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The Obama alternative

Oct 21, 2007
Lots of negativity about your prez, but who would be the one on the conservative side of the goalposts to be his rival?

Don't be shy now. Fess up.


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Don't know who's running.

In 2006, nobody knew who would be the Dem candidates and nobody thought BO was a front runner, let alone going to win.
Oct 21, 2007
Right now, as an alternative, IWS.

Who, on the conservative right, would you consider worthy of the role that Obama carries


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
If I had to pick right now, from one of the people they are saying may run, I'd have to say I like what I'm seeing in Herman Cain.
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
Herman Cain is a good one. I would also still vote for Huckabee. or quite possibly a Newt Gingrich. Romney would be a stretch, but would get my vote over Obama any day.

Not saying any of those are planning on running, but those are peeps that I think would do a much better job than Obama is doing.
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Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
Newt is the only one who has actually accomplished reducing the size of government.

Ron Paul is my man but he can't win.

Watch out for Rubio. IMO, he is the best candidate to defeat Obama.
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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Newt voted for increasing the debt several times, if you look hard enough you can find a flaw in any person who could run for office, we should not be focusing down to see only the flaws but instead see where we agree.

Any person who is not a pure Progressive like Obama will help improve this Nation.

Even a "do nothing" President would provide America with the time to relax and find balance again from all the upheaval created by this Administration.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
I guarantee I will deliver my state to the Republican nominee. I will put my money where my mouth is and give 3-1 odds.
Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
Obama will be the Republican nominee in 2012, the real question is who is going to be the new Democrat contender to take on the now Republican Obama.


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Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
My choice is Rand Paul with Rubio as VP. Palin can be the village idiot.
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Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Obama will be the Republican nominee in 2012, the real question is who is going to be the new Democrat contender to take on the now Republican Obama.


Sorry. First of all Obama did what was right for the immediate economy. Second, you won't find a more viable candidate any more communist than the one you have now.

Hell. Alan Colmes says the left made out better on the tax bill than the right and I agree.
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Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
My choice is Rand Paul with Rubio as VP. Palin can be the village idiot.
My choice is Sarah Palin, she is highly intelligent and knows how to not only get this country moving forward again, she knows how to reduce government, get rid of all the socialist programs that hurt our free enterprise market that makes America so great. Her diplomatic skills are WAY more superior then Obama!! She speaks for me!!

Her daughter Bristol IMHO, was ROBBED on dancing with the stars. I read Sarah's plea's on her website to vote for Bristol, is this NOT a democracy we live in? The people spoke, Bristol won. It showed the sheer force in Palin supporters there are in America. A majority of Americans are like Sarah and the dancing with the stars polls prove it. Liberals are just jealous of Bristol and hate Sarah so they bitched, even tried to make it a race issue when Brandy got voted off...

Sarah Palin should NOT be underestimated.

Some claim she quit her measly pay job as Governor of Alaska to make the estimated $12 million dollars that she has already accumulated but I think that's nothing more then liberal propaganda. Sarah Palin is REAL, she is AMERICA.

Why just last week, I watched her reality show on TLC, I saw for myself that Sarah is just like me.. she has real problems, real stresses, she even hunts.

And there is one thing Sarah has that these stupid liberals don't like... she has GOD.

At first, I didn't like Sarah Palin, but, now that I have seen what an extremist right winger Obama has become, I want someone more moderate, more REAL.

One things for sure, I will NOT contribute to Obama again, he's finished. At this point I consider myself a centrist independent. I mean, after all, I voted Republican for many years before I switched parties and became a socialist, Marxist Commie America hating Democrat who wants the government to provide for me cradle to grave, so it hasn't been too long I have been exposed to the kool-aid of progressive propaganda.

I know all the "BUZZ WORDS" those socialists like to use to try messing with my head and I can think for myself unlike the extreme left liberal Commie supporters.

I am a REAL AMERICAN. Sarah Palin has shown she is 100% in favor of the free market Capitalist system that made this country great and knows America only becomes greater the less the government interferes in our lives.

