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Woman sues adultress and wins 9 million$

Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
I'm inclined to go with sour grapes on this one. Sounds like she wanted the marriage to continue..he didn't and when there was no hope of reconciliation she decided to go after the woman. I know this may all be about accountability...but it really didn't accomplish anything. The lawsuit was won..but the woman likely won't get 9 million, her family will be embarrassed, she has no husband...and the husband gets a divorce....who won really?
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
To me cheating is a symptom of a bad marriage, not a cause. If either the woman or the man cheats, there already was huge problems in the marriage to begin with.

That said I certainly do not think it is right for someone to target a married person for their advances, I have experienced this myself but even when I was single, I did not want to date people I worked with, the old saying "don't get your honey from the same place you get your money" is very good advise.

As far as the woman getting revenge with this lawsuit, I guess it makes her feel better to blame the other woman so she does not have to take responsibility for her own failed relationship, but that will not really make anything better. The award will be tossed out on appeal and this will drag out even more time, the realtionship is over, wasting time on revenge seeking is not something I would call very healthy. This is just a very small sample, but in this limited view of the mindset of the ex-wife, maybe we see why the husband was willing to cheat?

I have been in a similar situation where my ex-wife found someone new while we were married and took off, the guy got her pregnant and then died in a car accident, all of a sudden I didn't look so bad anymore and she wanted to come back home, but if you don't have trust, you don't have a marriage, there was no way I could ever trust her again after that. I do still care about her, I am not the type of guy to get married and make children with someone then hate them, I do not wish any harm or bad on her, I just can't trust her. Our relationship ended, I was part of that relationship and I must bear some of the responsibility for it failing even if I am not sure what I could have done differently, or if nothing I could have done would have changed the outcome. I can't see where trying to blame the third person would get me very far.
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
I'm really questioning the judge's sense and decision on this. They must've gotten the shaft too or something. First of all this woman wasn't the one married to this lady. Sure her morals are questionable for being with a married man, but HE is the one who was married and who cheated on this lady. And for cheating and not going along with his vows and marriage contract (yes, contract) HE should pay his just deserts thru ALIMONY. That is all, but hey, if a judge is willing to rule that way and award her that huge bonanza for that, I'm not hating. It would certainly make ME feel better too to give them the shaft for doing me wrong, too, if I was that lady. But it IS opening a huge can of worms and I see the courts being flooded with similar cases because of this one and it's ruling. Really, there are far more worthy cases that need to be heard and addressed that are on wait than stuff like this.