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The negative rep game

Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Being as so many here have joined in on the game started by emkay I thought I would have some fun with it.

Originally emkay started spamming personal attacks against me in any thread she could find a chance in then after that got old she started going into old threads and giving me negative rep in threads where nobody would see the marks, honestly I was oblivious to it myself because I rarely ever look at my member page and that is the only place you see the total "score" in rep points. I do remember having a few hundred points when the forum switch over and now they are all gone, lol.

I originally attempted to counter her unfair and hidden negative repping because I just wanted her to feel frustrated in not being able to 'punnish' me for daring to not agree with her but recently she has gathered some help and I notice when people like Wez log on, he immediately also logs on old threads and expends his negative points on me as well, Builder has also joined the game so it seems that almost every day, these guys log on, many times never make a comment on the forum and instead are only here to "punnish" me.

I actually think this is funny as hell and another great example of how liberals and socialists really hate those who refuse to conform to their beliefs to the point that they "MUST" strike out, they really have no other choice.

I will say this though, I am very dissapointed in Wez, with all his crying about how me and eddo were always trying to punnish him, and how it was wrong to do so, now it is him who is trying to punnish me for making him mad, lol.


So why post this in the debating forum?

Because being as I love to debate things I was wondering how people saw this kind of obsessive behaviors and if they are healthy expressions or possibly harmful on a mental level?

I have to say this almost seems to qualify as obsessive compulsive:

Obsessions are involuntary, seemingly uncontrollable thoughts, images, or impulses that occur over and over again in your mind. You don?t want to have these ideas ? in fact, you know that they don?t make any sense. But you can?t stop them. Unfortunately, these obsessive thoughts are usually disturbing and distracting.

Compulsions are behaviors or rituals that you feel driven to act out again and again. Usually, compulsions are performed in an attempt to make obsessions go away. For example, if you?re afraid of contamination, you might develop elaborate cleaning rituals. However, the relief never lasts. In fact, the obsessive thoughts usually come back stronger. And the compulsive behaviors often end up causing anxiety themselves as they become more demanding and time-consuming.
So the involuntary, uncontrollable thoughts could be how these people can't seem to get me, and their negative thoughts about me, out of their heads, they think about me all the time and the compulsion to try and make the obsession 'go away' is to "punnish me" in any way they can find in the hopes to get me to leave. Right now it is this compulsion to log on to negative rep me even if they don't say one word on the forum, before that it was to attack me almost every day in a personal, and what they thought (or hoped) was hurtful ways, the form or style of the compulsion may change but the obsession stays the same and the goal of the compulsions is to try and eliminate the obsession......namely "ME", lol.

Anyway, share your thoughts, I know what the game players will say, anything is justified in their minds against someone they don't like and refuses to conform but how about those of you who are not a part of the game?


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
I'd like to take this opportunity to encourage everyone to indiscriminately dump their daily quota of negative rep on TJ to make him laugh.. C'mon.. he thinks it's funny.. do the guy a favor.. he deserves a break and a good laugh.. it's not easy being the last vestige of hope for the survival of conservatism, morality, and the human race.. we owe him our very lives.. the least we can do is make him smile and lol !!

So.. please show your appreciation wherever ya can.. everyday that ya can..

Dammit.. I'm out.. I'll have another batch for ya around 2pm tomorrow.. Let us know if there's anything else we can do for ya.. we love ya TJ!
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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
First thing. The word is "punish" with only one "n".

Second, if it wasn't a big deal, and you really think it's funny, why make an entire thread of it, and make a big deal of it.

lol, ya, you guys know I suck at spelling sometimes, but I really don't spend much time writing my posts other than to get the point made, being as you knew the r\correct spelling for the word you obviously got the meaning behind my post, and that is really all I care about.

And why make a thread? Why not? Part of the forum is to discuss things right?

Well here is something to discuss. Why do some people on internet forums become so obsessed over other people they let their lives be ruled by that obesssion and hate?


Wez, like I said, I have watched you log on and expend your negative rep quota on me then log off several times, I know your doing it and as I already said, I am most dissapointed in you becasue it has always been you who cried the most about how other people want to "punish" you, now your the guy wanting to "punish" me?

