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So long Superbowl


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
The Brett Favre saga continues, but could be coming to an end.

Sources told FOXSports.com that Favre has told teammates that he will not come back for his 20th season, citing wear and tear on his body. The Minneapolis Star-Tribune reported that Favre told Vikings officials a similar message Monday night. But the team is still holding out hope that Favre will again change his mind, and considering his history, it's entirely possible.

Favre tells teammate's he's done

*sniff *sniff..


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
Yeah.. huge douche!

Unless he comes back of course.. hehe

I'll take Favre in a wheelchair over 90% of QB's in the league..
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Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Hahahahaha .. yeah.. that'll happen..
First off, last time it happened they went from a one win season to a one loss season, and a Super Bowl ring.

Second, how many Super Bowl championships do the Vikings have again?

That said. You're right but I was wrong last time.

Last time I was in Vegas in the fall of 2008. Sports book had the long odds of the following year's super bowl champions.

The Rams were 900/1 odds. I thought about putting $10 on them, but chickened out, as a waste of $10 bucks.

Cost me $9,000.

This time, I choose to believe. :thumbsup:
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Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
I wont begrudge a man for hope.. ya never know.. anythings possible

You go girl..

That's funny.. some friends of mine actually did that with the Twins twice before the season started.. 87' and 91' .. the only years they did it.. and the only years they won the world series.. not sure what the odds were but they were high..
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
Hahahahaha .. yeah.. that'll happen..
First off, last time it happened they went from a one win season to a one loss season, and a Super Bowl ring.

Second, how many Super Bowl championships do the Vikings have again?

That said. You're right but I was wrong last time.

Last time I was in Vegas in the fall of 2008. Sports book had the long odds of the following year's super bowl champions.

The Rams were 900/1 odds. I thought about putting $10 on them, but chickened out, as a waste of $10 bucks.

Cost me $9,000.

This time, I choose to believe. :thumbsup:
10 bucks? What a cheapskate!lol;D