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The Debate over debating

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Big Time BS
Sep 7, 2007
Name some tactics that you do not like in debating.

What things irritate you?

What things do you appreciate?

What makes a good debater?

What makes a poor debater?

Also, why do you frequent debate forums?

How many other boards do you debate on?

Lets do this without being specific to certain persons, or by making personal references or remarks.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
What things irritate you?

Childish "I know you are" comments and the like

What things do you appreciate?

Pretty much everything else

What makes a good debater?

Speaking from the heart, truly share your views.

What makes a poor debater?

Being concerned with what others may think/believe about you for speaking your true feelings.

Also, why do you frequent debate forums?

Sport/learning. I learn something new from almost everyone I interact with, so I like to meet as many new people as possible to try and understand "why" they believe what they believe.

How many other boards do you debate on?

5 on a regular basis, but I am staff on 3 of those and being staff, I cannot completely let my hair down in debates to keep my objectivity so it is nice to have other places like this one. I am a member at several forums as well, but I don't go to them much anymore.
Big Time BS
Sep 7, 2007
What things irritate me?

When people refuse to concede that they were wrong. Speaking exclusively toward instances when someone states X as fact, and they are proven wrong without a doubt and refuse to admit it. Sometimes even dodging the thread altogether afterward.

Why do I frequent debate forums?

I believe in continuing education. Debate forms can be enlightening. As well as a great way to get news without biased mediating formats such as network or cable news outlets. I have learned an immeasurable amount just from debate forms.

How many other boards do I debate on?

2 others.

What makes a good debater?

Open mindedness. The willingness to understand that people are very different. As well as understanding that this doesn't mean they are wrong because they hold a different view than I.
Big Time BS'er
Dec 19, 2007
Great thread, Jhony.

What things do you appreciate?

I appreciate people who can stand alone in a debate

People with the patience to explain themselves over and over again (without getting angry) to an opponent who is clearly not making the same effort.

People who can share their opinion without attacking or offending anyone

People who are willing to admit they were wrong

People who can stand back from a debate and be objective

People with a sense of humour

What things irritate you?

Many things, unfortunately:

When people state their own (biased, prejudiced) opinion as fact. This is my pet peeve.

People who avoid answering basic questions

People who never bother to provide stats or facts to back up their statements

When people deliberately try to twist your words or deliberately take them out of their intended context - particularly when they do this in order to form a personal case against you, rather than the topic at hand


People who are only interested in their own opinion and want to browbeat others rather than considering another point of view

People who make assumptions based on their own prejudice, or their wish to paint their opponent in a negative light

Preachy people who think they know better than everyone. Blergh.

What makes a good debater?

A good debater does their research, and goes into the debate with an open mind, willing to learn rather than teach.

Also, why do you frequent debate forums? How many other boards do you debate on?

At the moment, this is the only board I 'frequent' and I post here mainly because I am enjoying the vibe. For the most part, people seem to be getting along and the discussions are quite fruitful. Nostalgia and a sentimental attachment to the old names helps, too.

As for the general reason behind joining debate forums themselves, I suppose I am fascinated by foreigners and their opinions - in particular, why they have these opinions. I wonder if I seem as alien to you all, as you all seem to me.


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
jhony5 said:
Name some tactics that you do not like in debating.
Pretty much just arguing opinion as fact and using accusations and anger as tools to make an argument. Logic is great, even without facts, per say..

What things irritate you?
Being judged, labeled, and looked down upon with or w/out punishment for being what my accuser in fact, is.

What things do you appreciate?
People with a good sense of humor. People who can give and take and not get bent out of shape.

What makes a good debater?.
Someone who can stand on their own, as Anna said, Someone who has an opinion on something and has thought it out. Asking questions for sure. It's hard for people to really understand one another. We all understand words differently, or understand the same thing in different words.

What makes a poor debater?
Anger, holding onto illusions for dear life, ignoring direct questions.

Also, why do you frequent debate forums?
It's fun. I love to see what people think about anything and everything. Plus, people from all over the world can BS right here. Very cool.. I'm still fairly green at this compared to a lot of you and I don't really see it as a "debate forum" specifically. Also a place to just read and comment on whatever, laugh, kid around, have fun.. Debates, in my mind, are regulated, timed, specific, etc.. Whatever happens is fine by me. I think people should say whatever they want, whenever they want for the most part. I like when threads kinda morph out from the regular topic, like the drug thread coming from the maddy post..

I do also enjoy playing childish games of "I know you are, but what am I" when someone freaks out on me.. Hahahaha.. Maybe most of all. :D

How many other boards do you debate on?.
This be it.. Although, I've been told my debate skills are seriously lacking, so I guess I don't don't debate here either. :rolleyes:

I still don't recall ever hoisting my debate skills above my head in victory so don't really understand being told they're lacking, but whatever.. turned into a barrel of fun anyways. :D

Lets do this without being specific to certain persons, or by making personal references or remarks.
wez is a dumbass.
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