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Re: John Doe - Professional Spammer

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bertie the Bunyip
  • Start date Start date

Bertie the Bunyip

John Doe wrote in



> The malicious misfit Martin Markoe's only USENET activity is spamming

> the speech users group and driving almost all other regular authors

> away.


> If you deal with the spammer, check a price comparison web site before

> you get ripped off.


> Following are a few quotes from others directed to the chronic liar

> and malicious troll Martin Markoe. They help illustrate the annoyance

> and frustration that unrestrained advertising causes for real users

> looking for help on unmoderated USENET forums.


> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.speech.users/msg/3becc9fa6c340ffc?


> You are not a technologist. You sell microphones.


> Marty, how come whenever someone disagrees with you, you get into this

> high school urinating contest mode? Actually I can't find your

> credentials anywhere either, except as a guy selling something.


> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.speech.users/msg/473a2b3f9dd6a0f0?


> Man you really are full of yourself! Just leave me alone. I asked you

> a question. Silly me, I wanted to know what I was buying before I

> bought it. How absurd! I then get email after email after email from

> you telling me that you won't answer my question and trying to justify

> it. Lets cut the crap. You won't answer my question. I won't buy from

> you. So now go away and let me get USEFUL information from someone who

> will be honest with me instead of evasive, devisive and insulting!


> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.speech.users/msg/d256b8b7563712e9?


> More importantly I am not here touting my business. A position which

> makes anything you say suspect, doesn't it.


> I have been watching this group for a long time and you have managed

> to turn it into the eMicrophones, Inc. mail list. Almost no one with

> expertise posts here any longer.


> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.speech.users/msg/6014c0e38032578f?


> Is anyone else beyond annoyed with the two pathetically desperate

> "small business owners" that have driven this group into the ground?


> I subscribed 6 months ago hoping to learn something about the

> "state-of-the-art" in voice recognition from the user's perspective.


> All I've managed to learn is that most users are apparently being

> ripped off by over-charging slimy weaseloid microphone hawkers.


> Martin Markoe and Mr. "speaktoyourpc.com", I beg you to consider the

> number of potential customers you're pissing off before you further

> demonstrate your witlessness by posting again. Your childish

> King-of-the-Group games should've stopped a loooong time ago.


> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.speech.users/msg/3b57c2d47a1d5994?


> Well said...Refreshing.


> [That in response to the prior message.]


> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.speech.users/msg/ce73180162c1d199?


> ... dealing with you on the newsgroups is not an easy thing and most

> always turns into some type of flaming war.


> ... you do get into fights with many regarding microphones and you do

> wave your website around more often than necessary and you don't

> always tell the truth about competitive products.


> I didn't respond because I simply did not want to get into another

> fight which is the reason my posts have been very light in the last

> few months.


> Here are my qualifications. Certified and trained for Philips

> SpeechMagic, IBM ViaVoice, IBM Medspeak, Kurzweil VoiceMed, Dragon

> NaturallySpeaking Enterprise & L&H VoiceXpress... So please, don't

> call me a "Charlatan" because it is simply not true.


> And believe me when I tell you that some users actually get better

> recognition from $20 headsets than with $100 headsets.


> I see vendors posting all the time and as long as you are not a member

> of the newsgroup, there aren't constant one-up battles.


> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.speech.users/msg/ba6cc5fd879272fd?


> After getting caught with his pants down regarding his so called

> privacy policy, Martin continues to make a complete ass out of

> himself.


> With this pattern of behaviour, the next step is usually

> stalking--email stalking (... to menacingly spread deceit)


> [Coincidentally, Martin Markoe did exactly that recently.]


> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.speech.users/msg/84f362b69d93a460?


> ... you don't see the authors in all the newsgroups in a constant

> battle. Only with you Marty.


> You have left such a bad taste in my mouth about your constant

> bickering...


> I can't believe you are talking about spamming. I have seen posts from

> you that link to as many as 8 direct links to your website (all in one

> post) and your signatures fall within 5 or 10 lines long. In my book,

> that's called SPAMMING.


> ... about 2 weeks ago, you claimed to have sold thousands of GN MPA

> Satellites. I know for a fact that is not true.


> This has become a game and if the flaming stops, perhaps we can get

> this group active again.


> Guess what Marty.... I have a life. I don't have time to live on the

> newsgroups as you do.


> This is the 2nd time you have mentioned me being moderated on user

> groups. Last time, you apologized about confusing me with someone



> Marty, your constant abuse on these newsgroups... must come to an end.


> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.speech.users/msg/5585a5e972b1cc1c?


> I give up. I've dealt with delusional people like you before, and it

> leads to nowhere... you continue attacking people who are FAR more

> experienced and qualified than you, not to mention professional...


> See also:

> "Martin Markoe"

> ...

> ...

> ...

> "Michael Mendick"



> Path:

> newsdbm02.news.prodigy.net!newsdst02.news.prodigy.net!prodigy.com!


> on02.news.prodigy.net!prodigy.net!border1.nntp.dca.giganews.com!


> ganews.com!postnews.google.com!y66g2000hsf.googlegroups.com!not-for-


> l From: mmarkoe optonline.net

> Newsgroups: free.usenet

> Subject: Re: John Doe - Professional Spammer

> Date: 2 Apr 2007 06:38:48 -0700

> Organization: http://groups.google.com

> Lines: 31

> Message-ID: <1175521128.501764.199770 y66g2000hsf.googlegroups.com>

> References: <1175264458.932022.264240 o5g2000hsb.googlegroups.com>

> <6WhPh.1299$5e2.463 newssvr11.news.prodigy.net> NNTP-Posting-Host:

> Mime-Version: 1.0

> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

> X-Trace: posting.google.com 1175521130 1480 (2 Apr 2007

> 13:38:50 GMT) X-Complaints-To: groups-abuse google.com

> NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2007 13:38:50 +0000 (UTC)

> In-Reply-To: <6WhPh.1299$5e2.463 newssvr11.news.prodigy.net>

> User-Agent: G2/1.0

> X-HTTP-UserAgent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1;

> SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727),gzip(gfe),gzip(gfe)

> Complaints-To: groups-abuse google.com Injection-Info:

> y66g2000hsf.googlegroups.com; posting-host=;

> posting-account=U-Isdw0AAADr0OK1Ts3hoOkRr2rdiLMK Xref: prodigy.net

> free.usenet:1007 X-Received-Date: Mon, 02 Apr 2007 09:38:50 EDT

> (newsdbm02.news.prodigy.net)


> John Dope tells everyone what a sophisticated computer expert he is

> and how everyone else is a troll. He is a professional SPAMMER and

> when caught red-handed says, "not posted by me," although all are

> posted using his unique NOMAN John Doe logon. Hmm, could someone be

> using Mr. Secret experts logon to generate SPAM all over Google

> Groups. Me thinks not. The SPAMMER is the one and only John Dope.


> http://groups.google.com/group/free.spam/topics?hl=en


> Click the link above. You will see that the same John Dope, who calls

> me a Spammer for helpfully answering questions, is the biggest


> on Google Groups.In the link you can see 1301 John Doe SPAM messages.

> Things like:


> Please visit WWW.hope2cu.COM

> We are a clothing wholesaler based in the England and china. We sell

> many branded name products .

> We also have very low MOQ so that we can supply those people who

> would like to test out our service.


> These SPAM are posted from John Dope's unique logon. I am surprised

> he

> calls me a Spammer when his blatant advertising (over 1000 in the

> past

> couple of months) does not offer one iota of help to anyone.


> Fooey on John Dope.


> Martin Markoe, eMicrophones, Inc.





Oh yeah. you're special.