Why is that Wez?

Why are you the Judge and the executioner for me?


Anyway, yes, please do continue the hypocrisy because all your doing is proving my point of how you all hold anger and hate to the point your obsessive/compulsive.
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Oct 21, 2007
I'd like to take this opportunity to encourage everyone to indiscriminately dump their daily quota of negative rep on TJ to make him laugh.. C'mon.. he thinks it's funny.. do the guy a favor.. he deserves a break and a good laugh.. it's not easy being the last vestige of hope for the survival of conservatism, morality, and the human race.. we owe him our very lives.. the least we can do is make him smile and lol !!

So.. please show your appreciation wherever ya can.. everyday that ya can..

Dammit.. I'm out.. I'll have another batch for ya around 2pm tomorrow.. Let us know if there's anything else we can do for ya.. we love ya TJ!
Hell, I never knew we could neg rep anyone until *Chi* pointed it out to me.

What the hell? tj is now in the negative.

Just about as peurile as the content of his posts, really.

Call it karma, Times Joke.

What goes around, etc. :lol:
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
TJ thinks it's funny and no big deal, yet he spends a LOT of time repping himself to counter the negative rep he gets from others. LO-SER!
Who is the real loser Chi?

The person giving negative rep out of revenge seeking or the person toying with that person to frustrate their attempts? I admit to playing with you guys a little, as you got all excited giving negative rep to old coments I made I would counter enough to keep it balanced for a shor time, but with four of you all joining forced I could not keep up, lol.

Even Anna said giving negative rep because you don't possess the mental strength to offer a reasonable debate is simply pathetic, and yes, that makes you guys look very weak.
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
TJ thinks it's funny and no big deal, yet he spends a LOT of time repping himself to counter the negative rep he gets from others. LO-SER!
Who is the real loser Chi?

The person giving negative rep out of revenge seeking or the person toying with that person to frustrate their attempts? I admit to playing with you guys a little, as you got all excited giving negative rep to old coments I made I would counter enough to keep it balanced for a shor time, but with four of you all joining forced I could not keep up, lol.

Even Anna said giving negative rep because you don't possess the mental strength to offer a reasonable debate is simply pathetic, and yes, that makes you guys look very weak.
Any way you slice it, you are the biggest loser on the site. Period.

You keep bringing Anna's comment, like it is a small victory for you or something. FYI she then clarified that she was referring to YOU when she made that comment. Don't you feel like an ass?
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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Any way you slice it, you are the biggest loser on the site. Period.
In your opinion, and if a bunch of obsessed losers like you guys think I am a loser, that makes me anything but in reality, lol.

You keep bringing Anna's comment, like it is a small victory for you or something. FYI she then clarified that she was referring to YOU when she made that comment. Don't you feel like an ass?
She only tried to change it "AFTER" she understood some of you guys were doing what she was complaining about, she did exactly what you guys are upset about me not doing, and that is changing my coments or attitudes to "fit in".

You all believe that I deserve to be punnished because I am my own man and don't need your approval of me as a person. You all have no life and even spend lits of time on forums like this on the weekends, now that is really a good example of being a loser, out of all the great things you could be doing, you waste your life comming to sites like this instead? I don't think I have loged onto this site more than a handful of times in the past couple years on the weekend, while you guys are here almost every weekend, because you have nothing else worth doing, lol.

So keep on being a hater Chi, I know all this revenge seeking makes you feel proud of yourself as a woman and a socialist, lol.
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
Any way you slice it, you are the biggest loser on the site. Period.
In your opinion, and if a bunch of obsessed losers like you guys think I am a loser, that makes me anything but in reality, lol.

You keep bringing Anna's comment, like it is a small victory for you or something. FYI she then clarified that she was referring to YOU when she made that comment. Don't you feel like an ass?
She only tried to change it "AFTER" she understood some of you guys were doing what she was complaining about, she did exactly what you guys are upset about me not doing, and that is changing my coments or attitudes to "fit in".

