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TJ's Big Gay Sex Dream About Me!

I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
Big Gay TJ's Big Gay Sex Dream...

Welcome to the RO sex stud tryouts......if your are just joining us the contestants are now in the group talent phase of the competition' date=' then comes the swimsuit competition followed by the lime jello wrestling competition.RO will then narrow down the group to three finalists who will fly off to Jamaica with him for the final segment of the competition, marathon screwing. I find it interesting that RO bends over for each of them himself, trusting others for this part is not allowed, he is certainly a perfectionist.

Each contestant must screw RO as hard, and as fast as possible, points are given for force applied, speed of each stroke, debth of each stroke, longevity, and extra credit is scored for adding in azz slaps, pulling his hair, and changing angles during the process as long as there is no interruption of the rythm. Points are taken away for slipping out or loosing the rythm.

Contestants will be disqualified if they fail to meet the 15 minute minimum time, this should be an exciting event....... [/quote']

In case you all didn't know, little TJ and I have been going back and forth in a big gay tug-of-war!

To sum things up, I ceded victory to TJ in the "gay sex game". Why did I cede, you might ask?

Alright I will tell you...

A) TJ has said that I have a hard time admitting that I was wrong to instigate a gay sex game.

B) I'm not gay and have no need for a sash and crown.

C) TJ is a far superior mind in the gay sex game arena than I knew, unbeknown to my fellows in the boards, in my heart that I would lose miserably.

D) I'm not gay and would rather not be known as the winner of a gay sex game.

Again, I urge all of you to congratulate TJ on a sweeping victory and welcome our new gay king!


The Full Story (Link to the thread in the off-topic forum)
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TJ's daddy

I'm proud of ya boy.. I always told ya you could do anything if you put your mind to it.. you bring a tear to my eye..

By the way son.. can I borrow your pink garter and red pumps this weekend?


Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
Way to go TJ....you win! You are clearly the gayest member here.

I don't think there's any way that any of us could possibly dispute it! Your grasp of the homosexual mind is flawless and natural. You certainly went above and beyond the call of gay duty here to "win" the GAY SEX GAME. You make Liberace look like a straight up hetero pimp! :D

All hail TJ! LOTQ!!!!!
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Pretty funny how you want to rewrite history RO.

I even sent you a pm trying to warn you not to play this way with me and you kept on pushing your gay games so I had to shut you down, too bad you such at the game "YOU" started.

But your constantly a major dissapointement in the work games RO, it seems your nothing more than a blow hard......but that should serve you well in your gay fantacies.

With all this dodging of the truth there is a big question you run from, why did you want to start this kind of game with me in the first place? Seems like your the one with the Gay Sex Dreams, not me ;)

Now that I have rejected your advances, your going to get ugly?


Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
timesjoke said:
Pretty funny how you want to rewrite history RO.I even sent you a pm trying to warn you not to play this way with me and you kept on pushing your gay games so I had to shut you down, too bad you such at the game "YOU" started.

But your constantly a major dissapointement in the work games RO, it seems your nothing more than a blow hard......but that should serve you well in your gay fantacies.

With all this dodging of the truth there is a big question you run from, why did you want to start this kind of game with me in the first place? Seems like your the one with the Gay Sex Dreams, not me ;)

Now that I have rejected your advances, your going to get ugly?
You really can't comprehend that when a man calls you "sweetheart" or uses a similar term of what is normally reserved for endearment during an exchange of words that he is being condescending toward you?

No....only a narcissistic moron like you would assume it was an actual attempt to hit on you.

emkay truly said it best - TJ, the only way for you to get any dumber is if you grew bigger.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Ali said:
You really can't comprehend that when a man calls you "sweetheart" or uses a similar term of what is normally reserved for endearment during an exchange of words that he is being condescending toward you? No....only a narcissistic moron like you would assume it was an actual attempt to hit on you.

emkay truly said it best - TJ, the only way for you to get any dumber is if you grew bigger.
I don't know what your talking about Ali, this game RO started months ago with RO out of nowhere playing gay sex games with me. I did not want to "respond" to his games unless he was doing out of fun and sent him a private message saying exactly that.

