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Right or Wrong?

Forget the waiver. Should this be within the scope of school action?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It's a complicated issue/Not sure

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Mother furious after in-school clinic sets up teen's abortion

SEATTLE -- The mother of a Ballard High School student is fuming after the health center on campus helped facilitate her daughter's abortion during school hours.

The mother, whom KOMO News has chosen to identify only as "Jill," says the clinic kept the information "confidential."

When she signed a consent form, Jill figured it meant her 15 year old could go to the Ballard Teen Health Center located inside the high school for an earache, a sports physical, even birth control, but not for help terminating a pregnancy.

"She took a pregnancy test at school at the teen health center," she said. "Nowhere in this paperwork does it mention abortion or facilitating abortion."

Jill says her daughter, a pro-life advocate, was given a pass, put in a taxi and sent off to have an abortion during school hours all without her family knowing.

"We had no idea this was being facilitated on campus," said Jill. "They just told her that if she concealed it from her family, that it would be free of charge and no financial responsibility."

The Seattle School District says it doesn't run the health clinics at high schools. Swedish Medical Center runs the clinic at Ballard High and protects the students' privacy.

T.J. Cosgrove of the King County Health Department, which administers the school-based programs for the health department, says it's always best if parents are involved in their children's health care, but don't always have a say.

"At any age in the state of Washington, an individual can consent to a termination of pregnancy," he said.

But Jill says she not only didn't have a say in her daughter's abortion, but also didn't know about it.

"Makes me feel like my rights were completely stripped away."


Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
This was way over the line. I think giving her all the info. is just fine, but helping her to get one at 15 years old without me knowing is way over the line. What if she dies with complications, what if I said I would help raise the baby? There are so many options I could offer before abortion. I would be horrified that I was not a part of them. If nothing else I want to be there to hold her hand.
Jan 17, 2010
This was way over the line. I think giving her all the info. is just fine, but helping her to get one at 15 years old without me knowing is way over the line. What if she dies with complications, what if I said I would help raise the baby? There are so many options I could offer before abortion. I would be horrified that I was not a part of them. If nothing else I want to be there to hold her hand.
I really doubt they "helped her get an abortion" especially since she was a "Pro-Life advocate" as her Mom stated..I smell lawsuit. What I really want to know is "What was way over the line?" A 15 year old having sex without protection...a 15 year old girl who didn't know that sex leads to pregnancy...a 15 year old that couldn't go to her parents and tell them what was happening, or the fact that a 15 year old took it upon herself to make her own decision on how her life was going to go? Which part was over the line...her not thinking like you?
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Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
I really doubt they "helped her get an abortion"
So you decided to ignore the part where the in school clinic, gave her a pass to leave school, called her a taxi and sent her on her way to an abortion clinic, to "doubt they helped her get an abortion"?

I haven't decided myself if this is overstepping boundaries, but I don't think any reasonable person could deny that the school clinic "helped" the teen with obtaining an abortion.
Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
I really doubt they "helped her get an abortion" especially since she was a "Pro-Life advocate" as her Mom stated..I smell lawsuit. What I really want to know is "What was way over the line?" A 15 year old having sex without protection...a 15 year old girl who didn't know that sex leads to pregnancy...a 15 year old that couldn't go to her parents and tell them what was happening, or the fact that a 15 year old took it upon herself to make her own decision on how her life was going to go? Which part was over the line...her not thinking like you?
Wow Angelica..first couple posts and you come in like a hurricane huh?

I have two girls. A 10 year old and an 8 year old. I am pro-choice. I absolutely think they have every right to make their own decisions. If being sexually active is what they want then at 15...I hope they feel comfortable enough to come to me and discuss it. I would help to get the birth control. If they didn't feel comfortable coming to me...mine are well informed enough to know where they can get it...and I'm fine not knowing if that's their choice. The bottom line is teenagers make stupid decisions. I am not condemning them for it, nor do I expect them to make the same choices I would, but you can be damn sure if my 15 year old was taking a trip to the hospital to get an abortion, I want to be there to help her see that I have other options for her if she thinks abortion is the only way. If abortion was ultimately her choice after getting all the info and knowing I would help...then I want to be there for any hospital procedure that can possibly harm my daughter. If a school called a cab and arranged an abortion, that's facilitating one, and that to me is over the line. I have no issue with administering a pregnancy test or birth control, but I damn well want to be informed if they are heading to the hospital.
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Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
It should be outside the role of government. If the little tramp wanted an abortion I don't see why taxpayers should pay for it even though, in cases like this, it probably will result in a net gain for the taxpayer.
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
I hate abortion. I hate it with a vehement passion. I believe it to be a deplorable act and the parties involved will have to pay for it in this life or the next.

