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The rich say "Screw You, Obama"


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
I guess I don't see the top 5% of wealthy people cutting their spending cuz they're worried about not being able to afford 5 houses when the GW tax cuts end in 2011 as the problem..

The problem is the monetary system under the federal reserve that is fundamentally flawed by intended design to keep the vast majority of people in debt slavery in perpetuity so a few assholes can maintain their perceived importance in the world.
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Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
Wouldn't these also be the same f*ckers that have moved most of the jobs to low wage countries to boost their income?

Poor us.. The rich have stopped spending!! Cut all taxes to zero for everyone making $200,000 +, print em some more money, charge it to the kids and unborn and they might actually forgive Obama and start spending again..

With any luck you'll have a job at a gas station whilst they fill their Hummers.. Might even hire ya to clean their pool if ya can do it for less than an Illegal immigrant.. count your blessings..

Greed is good, Greed works ~ Gordon Gecko
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Oct 21, 2007
Perhaps capitalism should be left to die naturally?

Propping up any failures has had what effect exactly?

Too big to fail? If they were too big to fail, how come they had no contingency plan?

Let the wealthy hold their cash. Let the cash cow grazers fail.

High time we lived within our means.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
Perhaps capitalism should be left to die naturally?
We ain't got capitalism.
Yeah, I know, some sh*t about a republic. You got capitalism in every way shape and form Hugo.

If you don't, tell me what you really got.
We got what everyone else has a mixed economy with, in our case,the mixture heading toward more government control of the economy. We are really moving toward fascism at a rapid rate where the government does not directly own the means of production but controls it through regulations, taxes, subsidies, tariffs, etc. Add our military industrial complex to the list and what you see is an economy much like fascism under Mussolini and Hitler.

Capitalism does not die naturally. It can only be thwarted by tyrants, including tyrannical majorities. It can't be killed. No matter how much the USSR tried to kill it the black market remained.

I stop by and purchase produce from a farmer at a roadside stand. That is capitalism untainted by government (providing no income is reported).

We had a republic, not much left of it. A republic that was pretty strongly capitalist. A republic is a form of government. Capitalism is the economic system that naturally exists in the absence of government.
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Oct 21, 2007
I just find it hard to believe that an adult individual, who is so outspoken on issues, is so ignorant not to know the difference between a system of government and an economic system.
Go root your boot, Running Turd. The day your posts approach the insight and dexterity of Hugo's or mine, is the day hell will freeze over.

You're still stinging from the pasting I've dealt you in the immigration threads.

Too slow to see how badly you were set up.

Soopa Mod. :lol:


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
I just find it hard to believe that an adult individual, who is so outspoken on issues, is so ignorant not to know the difference between a system of government and an economic system.
Go root your boot, Running Turd. The day your posts approach the insight and dexterity of Hugo's or mine, is the day hell will freeze over.

You're still stinging from the pasting I've dealt you in the immigration threads.

Too slow to see how badly you were set up.

Soopa Mod. :lol:
I've schooled you just the same as Hugo, he's just more kind to the ignorant, so you can't admit it.

I waited until he replied to you, before I replied as I was at first in shock as I know you aren't a stupid person.

I used to think that this Ronald Reagan quote may apply to you...

The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, but that they know so much that isn't so. ~ Ronald Reagan
but you've proven me wrong.

You really only know what you hear in bumper sticker talking points.
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