I told RO that in my experience, if someone is playing the gay sex games to be mean or angry, that it always ended badly with my opposition being pissed off. And as it turns out, I was right (as usual). RO started the gay games with me, then he could not compete, and is now pissed off beyone measure and even threatened to come find me in his anger.

This entire thing was started, pressured, and has gotten out of control because of RO, not me, I tried to warn him and he ignored my warning. Why RO was compelled to start gay games with me I have no idea, but it seems me rejecting his advances has caused him a great deal of anger that he is now expressing.

I guess women are not the only ones who get ugly when scorned.
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
timesjoke said:
I don't know what your talking about Ali, this game RO started months ago with RO out of nowhere playing gay sex games with me. I did not want to "respond" to his games unless he was doing out of fun and sent him a private message saying exactly that.I told RO that in my experience, if someone is playing the gay sex games to be mean or angry, that it always ended badly with my opposition being pissed off. And as it turns out, I was right (as usual). RO started the gay games with me, then he could not compete, and is now pissed off beyone measure and even threatened to come find me in his anger.

This entire thing was started, pressured, and has gotten out of control because of RO, not me, I tried to warn him and he ignored my warning. Why RO was compelled to start gay games with me I have no idea, but it seems me rejecting his advances has caused him a great deal of anger that he is now expressing.

I guess women are not the only ones who get ugly when scorned.
Out of control?

Haha... that's laughable. You're laughable.

This thing is perfectly under control, "can't get right". I know exactly what I am doing and what I did, to hopefully END THE BS, was cede victory over to you.

YOU are spinning it out of control with the constant barrage of allegations that I started the gay games and repeating them to ad nauseum! What's the matter? Don't know how to win the right way? Can't get that right? What is it about ceding victory do you not understand?

You won!

You won!

All hail! King TJ, Lord of the Queers!

Ohhhh.... and let it be known all over this forum that I started the gay games but YOU finished them! I admit defeat, I lose, I have lost, I have been beaten and sorely to a far superior power!


All hail! King TJ, Lord of the Queers!
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
timesjoke said:
I even sent you a pm trying to warn you not to play this way with me and you kept on pushing your gay games so I had to shut you down, too bad you such at the game "YOU" started.
Yes, I started it and you won!

All hail, King TJ! Lord of the Queers!
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
So tell us all why you insisted in pushing the gay games RO?

I asked you not to do this if you were going to get upset but you refused to listen, being as gay is on your lips so much, Sounds like your the one obsessing, not me.
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
timesjoke said:
So tell us all why you insisted in pushing the gay games RO?I asked you not to do this if you were going to get upset but you refused to listen, being as gay is on your lips so much, Sounds like your the one obsessing, not me.
In your little world, you think that I am angry. You think that I am upset.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

And I am obsessed with getting this point across to you: I ceded victory of the gay sex game to you, TJ! You won! You beat me! You bested me! You are victorious!

All hail, King TJ! Lord of the Queers.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
RoyalOrleans said:
In your little world, you think that I am angry. You think that I am upset.

Nothing could be further from the truth.
Sure, you threatened to come find me because you were not mad at all.............

Maybe the gullible will buy that lie, but not me.

RoyalOrleans said:
And I am obsessed with getting this point across to you: I ceded victory of the gay sex game to you, TJ! You won! You beat me! You bested me! You are victorious!

All hail, King TJ! Lord of the Queers.
You may have ceded victory but it was a game "YOU" wanted and started RO.

I virtually begged you not to start this game because I knew you did not possess the maturity to play it without getting upset.........and as we all see, I was right.
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
timesjoke said:
Sure, you threatened to come find me because you were not mad at all.............Maybe the gullible will buy that lie, but not me.
Hahaha! You bought it hook, line, and sinker! I baited you with words, and nothing more than shallow words over the Internet, and you bit the hook.

