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Rats deserting a sinking ship

Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
In story after story we see how the once magical and even worshiped one, Obama, is seeming to be in full free fall from favor even in his own party.

I posted yesterday how many Democrats are already putting down his intent to increase taxes on those who create jobs and the long list of Democrats who have told Obama they don't want his help in their bids for re-election is so clear even CNN is starting to report on it, but today the first Democrat has broken with the President and has come out in support of repealling the massive health scam and is calling it for what it was:


Mississippi Rep. Gene Taylor has become the first Democratic co-sponsor of a Republican effort to repeal the health care law, joining 172 GOPers to call for a vote to end the legislation.

Taylor, an 11-term lawmaker known as a Blue Dog for his fiscal moderation, issued a statement Thursday saying that he is joining the "discharge petition" proposed by Iowa Republican Rep. Steve King to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, signed into law on March 23.

"I didn't vote for it, people don't want it, and the taxpayers cannot afford it," Taylor said in a statement issued on his website.

He told Fox News that he'd rather see Congress deny health insurance firms their antitrust law exemption -- something lawmakers have tried to do.

"I want to see competition in insurance," Taylor said.

If 218 lawmakers sign a discharge petition, it forces a bill to be brought to the House floor for a vote, although the majority leadership has maneuvers to avoid a vote.

No House Republicans supported the bill and 31 Democrats opposed it at the time of the vote. Several Democrats are campaigning for re-election on their disapproval of the bill.

However, even if the legislation gets 218 people to sign on, and it is approved in the House, and a like-minded bill passed the Senate, it's not likely President Obama would sign off on abolishing his hallmark legislation.

But opponents of the law say it's important to get on the record in support of a repeal.


I know a lot of you guys say you don't like Fox news but I did look on other news sites like CNN and guess what, not one word of this defection is on their sites so they are doing their usual coverup in service to their progressive roots and agenda but just like the ACORN story they refused to air, once the public starts to hear of this they will be forced to report it too.

So what does all of this say, each piece all on it's own means nothing, there is give and take in all politics, but put together we start to see that the public is starting to admit that Obama is not the guy he pretended to be to get elected.

The last thing most Democrats want right now is to be considered part of Obama's team.

Even Bill Clinton is trying give Obama a hint, in a interview Bill Clinton said Obama needs to have a clear messaage and one of the things he must make clear is:

"How we are gonna get out of this. How America's best are days ahead. How are we going to reduce the role of government in the economy and have a private sector that works again."
Even Bill Clinton is saying we have to get the Government out of things and help the private sector, well what is the private sector? The private sector is the so called "rich" that Obama wants to punish.