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The party of no

Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
With all the claims from Obama and the rest of the progressives and even our own Phreakwars that the Republicans are just blocking things Obama wants to do because they are racists or mad, or whatever reason they claim this week, I thought it was time someone pointed out on this board that it is not just Republicans who are against the mess Obama is creating and their voice of "NO" is more powerful than the negative voice from Republicans.

Remember that a massive number of Democrats only voted for the progressive healthcare bill "AFTER" they received bribes or threatened to do so.

But with all that work to get the votes they needed there was still many Democrats who did not vote for that bill and they are certainly trying to make the most of that fact now:


You don't have to read that story if you don't want to but basically it talks about how most of the Democrats who did not vote for the healthcare bill are using that fact in their campaigns to show how they are not part of the Obama Administration like the other Democrats.

"Bobby Bright is the most independent member of Congress," the narrator said. "Bobby voted against the bailouts, against stimulus spending, against the massive government health care."
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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
And I have a simple question, when the Republicans have the majority and it is the Democrats who are saying "no" will people like Phreakwars say they are the party of "no" instead of the Republicans?

What is Obama vetos a lot of stuff, from the Republicans, will Obama be the President of "no"?
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