanted to read that same lame lockstep parroted unoriginal BS, I'd read Yahoo news comments, Topix, and free republic.

How about focusing on the message behind the rally?

Stop the obstructionism. Work together
Busing in people? Oh Beck NEVER did that, the tea party rally had NONE of those, right?

What are you making an issue of exactly in your hypocrisy filled criticism?

And what are you saying about the crowd size? This rally wasn't exactly Fox News promoted 24/7 ya know. MSNBC only promoted it on the Ed show, not EVERY ****ING PROGRAM. A bigger rally crowd must mean more people represent your views since you see them in a picture, hence, they are the majority of Americans?

See ya at the polls. Republicans will get a huge reality check when the "liberal media" reports that it's a good year for Republicans will prove to be nothing but media fodder.

What's funny, is this rally was about people working together, none of this "MAD AS HELL AND NOT TAKING IT ANYMORE" sh*t. Wasn't created by city hall protests and didn't get TV coverage like the Tea party, yet STILL was able to pull in significant numbers.

The Jon Stewart Rally, is gonna be even bigger then this.


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Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Yeah, how dare they leave all that biodegradable garbage lying around. They should have left chemical instead. Now THAT'S a rally.

So, BTW, is that all you got? Parroted right wing talking points about trash being left behind?

If I wanted to read that same lame lockstep parroted unoriginal BS, I'd read Yahoo news comments, Topix, and free republic.

How about focusing on the message behind the rally?

Stop the obstructionism. Work together
Busing in people? Oh Beck NEVER did that, the tea party rally had NONE of those, right?

What are you making an issue of exactly in your hypocrisy filled criticism?

And what are you saying about the crowd size? This rally wasn't exactly Fox News promoted 24/7 ya know. MSNBC only promoted it on the Ed show, not EVERY ****ING PROGRAM. A bigger rally crowd must mean more people represent your views since you see them in a picture, hence, they are the majority of Americans?

See ya at the polls. Republicans will get a huge reality check when the "liberal media" reports that it's a good year for Republicans will prove to be nothing but media fodder.

What's funny, is this rally was about people working together, none of this "MAD AS HELL AND NOT TAKING IT ANYMORE" sh*t. Wasn't created by city hall protests and didn't get TV coverage like the Tea party, yet STILL was able to pull in significant numbers.

The Jon Stewart Rally, is gonna be even bigger then this.


BS. Other than Beck. Fox didn't promote his rally hardly at all, up until right before it happened.

And no. Beck didn't bus in anyone. Individual grass roots buses were organized, but not forced union participation like the usual astro-turf left events. Like this one. George Soros helped the Nazis kill his own people and now is banking on bringing down the US for his own financial support.

400, four hundrend left wing organizations backed the 10-2 flop. MSLSD was right there.

No propaganda. Every time there is a right wing rally, the site is left clean and pristine, but the so called enviro-left leave a garbage wasteland. Just usual lefty hypocrisy, is all.

So, I guess that means that if and when the Repubs take one or both houses of Congress, and present ideas for the betterment of the nation, you'll be harping on the Dems for being the "obstructionist party" or the "party of no".

It's easy to detect your sour grapes. The one nation Marxist rally was a bust and one of the last blows to the Progressives.

Every time Progressives make their agenda known, and don't hide it behind vague slogans like, "hope and change" it's rejected.

History is just repeating itself.
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Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007

To prove that Glenn Beck's huge "Restoring Honor" rally in Washington was a fluke, a consortium of over 400 far-left organizations and unions forced their members to attend Saturday's pro-Obama "One Nation Working Together" rally.

Unlike Beck's grass roots rally, "One Nation Working Together" was extremely well funded by powerful political groups including the NAACP, SEIU, and American Communist Party, and had the additional crowd-building incentive of union bosses reminding their members that non-attendance could lead to "on the job accidents," if you know what we mean.

An eager mainstream media wanted nothing more than to report that the rally was a huge success, with throngs of people jamming the national mall! But that wouldn't be entirely accurate.

Early reports on the rally spoke exclusively of the many thousands "expected to attend," even after the event was underway. And photographs were carefully cropped to show people packed tightly...but only in very small groups. In fact, the only aerial shots of huge crowds proved to be (barely labeled) file photos from...Glenn Beck's rally.

At the event's peak, there was clearly a substantial number of people in attendance - several dozen of whom might have actually been there voluntarily. But in the end, it would appear that "One Nation Working Together" might more aptly be labeled "400 Liberal Organizations Failing Together."
Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
So which right wing website did you copy and paste that parroted lie from?


had the additional crowd-building incentive of union bosses reminding their members that non-attendance could lead to "on the job accidents,"
Evidence please?
photographs were carefully cropped to show people packed tightly...but only in very small groups. In fact, the only aerial shots of huge crowds proved to be (barely labeled) file photos from...Glenn Beck's rally.
And where might I find these cropped photos? I haven't seen any.
At the event's peak, there was clearly a substantial number of people in attendance
More then the "LIBERAL MEDIA" even reported or covered.