You all believe that I deserve to be punnished because I am my own man and don't need your approval of me as a person. You all have no life and even spend lits of time on forums like this on the weekends, now that is really a good example of being a loser, out of all the great things you could be doing, you waste your life comming to sites like this instead? I don't think I have loged onto this site more than a handful of times in the past couple years on the weekend, while you guys are here almost every weekend, because you have nothing else worth doing, lol.

So keep on being a hater Chi, I know all this revenge seeking makes you feel proud of yourself as a woman and a socialist, lol.
Blah, blah, blah... Keep telling yourself that. Remain in denial, unchanging, so you can obtain the same results.
Big Time BS'er
Dec 19, 2007
Even Anna said giving negative rep because you don't possess the mental strength to offer a reasonable debate is simply pathetic, and yes, that makes you guys look very weak.
The negative rep game is pretty childish, and I certainly don't play it, but some people can't be bothered replying, or don't think it's worth it. I don't think it's 100% malicious.

You keep bringing Anna's comment, like it is a small victory for you or something. FYI she then clarified that she was referring to YOU when she made that comment. Don't you feel like an ass?
Actually, I never named Times, mostly because I wasn't making a dig at Times. I was making a dig at IWS.

She only tried to change it "AFTER" she understood some of you guys were doing what she was complaining about, she did exactly what you guys are upset about me not doing, and that is changing my coments or attitudes to "fit in".

I'm so sick of stupid cun+s on this board always making ASSUMPTIONS and jumping to conclusions. You NEVER GET IT RIGHT WHEN YOU MAKE ASSUMPTIONS ABOUT ME. NEVER.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Blah, blah, blah... Keep telling yourself that. Remain in denial, unchanging, so you can obtain the same results.

Why should anyone change who they are for you Chi? Is that really the intent you guys have in mind? Bully people into conforming to your idea of what they should be or be punnished with personal attacks and any other form of punishment you can think of?

This is why I am so dissapointed in Wez, he has been the biggest finger pointer in the past about how "some people" feel the need to punish other people, but now that he is part of the group doing the punnishing, now "or else" suddenly makes sense to him.

Wez has proven himself to be a hypocrite many times on this forum, but never has this fact been more clear than now. How does it feel tough guy? You have become what you claim to hate, Congratulations.

The negative rep game is pretty childish, and I certainly don't play it, but some people can't be bothered replying, or don't think it's worth it. I don't think it's 100% malicious.
I don't think a fast negative rep point "in reply to a comment" is 100% malicious either, certainly childish and clearly shows they are weak minded, but what I do believe is 100% malicious is when someone only comes to the forum to spam negative rep against one person because they are angry at that person so they want to punish them.

You keep bringing Anna's comment, like it is a small victory for you or something. FYI she then clarified that she was referring to YOU when she made that comment. Don't you feel like an ass?
Actually, I never named Times, mostly because I wasn't making a dig at Times. I was making a dig at IWS.
Wow, now Chi, don't you feel like an ass?

Funny stuff right there.

My point was not who Anna was talking about but instead how her point could be applied to people like you too Chi. Anna certainly cleaned her comment up to "fit in" but your actions are even worse than what IWS did so she cannot say you don't fit her description without being a hypocrite, IWS only did it once or twice, you guys have given me about three hundred negative rep in the last few weeks.


I'm so sick of stupid cun+s on this board always making ASSUMPTIONS and jumping to conclusions. You NEVER GET IT RIGHT WHEN YOU MAKE ASSUMPTIONS ABOUT ME. NEVER.
Yes you did Anna, Chi and the rest are doing the exact same thing but you decided to "soften" and even backpeddle your comment to make them feel better and as such to "fit in". That has always been the problem with some of these guys, to them the only thing that matters is if you are willing to back off if they get angry with you, if you don't cower down, then Chi, Emkay, Wez, and now Builder all look for any way to punish you for your refusal to conform.

Don't feel bad Anna, they have forced many people before you to bow down to them.
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
My bad, TJ. She said she was directing that comment to a certain douche bag (if I remember the term she used correctly.) I and everyone else thought the description best fit you, so-lol...