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SFPD Mad At Judges and Media


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
I was sent this info in an email, it's a bit dated but shows some more typical crap coming from the liberal idiots in San Francisco and a police administrator speaking out.

San Francisco Police Officer Nick Birco was killed July 26, 2006 when his

police car was struck by a stolen van occupied by suspects who had just committed an

armed robbery and were being pursued by SFPD units .

Police Officer Nick-Tomasito Birco, San Francisco Police Department

This video was of a press conference given by a member of the SFPD brass.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUMY88j3Eo0]YouTube - SF Leader Expressing Frustration With Legal System[/ame]


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Bender said:
What exactly was the I was supposed to be seeing here? And why are you labeling the crap "LIBERAL"


I was referring to the particular breed of liberal idiot that seems to dwell in San Francisco, and in particular the judges and media there that continually makes the criminals out to be the victims. No offense to the average liberal minded American, I don't believe all liberals to be idiots or bad.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
I sure in the hell don't call that a Conservative judge thats for sure! :mad: Frisco is the most liberal city in the country. I think this guy has every right to be pissed at the judges as well as the media. Liberals LOVE to demonize the Police! **** them!


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Bender said:
So a judge follows the law and he is a Liberal? That makes no sense what so ever. .

No a judge is a liberal when he doesn't revoke the bond on a guy who is out on bond for two felonies, refuses to show up for a motion to revoke his probation, gets arrested and then gets let out again. The guy proved he either couldn't or wouldn't follow the law while on bond, so he should sit in jail. The judge had many choices and chose to coddle the criminal.


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
We need TJ's expertise on the ins and outs of liberalism for this one... :rolleyes:
Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
Hmm, I should unban him and see if he wants to be a good boy. ;)

Edit: He is now unbanned, and free to participate in discussions if he wishes,I hope he has learned what we are all about here and will participate accordingly.




Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
Bender said:
Hmm, I should unban him and see if he wants to be a good boy. ;) Edit: He is now unbanned, and free to participate in discussions if he wishes,I hope he has learned what we are all about here and will participate accordingly.


Cool... Hopefully he'll come around..


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
Bender said:
Hmm, I should unban him and see if he wants to be a good boy. ;) Edit: He is now unbanned, and free to participate in discussions if he wishes,I hope he has learned what we are all about here and will participate accordingly.


He did provide me endless hours of entertainment.. :D