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Re: Space travel is no longer SF

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jasper Janssen
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Jasper Janssen

On Mon, 01 Oct 2007 17:26:45 -0700, John Schilling


>"Electric Propulsion" is the generic term for all the various sorts

>of ion thrusters, plasma thrusters, colloid thrusters, arcjets, and

>other such gadgets. For example, the technical conference that kept

>me away from usenet the past two weeks was the "International Electric

>Propulsion Conference". It's assumed that there will be sufficient

>context to distinguish between electric propulsion for spacecraft and,

>say, electric propulsion for automobiles or submarines.

So is a Bussard ramjet electric or nuclear propulsion? Or both?


David DeLaney

Jasper Janssen wrote:

>John Schilling wrote:

>>"Electric Propulsion" is the generic term for all the various sorts

>>of ion thrusters, plasma thrusters, colloid thrusters, arcjets, and

>>other such gadgets. For example, the technical conference that kept

>>me away from usenet the past two weeks was the "International Electric

>>Propulsion Conference". It's assumed that there will be sufficient

>>context to distinguish between electric propulsion for spacecraft and,

>>say, electric propulsion for automobiles or submarines.


>So is a Bussard ramjet electric or nuclear propulsion? Or both?

Don't we have to get a working one before we classify it?

Dave "slightly depressed when I found out it wouldn't actually work as

described due to not-enough-fuel-available" DeLaney


\/David DeLaney posting from dbd@vic.com "It's not the pot that grows the flower

It's not the clock that slows the hour The definition's plain for anyone to see

Love is all it takes to make a family" - R&P. VISUALIZE HAPPYNET VRbeable

http://www.vic.com/~dbd/ - net.legends FAQ & Magic / I WUV you in all CAPS! --K.

Jasper Janssen

On Mon, 08 Oct 2007 16:20:57 -0400, dbd@gatekeeper.vic.com (David DeLaney)


>Jasper Janssen wrote:

>>John Schilling wrote:

>>>"Electric Propulsion" is the generic term for all the various sorts

>>>of ion thrusters, plasma thrusters, colloid thrusters, arcjets, and

>>>other such gadgets. For example, the technical conference that kept

>>>me away from usenet the past two weeks was the "International Electric

>>>Propulsion Conference". It's assumed that there will be sufficient

>>>context to distinguish between electric propulsion for spacecraft and,

>>>say, electric propulsion for automobiles or submarines.


>>So is a Bussard ramjet electric or nuclear propulsion? Or both?


>Don't we have to get a working one before we classify it?



>Dave "slightly depressed when I found out it wouldn't actually work as

> described due to not-enough-fuel-available" DeLaney

Isn't that just a matter of how large you make the scoopfield? Or is the

problem that you run into an unfavorable ratio between energy put into

making magnetic fields versus energy collected from the fusion?
