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Timmay gets another "Dear John" letter

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Timmay gets another "Dear John" letter


Timmay thorne

Secure Wing

Bruntingthorpe Secure Mental Health Facility



Dear Timmay,

I hope you are well and keeping cheerful despite the 19 hours lock

down you wrote about last time. You are right, 35 years in a lunatic

asylum is a long time, but look on the bright side - only another 25

to go!

Timmay, after ten years of a long distance relationship, I need to

write to you and explain some changes that are going on.

It's hard to know where to start, I'm so confused, but one thing is

for sure - I cannot continue to live the lie that has been my life

since we met in the holding cells that night in Newcastle.

I need to get control of my life back Timmay, to find someone who can

treat me like a real woman in all the ways you never could - someone

with money, a car, a penis.

Let's face it, it's not like you ever treat me like a real girlfriend

by coming over of an evening or inviting me the pictures or a the fish

and chip shop. The last ten years have been barren in terms of my

chances of getting a shag off you, and I know you are locked up, but

you could have tried harder to get out once in a while. To be honest,

Timmay, it's just boring being associated with you.

Anyway, to get to the point: since you've been away things have

changed around here at the high rise. You may remember your best

friend Zeusey, the cute one with the mullet and scary looking gold

rings? Well he is staying over with me, right, just helping out with

the chores and keeping me entertained of an evening. He's been living

here since the day after they took you away actually, but I've kept it

quiet from everyone except the entire neighbourhood includng all your

mates to apre your blushes. A picture of him and me and our first 3

children is enclosed.

He's a real man, and I've now decided to dump you in favour of him

offcially to give the kids a chance ata normal life with a proper

dad. You've no one to blame but yourself - if you weren't so puny and

weak and easily beaten up by children this would not have happened.

Zeus knows how to make a girl happy, let me tell you - he's a big boy

down there, and he knows how to make your technique look really


So goodby then Tim, good luck in the secure wing.

Oh, and I never loved you. Loser.

Your formerly loving girlfriend






Re: Timmay gets another "Dear John" letter

Okay, phew, I've been hanging around too much farm equipment. I could

have sworn that subject line read: "Timmay gets another John Deer


> Suzieflame




Re: Timmay gets another "Dear John" letter

bubbles wrote:

>Okay, phew, I've been hanging around too much farm equipment.





"You've followed me thread to thread, ng to ng (including those you

claim you don't read) for the last year, spanktoy." Paranoid Burton

imagines stalkers in <259v3uc2um3vbs74s9glrn2kgh22b4mfkj@4ax.com>


Re: Timmay gets another "Dear John" letter

On Oct 10, 2:15 pm, Timmay! wrote:

> bubbles wrote:

> >Okay, phew, I've been hanging around too much farm equipment.


> Indeed.


> http://cache.jalopnik.com/cars/tailpipe_man.jpg


Confusious Says...

Man who stick dick in muffler gets "Hot Rod".


Art Deco


Supreme Leader of the Brainwashed Followers of Art Deco

Official "Usenet psychopath and born-again LLPOF minion",

as designated by Brad Guth

COOSN-266-06-39716 - I Like Hot Rods -