I REALLY do hope Sarah runs for President. I have been kinda in denial and wanting to do it this last year, but if she runs, I will... I'll switch political parties and vote for Sarah Palin in the primaries.

If there is anybody who can beat that socialist Obama and stomp out all this madness the progressives want us to live in, it would be Sarah Palin.

She has all the BEST ideas for stimulating the economy.

It's very simple.. all we have to do is drop all these socialist things we do and get back to doing the things that make America so great!!

See... stupid liberals, Sarah Palin DOES have ideas, HA!

I think Palin would be a FANTASTIC candidate.

I really can't believe you can't get behind Palin, Hugo.......

She speaks for YOU!!


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Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
you won't find a more viable candidate any more communist
Here is where the argument is LOST and just so QUICK into the debate.

It's lost because you SIMPLY can not, and will not answer it because you have no answer, you will instead pontificate and change the subject when I query for an extended elaboration and example. The question being simply.....

What Communist actions?




Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
you won't find a more viable candidate any more communist
Here is where the argument is LOST and just so QUICK into the debate.

It's lost because you SIMPLY can not, and will not answer it because you have no answer, you will instead pontificate and change the subject when I query for an extended elaboration and example. The question being simply.....

What Communist actions?


I guess I have to make my quip more palatable to your state.

My point was, Obama is the most left President that the populace will allow, and if his move for government take over of health care, industry and banking isn't enough for you all, it ain't getting better.


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007

Realistically, I gave up trying to get you to understand politics and economics when we had our conversation where you thought that socialism and facism were opposites and when you said your choices in the last election were Obama or Ron Paul.

These both told me you have no grasp on economics or systems of government.

Any interaction on these subjects since have been for entertainment purposes as much as educational.
Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
you won't find a more viable candidate any more communist
Here is where the argument is LOST and just so QUICK into the debate.

It's lost because you SIMPLY can not, and will not answer it because you have no answer, you will instead pontificate and change the subject when I query for an extended elaboration and example. The question being simply.....

What Communist actions?


I guess I have to make my quip more palatable to your state.

My point was, Obama is the most left President that the populace will allow, and if his move for government take over of health care, industry and banking isn't enough for you all, it ain't getting better.

Realistically, I gave up trying to get you to understand politics and economics when we had our conversation where you thought that socialism and facism were opposites and when you said your choices in the last election were Obama or Ron Paul.

These both told me you have no grasp on economics or systems of government.

Any interaction on these subjects since have been for entertainment purposes as much as educational.
Told ya so !! I win.
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Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
you won't find a more viable candidate any more communist
Here is where the argument is LOST and just so QUICK into the debate.

It's lost because you SIMPLY can not, and will not answer it because you have no answer, you will instead pontificate and change the subject when I query for an extended elaboration and example. The question being simply.....

What Communist actions?


I guess I have to make my quip more palatable to your state.

My point was, Obama is the most left President that the populace will allow, and if his move for government take over of health care, industry and banking isn't enough for you all, it ain't getting better.

Realistically, I gave up trying to get you to understand politics and economics when we had our conversation where you thought that socialism and facism were opposites and when you said your choices in the last election were Obama or Ron Paul.

These both told me you have no grasp on economics or systems of government.

Any interaction on these subjects since have been for entertainment purposes as much as educational.
Told ya so !! I win.
If your standard is the same as Timesjoke's and to be a complete dumbass until the opposition gives up because their head is sore and bleeding from beating it against a brick wall that won't absorb reality, then yes. You won.

Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
If your standard is the same as Timesjoke's and to be a complete dumbass until the opposition gives up because their head is sore and bleeding from beating it against a brick wall that won't absorb reality, then yes. You won.

#1 on list of things that IWS can NOT answer:

What Communist actions?

Maybe TJ should take a shot. :whistling:




Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
If your standard is the same as Timesjoke's and to be a complete dumbass until the opposition gives up because their head is sore and bleeding from beating it against a brick wall that won't absorb reality, then yes. You won.

#1 on list of things that IWS can NOT answer:

What Communist actions?

Maybe TJ should take a shot. :whistling:


Or someone less ignorant would have seen what I was actually saying and that I didn't say that Obama did anything communist.