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Re: POLL: Did Aratzio just get Spanked?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Aratzio
  • Start date Start date


On Mon, 08 Oct 2007 00:07:13 +0100, in the land of alt.usenet.kooks,

Timmay! got double secret probation for


>Aratzio wrote:

>>Timmay! got double secret probation for writing:

>>>Aratzio wrote:

>>>>Timmay! got double secret probation for writing:

>>>>>Aratzio wrote:

>>>>>>Santa's Little Helper bloviated:

>>>>>>>Aratzio wrote:


>>>>>>>>PS: Before your voices start clamoring, no, I did not even bother

>>>>>>>>wading through your muck.


>>>>>>>Ratzo limps off into the sunset, tail between his legs...


>>>>>>>Haw Haw!



>>>>>>Yes, brave Sir Robin, you just tell yourself that.


>>>>>I wonder how many others would agree that you just got spanked.


>>>>2 Hours: (maybe your fellow kooks will be along)


>>>You're spanked...


>>You could not tell a spank


grandeur and lame as ever>

>I can smell a spankard a continent away.

The overpowering miasma of that exudes from your pores 24/7 would

indicate a more local origin.

>You're the genuine article.

>My 517 line post

>destroyed any credibility you had left. I picked you

>apart like a buzzard does a dead impala. The content of that post has

>left you with no alternative but to snip and run.


>Now continue to snip and run like the gutless weasel you are.

How did your poll turn out for you? Maybe the lurkers emailed you



Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?

Aratzio - Usenet ruiner #2


On Mon, 08 Oct 2007 19:18:30 +0100, in alt.usenet.kooks, Timmay!


>Aratzio wrote:

>>Timmay! got double secret probation for writing:


>>>Now continue to snip and run like the gutless weasel you are.


>>How did your poll turn out for you? Maybe the lurkers emailed you



>Well done. Keep obeying my commands, Miranda.

Wow, another "made you post" claim.

Quite the terror of the keyboard, in your own mind.

So who exactly has come out in your favor in the pathetic whine for

moral support?

Was there even a sock puppet of unknown origin? One of your fellow

kooks? Anyone from alt.flame?

What's that, no one? Not even a lurker email? Nothing.

Dayam, that is just so pathetic.

Gary L. Burnore

On Mon, 08 Oct 2007 19:51:28 GMT, Aratzio


>On Mon, 08 Oct 2007 19:18:30 +0100, in alt.usenet.kooks, Timmay!

> bloviated:


>>Aratzio wrote:

>>>Timmay! got double secret probation for writing:


>>>>Now continue to snip and run like the gutless weasel you are.


>>>How did your poll turn out for you? Maybe the lurkers emailed you



>>Well done. Keep obeying my commands, Miranda.


>Wow, another "made you post" claim.

It's still the best he can do.


>Quite the terror of the keyboard, in your own mind.


>So who exactly has come out in your favor in the pathetic whine for

>moral support?


>Was there even a sock puppet of unknown origin? One of your fellow

>kooks? Anyone from alt.flame?


>What's that, no one? Not even a lurker email? Nothing.


>Dayam, that is just so pathetic.

Poor timmy.


gburnore at DataBasix dot Com


How you look depends on where you go.


Gary L. Burnore | ?????????????????????

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Official .sig, Accept no substitutes. | ?????????????????????

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Black Helicopter Repair Services, Ltd.| Official Proof of Purchase



On Mon, 08 Oct 2007 16:17:13 -0400, Gary L. Burnore


>Poor timmy.

Does that pick-up line work on anyone post-pubescent?


