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Rangel poor?

Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007

House ethics committee lawyers on Monday presented their case requesting summary judgment against New York Rep. Charles Rangel after the panel denied the congressman's request to delay the trial so that he could get a lawyer to defend him against 13 charges of financial and fundraising misconduct.

Outlining the case, lawyers accused Rangel -- and showed video of his own admission of violating rules -- of misusing official stationery to solicit private donations. Other charges included receiving benefits from private donors that "reasonable people could conclude" was aimed at influencing his votes, violations of franking rules, violations of House rules on the use of official resources to solicit donations, accepting benefits from his landlord and individuals from whom he could derive benefit and failure to uphold federal tax laws.

Rangel was not in the room when the case began. Before the case was presented, Rangel argued he's in a "Catch-22" of sorts in attempting to defend himself and asked for a delay in his trial so that he can get a lawyer that he can afford without violating House ethics rules.

Infusing normally dry proceedings with high drama, the 20-term lawmaker said his "50 years of public service is on the line" because he can't afford to get a lawyer and offers for a pro bono defense would violate House ethics rules.

The former Ways and Means Committee chairman said he's spent nearly $2 million defending himself against the misconduct counts and is out of money. He argued that if he were to set up a legal defense fund he would not have time to organize his defense before the panel made a ruling.

"My family has caught hell" in the investigation that has lasted two-and-a-half years, Rangel said.

"All I'm asking for is time to get counsel," Rangel continued. "I have lawyers in New York and Washington who've offered to come and give free counsel ... but then it would be violation of the law. ... So while you tell me, I can hire anybody, get anybody, not have a lawyer, time does not permit this matter to be concluded before the end of this session ... and that's the nuts and bolts of what we're talking about."

Rangel, 80, then said he had to excuse himself from the hearing.

Ethics panelists then met in closed session to discuss the Harlem Democrat's request for what amounts to a continuance in the case, but came back and denied the request saying Rangel had ample time to prepare his defense.

"We recognize that Mr. Rangel has said he will not participate, as is his right," said committee Chairwoman Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif., adding that "no conclusion of the facts of the matter can be drawn by Mr. Rangel's decision to refuse to participate in this hearing."

However, House ethics committee panelists agreed it was "fundamentally unfair" and "an astonishing display of professional irresponsibility" for Rangel's defense team to drain the congressman's resources to pay for his defense and then withdraw on the eve of the hearing.

Monday's hearing convened by the four Democrats and four Republicans is only the second time this type of proceeding was held under revamped in-house policing procedures adopted two decades ago.

If the panel finds that Rangel broke the rules, it could recommend the House vote to condemn Rangel's conduct.

Arguing that he's in a "Catch-22" of sorts in attempting to defend himself, New York Rep. Charles Rangel on Monday asked for a delay in his ethics committee trial so that he can get a lawyer that he can afford without violating House ethics rules, but was denied the request.


I think it is funny as hell that Rangel is now crying poverty and is pretending to not have the ability to hire a lawyer. His lifetime of "public service" took him from down and out failure to a very rich man with several homes and millions in assessets but now he is claiming he is broke?

Sell some jewelery, sell one of your many homes, sell the rights to a book deal, Rangel can come up with the money if he really needed money, this is just another stunt trying to get away with his wrong actions. He knows he is guilty, so why not play the game as long as they will let him? Right?

Does anyone think he will not be found guilty?

I believe after all the "drain the swamp" big talk there is no way for the Democrats to protect Rangel, no matter how much they want to.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
I think it is funny as hell that Rangel is now crying poverty and is pretending to not have the ability to hire a lawyer. His lifetime of "public service" took him from down and out failure to a very rich man with several homes and millions in assessets but now he is claiming he is broke?Sell some jewelery, sell one of your many homes, sell the rights to a book deal, Rangel can come up with the money if he really needed money, this is just another stunt trying to get away with his wrong actions. He knows he is guilty, so why not play the game as long as they will let him? Right?

Does anyone think he will not be found guilty?

I believe after all the "drain the swamp" big talk there is no way for the Democrats to protect Rangel, no matter how much they want to.
You really hate black people.
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Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007

From the desk of Charlie Rangel:Dear Fellow Congresspeople,

I am here today to tell you that I deplore the ridiculous and unconstitutional actions taken against me by the highly partisan and Republican-dominated ethics committee. In finding me guilty of these eleven charges, this committee has violated every rule of fair justice known to man. I find it unbelievable that this great body would sit idly by while my name is slandered in this malicious fashion, and so have chosen to take this opportunity to address the charges made against me.

First of all, let me talk to you about that little villa in the Dominican Republic. So I forgot to file my rental income from that little place on my tax return. Can you really expect me to keep up with every little detail like that? I have more important things to worry about, like writing the tax code for the IRS. Sure, I chair the committee that wrote this law, but why do you think that means I know what's in it? We all pass laws here every day that have mountains of stuff we don't know about. It's like Speaker Pelosi said about our health care bill, you have to pass it to know what's in it.

I would further like to point out that I was not even in the room when this verdict was handed down! Now tell me, how can that be justice? If the defendant leaves in a fit, you must acquit! Look here, if that bunch of Republicans was willing to convict me without even saying it to my face, then how can you take this verdict seriously? I ask you, my fellow congresspeople, have you no shame? On top of that, I was denied my constitutional right to legal representation in this so-called hearing. I tell you, lack of representation is as bad as segregation! If an African-American Congressman like me is denied representation, there is no justice in this nation! On the other hand, I do have a nice condo for rent if you need a vacation.

Now you need to understand this also, my fellow congresspeople. If this can happen to me, then it can happen to any of you. I have served in this fine body for forty years, I have championed all the great causes of our time, I have stood for truth, justice and freedom! And what do I get? Convicted for failure to report income! I tell you this, you could all face trials for your income, and then some! Do you hear where I'm coming from?

And tell me this, if you would please, would this happen if I were white? No, and I can wrap that case up tight. I forgot a few hundred thousand on my tax return, while Barney Frank over there let his lover boy run a brothel in the basement! Have we forgotten Gingrich, and not seen how he got rich? I look on both sides of the aisle, and see you folks have forgotten I've been here quite a while. I know about the secrets you keep, and where your teen-age honeys sleep. I know about the bribes you've been taking and the deals you've been making, and here you want to put it all off on me! Well not this time, folks. If you want to convict me you can, but at the end of the day I'll still be the man.

So you think the threat of censure will bring any pressure? Try this one out, plenty of fine folks will shout, "no justice, no peace" when you vote against me. I see Pelosi and the Democrat caucus have turned out to be just like the Republican circus. It's all the same to all of them, just let the Brother go down, they won't miss him. Well I've got news, you can try all your spin, but when it comes to D.C. mine's a pretty small sin. I was a soldier before most of you folks were born, and from this seat I will never be torn. I know how to fight all through the night, and when I get done you'll see I have won!

Do you really think this was settled in your little committee? My ring is the street, and my people you'll meet! I fought for our rights against Nixon and Reagan and Bush and even Clinton, presidents all; they're all gone and I still stand tall. So if you think I can be pushed aside, you've mistaken the scope of this tide! The Congressional Black Caucus knows that you need us, so open your ears up and listen to heed us. I've stood by your side all through the years, given my heart, my soul and my tears. You don't dare expel me, you know it is true, and if you try then this day you will rue.

Fellow Congresspeople, that wraps it up. I may have made a few errors on my taxes, but I know how many of you have done worse, and if I talk your career's in a hearse. So go ahead with your vote now but just remember, the old lion always laughs last in December.

Your fellow Congressman,

The HONORABLE Charlie Rangel