You fell for it, you are the gullible one in this instance. You caved. You showed a weakness. You rolled over to show that soft, pink underbelly.

I took a stab. And you writhed. Now you wallow in embarrassment, you wallow in your own pitiful sludge, you wreak of the stench of stupid.


No matter what you say, no matter how you reply to me; WE ALL know what type of person you really are and WE laugh and mock you.

Again, you bit and I reeled you in!


LOSER! I now light a cigar and tip my glass to you. You were one disgusting leviathan to bring down.

You may have ceded victory but it was a game "YOU" wanted and started RO.I virtually begged you not to start this game because I knew you did not possess the maturity to play it without getting upset.........and as we all see' date=' I was right.[/quote']

This victory I gave to you and I wasn't upset, because I knew there was not a thing I could do about it.

I ceded to a far superior power! All hail King TJ! Lord of the Queers!


Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
timesjoke said:
I don't know what your talking about Ali, this game RO started months ago with RO out of nowhere playing gay sex games with me. I did not want to "respond" to his games unless he was doing out of fun and sent him a private message saying exactly that.I told RO that in my experience, if someone is playing the gay sex games to be mean or angry, that it always ended badly with my opposition being pissed off. And as it turns out, I was right (as usual). RO started the gay games with me, then he could not compete, and is now pissed off beyone measure and even threatened to come find me in his anger.

This entire thing was started, pressured, and has gotten out of control because of RO, not me, I tried to warn him and he ignored my warning. Why RO was compelled to start gay games with me I have no idea, but it seems me rejecting his advances has caused him a great deal of anger that he is now expressing.
Poor RO...how could he have known that you were so well practiced in GAY SEX GAMES!

How many opponents have you gone up against over the years, TJ? How many GAY SEX GAMES are you besting people at currently? Do you have statistics on file you'd care to share with us to prove your superior abilities? I, for one, would love to see them.

When you win a GAY SEX GAME, do you get a blue ribbon or a gold star? Do you keep them in a special GAY SEX GAME WINNER cabinet that you had custom made? Is it purple and glittery with rainbow stickers?

I bet it is. :)

timesjoke said:
I guess women are not the only ones who get ugly when scorned.
Suck it.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
RoyalOrleans said:
Hahaha! You bought it hook, line, and sinker! I baited you with words, and nothing more than shallow words over the Internet, and you bit the hook.

You fell for it, you are the gullible one in this instance. You caved. You showed a weakness. You rolled over to show that soft, pink underbelly.

I took a stab. And you writhed. Now you wallow in embarrassment, you wallow in your own pitiful sludge, you wreak of the stench of stupid.


No matter what you say, no matter how you reply to me; WE ALL know what type of person you really are and WE laugh and mock you.

Again, you bit and I reeled you in!


LOSER! I now light a cigar and tip my glass to you. You were one disgusting leviathan to bring down.
Right, even Ali was in the shout box saying that I didn't know what I had brought on myself, she also thought you were serious but she did not know what I have known for a long time, your a big blow hard from the safety of your computer screen but would piss yourself if we met.

Your a coward who pretends to be a big man on the internet, and when you shot off your mouth and I called your bluff, this scrambling to recapture your dignity started.

Don't think for a second anyone here is buying your BS RO. They are just jumping on the band wagon as they do with anything negative said to or about me, it is as you yourself said before on how some just dissagree with me because they think it is fun.

I called your bluff. You see RO, unlike yourself I am capable of taking care of myself and should you try to harm me or my loved ones, I would put you down without one shread of remorse. That is why I am still here, waiting for you to follow through with your threat.

RoyalOrleans said:
This victory I gave to you and I wasn't upset, because I knew there was not a thing I could do about it.

