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The drive through robber

Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007

SCHUYLER - A 19-year-old Schuyler man was arrested Tuesday in connection with an attempted robbery

at a drive-through branch bank location in the city.

Alwood Zepeda Jr. was arrested by Schuyler Police Department officers during a vehicle stop after a suspect had reportedly attempted to rob the Pinnacle Bank branch at 1605 Denver St.

The suspect was arrested ?very shortly? after the attempted robbery just outside of town, Colfax County Attorney Melanie Knoepfle said this morning. She said officers were aware of the license number and description of the suspect's vehicle.

The suspect fled the scene without getting away with any cash, possibly because he heard police sirens, Knoepfle said.

Authorities reported that unnamed items described by a bank teller were found in the suspect's vehicle at the time of the arrest. Zepeda was alone in the vehicle when he was arrested.

Knoepfle said no criminal charges had yet been filed against the suspect.

Zepeda, an August 2006 graduate of Schuyler Central High School, was being held today in the Platte County Detention Facility in Columbus.

The suspect did not display a weapon, and no weapon was found in the suspect's vehicle.

A robbery in progress at the branch bank was reported to the police department about 10:30 a.m., according to information released by Knoepfle. The suspect had left the scene shortly before officers arrived.

Branch bank personnel reported to police that when the suspect drove up to the bank's drive-through window, he held up a note with a demand that the teller ?give me all the money in the safe or I will start shooting,'' the county attorney said.

The suspect was wearing a hooded sweatshirt (with the hood up), white mask over his face and white gloves during the robbery, Knoepfle said.

Schuyler Police Chief Lennie Hiltner did not return a message seeking further comment this morning.

Bank President Charles Heavican was out of the office until Friday and unavailable for comment today. Other bank officials declined to comment on the robbery.
What a retard !!.



Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
He shoulda practiced first.. like driving thru MD's and demanding a Big Mac or he'll clog their toilets. What a genius...
Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
Eating a Big Mac gives most people the ability to clog toilets without having to be threatening about it..... :D