I watch it on C-span and saw it for myself. C-SPAN doesn't lie. You, on the other hand, got your information about the rally, from right wing blogs.

If I were to guess, I'd say around 100,000, Beck's Rally, about 250,000, but then, I'm no expert in crowd estimates, just being honest.


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Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
Beck didn't bus in anyone. Individual grass roots buses were organized
Like this:





So what if organizations were bussing in people?

Heritage foundation did it, Roger Ailes did it, and TONS of other right wing organizations.

Ed Schultz from MSNBC didn't bus anybody in either, so what's your point?



Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
There was a time when all Americans watched a total of three television stations and we were all influenced by similar broadcasting. Today we have newschannels that play to the right and those that play to the left.Most Republican primary voters watch Hannity, Beck and O'Reilly most Democrat primary voters watch Oberman, Maddow and The Ed Show. This radicalizes the primary voters in each party. The era of compromise is over. The opposition party will always be the party of no. The party in power will attempt to satisfy their increasingly radicalized base.The national debt will keep growing as no Republican can raise taxes and get throgh the primary nor can a Democrat cut spending and do the same. Until at some point we sink under the burden of our debts. Limited government may come in our lifetime because interest payments will suck up a large percentage of government revenue.


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
I see the D-elusional part of my signature rings true again...

More than 400 organizations ? ranging from labor unions to faith, environmental and gay rights groups ? partnered for the event, which comes one month after Beck packed the same space with conservatives and tea party-style activists.Organizers claimed they had as many participants as Beck's rally. But Saturday's crowds were less dense and didn't reach as far to the edges as they did during Beck's rally. The National Park Service stopped providing official crowd estimates in the 1990s.

It's actually a little sad.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Yeah, how dare they leave all that biodegradable garbage lying around. They should have left chemical instead. Now THAT'S a rally.
So if the Progressive believes his trash is biodegradable, then it is reasonable to toss it on the gorund instead of using the trash bins? Really?

So, BTW, is that all you got? Parroted right wing talking points about trash being left behind?
Talking point or not it is fact so how do you explain how conservatives are respectful of the area when they have a event but Progressives do not show any respect to the area? I believe this says a lot about the character, or in this case lack of character that goes hand-in-hand with the Progressive mindset.

How about focusing on the message behind the rally?

Stop the obstructionism. Work together
Will you remember this after the Republicans have the majority Phreakwars? Is working together only important to you when it is good for your Progressive agenda?

Don't forget, it was your fellow Democrats who were fighting against each other that made their healthcare reform take over a year, Republicans had no part of your internal fighting and back room deals to buy votes.

And what are you saying about the crowd size? This rally wasn't exactly Fox News promoted 24/7 ya know. MSNBC only promoted it on the Ed show, not EVERY ****ING PROGRAM. A bigger rally crowd must mean more people represent your views since you see them in a picture, hence, they are the majority of Americans?
No, this rally had bigger support, more money from big groups supporting it, and a very wide range of sponsorship from Progreasive powerhouses.

Oh, and this rally had a very weak turnout compared to the Beck rally and he had very little organized support.

See ya at the polls. Republicans will get a huge reality check when the "liberal media" reports that it's a good year for Republicans will prove to be nothing but media fodder.
So are you saying the Democrats will not get pounded at the polls Phreakwars?

I would bet you our existence on this forum but I know you would never have enough integrity to honor the bet when you lose so how about this:

The loser has to put in their signature that they were "Intellectually Inferior" to the other person for two months?

No tricks to hide the sig or play word games with it, just a simple admission and acceptence that we were beaten by the other person. You got the balls to back your big mouth up with this wager Phreakwars?

What's funny, is this rally was about people working together, none of this "MAD AS HELL AND NOT TAKING IT ANYMORE" sh*t. Wasn't created by city hall protests and didn't get TV coverage like the Tea party, yet STILL was able to pull in significant numbers.
I want to see how much this "working together" stuff stays in their mouths after they get pounded in the comming election........
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Being as Phreakwars is again pretending to not see my post I thought I would break this part out for him again and see if he is willing to make this wager:

See ya at the polls. Republicans will get a huge reality check when the "liberal media" reports that it's a good year for Republicans will prove to be nothing but media fodder.
So are you saying the Democrats will not get pounded at the polls Phreakwars?

I would bet you our existence on this forum but I know you would never have enough integrity to honor the bet when you lose so how about this:

The loser has to put in their signature that they were "Intellectually Inferior" to the other person for two months?

No tricks to hide the sig or play word games with it, just a simple admission and acceptence that we were beaten by the other person. You got the balls to back your big mouth up with this wager Phreakwars?
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
I take the lack of reply to mean you decline my wager, I really did not think you had the balls to be completely honest.

Not that I expect any thinking person to take that wager, the Progressives are doomed, lol.