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Tv Brackets

I Am A Low Life Spammer
Aug 21, 2008
We are a leading supplier of LCD and Plasma TV Wall Mounts, Brackets and Stands for all the top brands. We have a strong reputation of providing reliable customer service and top quality products. We continuously strive to make our products and services better. Buying products from us would ensure complete satisfaction and guarantee a trouble free usage. Products offered by us are available at the most competitive prices.Visit our site Top Sellers 123 Brackets TV brackets, wall bracket for LCD TV,plasma TV wall brackets, Vesa TV wall bracket, TV wall mount brackets,LCD tv brackets.. Free Delivery!


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Your IP address shows that you are from Sri Lanka. I see the site is from the UK but I don't order items from shady places.


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
dilruk said:
We are a leading supplier of LCD and Plasma TV Wall Mounts, Brackets and Stands for all the top brands. We have a strong reputation of providing reliable customer service and top quality products. We continuously strive to make our products and services better. Buying products from us would ensure complete satisfaction and guarantee a trouble free usage. Products offered by us are available at the most competitive prices.Visit our site Top Sellers 123 Brackets TV brackets, wall bracket for LCD TV,plasma TV wall brackets, Vesa TV wall bracket, TV wall mount brackets,LCD tv brackets.. Free Delivery!
I'll take 17..

Donald Trump

4071 Trump Tower

New York, NY 90210

Mastercard #2954 5930 0872 6340 ex may 09

Do you happen to sell toupee's too? If so, I'll take 3 of each.. And why don't you just toss an extra $100,000 on there for yourself for being so helpful..
Last edited by a moderator:
Big Time BS
Sep 23, 2007
Be nice, wez.

Spam Zone Every site should have one of these. A forum for members to post links to any site they want. This is a spammers paradise. Only restriction is you must have contributed to the community by making 3 posts in one of the member forums. Want to hype your Viagra site? Do it here.
Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
Wow, glad I stumbled on this post !! My flat panel in my bedroom needs a new mounting bracket. The one I am using now doesn't angle downward quite enough and the picture seems a bit darker when I am laying in bed, but looks fine when I sit up. Thanks for the helpful link... and here I was thinking of shopping at Wal-Mart for a new one. :rolleyes:




Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Bender said:
Wow, glad I stumbled on this post !! My flat panel in my bedroom needs a new mounting bracket. The one I am using now doesn't angle downward quite enough and the picture seems a bit darker when I am laying in bed, but looks fine when I sit up. Thanks for the helpful link... and here I was thinking of shopping at Wal-Mart for a new one. :rolleyes: .

I'm sure an unknown site from over seas would be a safer choice to give access to your financial information though. :rolleyes:
Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
ImWithStupid said:
I'm sure an unknown site from over seas would be a safer choice to give access to your financial information though. :rolleyes:
Ehh, isn't that where Wal-Mart sends the transactions anyway? :cool:.

Big Time BS
Sep 23, 2007
Bender said:
Ehh, isn't that where Wal-Mart sends the transactions anyway? :cool:.

Nah. If they did that, you'd get a 1% international handling fee on your credit/debit card.