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Science Prove that Sheeple Exist!


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
We?ve always known that conservatives stay true to enduring values, whereas liberals are led this way and that as they chase the pernicious intellectual fads pushed by the malignant puppeteers who run the progressive media and academic establishments.

In a new study, [university of Nebraska-Lincoln] researchers measured both liberals? and conservatives? reaction to ?gaze cues? ? a person?s tendency to shift attention in a direction consistent with another person?s eye movements, even if it?s irrelevant to their current task ? and found big differences between the two groups.
Liberals responded strongly to the prompts, consistently moving their attention in the direction suggested to them by a face on a computer screen. Conservatives, on the other hand, did not.
Why? Researchers suggested that conservatives? value on personal autonomy might make them less likely to be influenced by others, and therefore less responsive to the visual prompts.

This would explain why leftist politicians are able to distract liberal sheep from reality by shouting meaningless shibboleths related to racism and class warfare, whereas conservatives remain focused on the real problem of our morbidly expanding government crushing the economy and our way of life.


Superior Member
Oct 18, 2007
I sure hope you don't REALLY subscribe to this sh*t, IWS. The study, I'll go with. It just means conservatives don't look at what others are looking at. But assuming this means all liberals must be easily brainwashed by others, or easily distracted, is bullshit.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
I sure hope you don't REALLY subscribe to this sh*t, IWS. The study, I'll go with. It just means conservatives don't look at what others are looking at. But assuming this means all liberals must be easily brainwashed by others, or easily distracted, is bullshit.
Is it?

I will say this, liberals may easily fall into following, but they also quickly turn to attacking that leader they were following if he/she dissapoints them.

Consider how fast the progressives have turned on Obama, even the previously enraptured (BTW my name is TJ and I suck coxs) is now calling Obama a Republican for daring to meet them half way. Nevermind the fact that Obama has spent more money on socialist and liberal pet projects in the shortest amount of time in the history of all Presidents, nevermind that he passes Obamacare and admits he knows it will grow into more than it is today. Nevermind he told all the Republicans to piss off for two years straight, all that means nothing to them now because Obama shifted slightly away from pure socialist and closer to the middle on one deal.

Liberals have a long history of following, not leading. They were brainwashed into believing Obama was some kind of progressive messiah and now they are brainwashed into believing any shift away from hard left socialist is a betrayal.

Conservatives have a mindset of making their own way in life, we don't need Government to "fix" us and we definately do not need the Government to provide a life for us. We are independent and look at ourselves and our loved ones for our answers in life. We don't really 'follow' other people, we support people and help people we think are good, but we will never be stuck in a situation where we are blind followers the way people followed and worshiped Obama not that long ago.
Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
I'd say this study show conservatives, without a doubt, have a one track mind and are not open to new ideas and concepts.

I'll give conservative credit for being loyal.... stupid loyal.

So loyal they will defend the idiots of their own party rather then do the right thing and speak out against them. Defend people and concepts who are wrong just because the rest of the pack says so.

Lucky for us lefty types, if someone in the herd ****s up, we call them on it.

Conservatives on the other hand, will go into denial mode rather then ever admit or accept they are wrong. Now WHO is it again that are sheeple?


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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
You progressives were making a lot of excuses for Obama not that long ago, you even defended his increasing taxes after promising not to (BTW my name is TJ and I suck coxs)..

You were the blind follower up to the day Obama announced meeting Republicans part way on the tax deal.
Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
If it wasn't for a progressives we wouldn't have advancements in science and medicine. You'd still be waiting around for some invisible man to cure you.

It's all part of that one track mind that stays focused on the same thing over and over and over.


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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Actually you socialists stole the name progressive to try and use it as a disguise (BTW my name is TJ and I suck coxs)..

We do need progress, and the best method to push progress is to let people find success on their own, the ability to make money off their hard work has brought every big advancment to society you can mention. Even wars have brought us great discoveries for society, but not one time in history has lazy people sitting at home with their hands out ever brought us one modern advancement good for society.
Superior Member
Oct 18, 2007
I sure hope you don't REALLY subscribe to this sh*t, IWS. The study, I'll go with. It just means conservatives don't look at what others are looking at. But assuming this means all liberals must be easily brainwashed by others, or easily distracted, is bullshit.
Is it?

I will say this, liberals may easily fall into following, but they also quickly turn to attacking that leader they were following if he/she dissapoints them.

Consider how fast the progressives have turned on Obama, even the previously enraptured (BTW my name is TJ and I suck coxs) is now calling Obama a Republican for daring to meet them half way. Nevermind the fact that Obama has spent more money on socialist and liberal pet projects in the shortest amount of time in the history of all Presidents, nevermind that he passes Obamacare and admits he knows it will grow into more than it is today. Nevermind he told all the Republicans to piss off for two years straight, all that means nothing to them now because Obama shifted slightly away from pure socialist and closer to the middle on one deal.

Liberals have a long history of following, not leading. They were brainwashed into believing Obama was some kind of progressive messiah and now they are brainwashed into believing any shift away from hard left socialist is a betrayal.

Conservatives have a mindset of making their own way in life, we don't need Government to "fix" us and we definately do not need the Government to provide a life for us. We are independent and look at ourselves and our loved ones for our answers in life. We don't really 'follow' other people, we support people and help people we think are good, but we will never be stuck in a situation where we are blind followers the way people followed and worshiped Obama not that long ago.
Not quite. I actually agree with what Obama is doing. He spent his first two years trying to avoid any sort of bipartisanship. Now he's being forced to go "Oh, sh*t, I actually have to make good on that 'no political parties' sh*t I used during my campaign." And you call me "progressive" constantly, so I assumed this was aimed at me as well.