That said, I am pro-choice. I am pro-choice because some of these fanatical anti-abortion groups urge, poke, prod the federal government to step in and do something about it (we might get that with Obamacare). The issue of abortion, like just about anything, should be left up to the State.

My stance is from an anti-big government point of view outweighing and putting responsibility and judgment in the person. It is the woman and all involved that will have to pay the ultimate price in the end. Our final judge should be our reason not to do something horrendous. So, I say let them choose their fate.


The parents should know exactly what is going on in their teenage little girl's life outside the home; it is the parent's duty. Yet, I don't think most parents care... they rush their kids off to school ASAP and let the government babysit the kid. As long as the parent is not inconvenienced, it is perfectly fine for their children to run a muck. Thus... government education.

The girl is a minor according to the law and the parents should have been notified from the get-go. There is NO margin of error or a "my bad" in this situation, it's a matter of life and death and the parent's of a minor being involved in a life altering procedure. Those involved on the government school's level ought to be dragged out in the street and shot... well tried and fired or something similar.
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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
I really doubt they "helped her get an abortion" especially since she was a "Pro-Life advocate" as her Mom stated..I smell lawsuit. What I really want to know is "What was way over the line?" A 15 year old having sex without protection...a 15 year old girl who didn't know that sex leads to pregnancy...a 15 year old that couldn't go to her parents and tell them what was happening, or the fact that a 15 year old took it upon herself to make her own decision on how her life was going to go? Which part was over the line...her not thinking like you?
In my opinion most of those bad behaviors you just described were made possible because the girl knew there was a 'safety net' available to her. She knew the school would help her get a free abortion and that sits at the back of the mind even if you do not directly think about it.

The problem is new mental health studies keep comming out proving that even 20 years later, these girls will most likely still be suffering from their decision to abort their child long into their life as a woman. They may never get completely over it.

I am against abortion because it is the ultimate in the refusal to take responsibility for your own actions, to kill a life just to "get away" with bad behavior but even if I was supportive of abortions, I would be against the Government being part of the process. More often than not the Government sees it like hugo pointed out, a way to save tax money by not spending it on medical care and most likely long term welfare, possibly generational welfare because the child is viewed as falling into the same trends as the mother if this is allowed to continue.


Big Time BS'er
Feb 24, 2010
There are a lot of factors that seem to have been left out. Was the decision because of a rape? Too young? Strong indication of deformity? I'm 50/50 on the subject. I believe in pro life but there are some situations in which a woman cannot have the child due to mental or physical harm. I agree with em, I would not want my daughter at 15 making a decision that could affect her whole life without knowing about it. It sounds like the whole deal was a bit shady and I'm pretty sure the girl was confused, upset and not thinking clearly when she made the decision. Thats where the parent should come in. Some parents might make the situation worse but I think generally they would have good intentions and the daughter's interest at heart. No one should call her a tramp, How many of us have made a mistake in the heat of passion that did or could have turned into a disaster? C'mon people if you have one hormone in your body you know how hard it can be to stop. I think it's all very sad and I think the mom has a right to feel outrage.

I agree that this may be a lawsuit in the making but in this case , it seems like it's more about peoples rights to me. I think it was all done wrong so that is my answer.
Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
There are a lot of factors that seem to have been left out. Was the decision because of a rape? Too young? Strong indication of deformity? I'm 50/50 on the subject. I believe in pro life but there are some situations in which a woman cannot have the child due to mental or physical harm. I agree with em, I would not want my daughter at 15 making a decision that could affect her whole life without knowing about it. It sounds like the whole deal was a bit shady and I'm pretty sure the girl was confused, upset and not thinking clearly when she made the decision. Thats where the parent should come in. Some parents might make the situation worse but I think generally they would have good intentions and the daughter's interest at heart. No one should call her a tramp, How many of us have made a mistake in the heat of passion that did or could have turned into a disaster? C'mon people if you have one hormone in your body you know how hard it can be to stop. I think it's all very sad and I think the mom has a right to feel outrage.