I ceded to a far superior power! All hail King TJ! Lord of the Queers!
I keep asking, and you keep dodging the same question:

Why did you want to play gay sex games with me in the first place RO? What was it about me that had you making thise sexual advances to me I had to put down?

Hell hath no fury like a RO scorned I guess.
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
timesjoke said:
Hell hath no fury like a RO scorned I guess.
What if your little Bible lied to you and Hell was actually a pleasant place?

I am not mad, not angry, nor am I disgruntled or pissed off! I am merely stating and overstating to ad nauseum the fact that you beat me! Fair and square!

You are the unabashed, uncontested winner of the gay sex games.

Hail Commissar TJ! Minister of the Gay Republic!

I hear your clarion call, now! Oooo nice and appropriate... It's Rainin' Men!

Well I'll just get back to those chicks taking nursing and dental assisting classes at my school. Don't mind me!
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
RoyalOrleans said:
What if your little Bible lied to you and Hell was actually a pleasant place? I am not mad, not angry, nor am I disgruntled or pissed off! I am merely stating and overstating to ad nauseum the fact that you beat me! Fair and square!

You are the unabashed, uncontested winner of the gay sex games.

Hail Commissar TJ! Minister of the Gay Republic!

I hear your clarion call, now! Oooo nice and appropriate... It's Rainin' Men!

Well I'll just get back to those chicks taking nursing and dental assisting classes at my school. Don't mind me!
If you have to offer a "cover" by talking about how your getting back to the "chicks" obviously it is a lie.

Your gay RO, no reason to hide, your fully accepted by society these days, imagine, your just like Barney Frank, I hear he is looking for a new lover, maybe you can succeed with him where you failed with me.

I tried to tell you I was not interested, I am sorry it had to end this way but you being angry is better than me turning gay just to make you happy.

Hell hath no fury like an RO scorned.
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
timesjoke said:
So tell us all why you insisted in pushing the gay games RO?I asked you not to do this if you were going to get upset but you refused to listen, being as gay is on your lips so much, Sounds like your the one obsessing, not me.
You're fun to fukk with.

That's why I started the whole ordeal.

I've said that before and you refused to acknowledge that there wasn't anymore to the reason.

I know your really upset I wont shoot com in your face but again' date=' I am not gay and I will not give into your advances so you may as well give up RO.[/quote']

All ---

Should I add this to my sig?


Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
timesjoke said:
Right, even Ali was in the shout box saying that I didn't know what I had brought on myself, she also thought you were serious but she did not know what I have known for a long time, your a big blow hard from the safety of your computer screen...
I said your big, yammering mouth finally bit off more than it could chew.

RO has my support 100%. I know who and what he's about.

It's funny....even if he did come down and buy you an Orange Julius, you'd still find reason to piss and moan about how things played out, King Queer.

timesjoke said:
...but would piss yourself if we met.
Yeah, from laughter.....at what a douchebag you are. :rolleyes:

RoyalOrleans said:
All ---Should I add this to my sig?
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
RoyalOrleans said:
You're fun to fukk with.That's why I started the whole ordeal.

I've said that before and you refused to acknowledge that there wasn't anymore to the reason.
The reason was your infatuation with me, and as I have seen with women in the past, your now expressing jilted lover actions all over the place, your even now combing my posts on other forums in your desperation to "get even" with being rejected, just like every psychotic b!tch I have ever heard about.

To you rejection of your advances is like an insult, like all men are supposed to want to be with you or something.
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
timesjoke said:
The reason was your infatuation with me, and as I have seen with women in the past, your now expressing jilted lover actions all over the place, your even now combing my posts on other forums in your desperation to "get even" with being rejected, just like every psychotic b!tch I have ever heard about.To you rejection of your advances is like an insult, like all men are supposed to want to be with you or something.
You wish!

Ohhhh wow! The conceit! The ego!

Do you have to wear button-up shirts all the time or do they make t-shirts with neck-holes big enough to put your bulbous, bloated fat head through?