I agree that this may be a lawsuit in the making but in this case , it seems like it's more about peoples rights to me. I think it was all done wrong so that is my answer.
Yes. We all make mistakes. Poor Ren will NEVER make that "open to buggery" mistake ever again. :lol:


The Man
Aug 27, 2007
I really doubt they "helped her get an abortion" especially since she was a "Pro-Life advocate" as her Mom stated..I smell lawsuit. What I really want to know is "What was way over the line?" A 15 year old having sex without protection...a 15 year old girl who didn't know that sex leads to pregnancy...a 15 year old that couldn't go to her parents and tell them what was happening, or the fact that a 15 year old took it upon herself to make her own decision on how her life was going to go? Which part was over the line...her not thinking like you?
I personally believe that before the school helped a young girl commit murder, they should have at least notified her mother. I hope the mother sues that school system, and I hope that everyone in the process is put to death, just like they helped sentence in the process of killing some girl's baby... or at least fired.

Her parents should have been more involved in her personal life, and given the girl the tools to know about sex, avoiding it, or protecting yourself if you're going to do it. The girl also should have gone to her mother/parents first and foremost.

She's too young to make a decision about this by herself.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
She's too young to make a decision about this by herself.
That and many other factors are so powerful I don't believe any woman can honestly make a good decision at that time. Consider all the complex issues all colliding at the same time there are even hormone changes that all effect the state of mind and put that together with a short period of time to make the decision with the fewest complications should an abortion be selected. It is just too much, nobody could make a decision to kill their own child under those conditions and not live the rest of their life wondering......wondering........regretting.....suffering........what if.

That said I agree with Ren on seeing it a little different if the situation was forced on her in rape, my personal beliefs are such I could not kill a child for any reason but I see no reason under a reasonable society where a woman should be obligated to keep a child growing inside them if there was no choice or responsibility on her part. Thankfully this kind of abortion only accounts for about 1 or 2% of the total abortions performed in America so while it is horrible, that is not our real problem in society dealing with unwanted pregnancies.

What we need to figure out is why people are having unprotected sex when they know a life can be created? No child over the age of 14 can claim they don't know what causes pregnancy, so why not use precautions? Where I will not agree with Ren is where she makes the proposition that hormones make you out of control. Nothing takes away your ability to decide, letting yourself fall completely into an abandoned sexual activity without protection is a choice itself.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Tami took me to her doctor and had him show me her medical records proving she had her tubes tied before I stopped using condoms with her.

I consider it a profound victory that my son grew up and joined the Marines without ever getting some girl pregnant.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
I would not date someone I don't trust.
So on the first date you completely trust that person with your life hugo? I seriously doubt that. Once again your just trying to take potshots because you know that comment was BS.

Things happen hugo, I pay more in child support than many people make as their whole income. It is like getting a lot of speeding tickets and suddenly your driving under the speed limit just to be sure. I told her from day one that I was a tad gun shy and to not take anything I do as self-preservation personally because it has nothing to do with her specifically. Being as we were friends for a long time before we ever dated, she was already familure with my situation and was completely understanding of it. That is most likely why we are still together.

It takes time to completely trust someone hugo, while we were actively looking into the whole relationship thing, there is not enough to base that kind of trust on. I will admit I do not completely trust easily, but once I am there I am unshakable and completely loyal to that person. I now trust Tami with my life, she has earned my trust through her dedication and understanding of things like my being gun shy.

Of course I did trust the ex-wife and she emptied our bank accounts, ran off with someone else she met on the internet, got pregnant with him, he died in a car accident, then she tried to come back........To say I was devestated would be an understatement, and no I would not take her back, now that was based on a lack of trust.


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
No woman wants an abortion as she wants an ice cream cone or a Porsche. She wants an abortion as an animal caught in a trap wants to gnaw off its own leg. ~ Frederica Mathewes-Green

Women have got to stop feeling like they owe the world a truckload of guilt simply because they exercised their legal right to govern their own reproduction. ~ Clementine Ford

When you peel back the layers of the anti-choice motivation, it always comes back to two things: What is the nature and purpose of human sexuality? And second, what is the role of women in the world? Sex and the role of women are inextricably linked, because if you can separate sex from procreation, you have given women the ability to participate in society on an equal basis with men. ~ Gloria Feldt

And by the way, my belief is that if men were the ones getting pregnant, abortions would be easier to get than food poisoning in Moscow. ~ Dennis Miller

If you have a penis, your judgements on abortion = sh*t ~ wez

Funny how it's always the men who are so ****ing judgmental about women who choose to terminate a pregnancy and fantasize about punishing them are the same men who toot the horn of patriotism and encourage their sons to follow in their footsteps and be brainwashed to murder utter strangers as they glorify and romanticize invading foreign countries for the financial benefit of the politicians and ruling class that they bitch about on a daily basis.

Apparently killing a living human being isn't murder and removing an unborn fetus from a uterus is..

Men good.. women bad.. It's Gods will.. *rolling the piss out of my eyes*
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